
What We Really Are


"Do you need help moving into your new home?" Ah Young asked her friend

"No" Eunmi replied "It not a lot of stuff anyway"

"Ok bye" Ah Young wave to her friend and headed home.


Eunmi sat in the empty living room  of her new aparment watching her mum humming to herself

and putting the furniture into place. 

"Eunmi darling could at least could and sort out your new room"

Without saying a word Eunmi headed to her room and saw eveything laid out perfectly, since she already done everything

but her mum never noticed, her mum was always like this innocent, clueless and forgetful. It was the reasaon why Eunmi

didn't like being like a "weak" girl even though she may look like one she refuses to believe that she needs a man to protect

her or even  a man to feed her. If she was like this then she would end up exactly like her mum heartbroken.


Eunmi laid on her bed deep in her thought when suddenly the door bell rang

"Eunmi could you be a darling and get that for me" Her mum called

Eunmi slowly got up and dragged herself to the door. When she opened the door her eyes widened at the person

standing at the door.



Ji Yong stood at his apartment door punching in his password. He opened the to be welcomed by silence, he walked in

and sat down on the couch turning on tv. He looked over to his canine friend sleeping

"Gaho-ah you're not even gonna say hi huh?"

He heard the door open and close then heavy footsteps walk pass him without even saying a thing

"Hi mum." Ji Yong murmured when he heard the door slam causing the silent house create a sound.

Ji Yong walked into his room put on headphones and started to study. Ji yong wasn't really the type to play

around all day even he looks like he would he really a good person, he never drunk before, nor does

he go clubbing to pick radom girls, he just pefers peaceful and quiet places. In the conrner of his eyes he

saw his door open. It was time to eat.

They both ate in silence when they were finished his mum stood up to clean the plates

"There people moving in oppsite of us go and greet them to make a good impression" his mother said without looking at him.

That was the only thing she said to him for the whole entire day. Ji Yong got up and put his shoes on

and went to the greet their neighbour. He rang the doorbell and waited. He saw the door open and reveal

a girl on the other side.

"It you" they both pointed at each other


Hey you guys sorry for not updating for a loooong time but

i had a major writers block >.<

but here a chapter and i will try and update more

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jonghyunie143 #1
jiyoong!! is pretty! :DD
Tabi is back!!!
This stiry is so cute. Thank you for updating :)
YAY! you updated!
waiting for update..
OMIGOSH! i am loving this story
T_____T sad for Eunmi.
It's okay, we can be "Forver Alone" buddies xD
safiahazmi #9
aigoo eunmi ah. it's hard helping your bestfriend to hook up with someone else, especially if you are in love with that bestfriend.
I feel so bad for EunMi...