
What We Really Are



"Ji Yong listen to me ok. I gonna tell you all about Ah Young so listen. Her favourite colour is yellow, she a very active person so she like exercising... Ah Young tends to worry a lot sometimes so you have tell her to relax. She doesn't eat a lot of fast food, or anything unhealthy so don't eat anymore of that anymore." Eunmi stared at Ji Yong who sat across her, taking in what she saying. It hurts to see him so concerated. It hurts to see him so interested in another girl that not her.

"She...she...I'm sorry but I have to-." Without finshing her sentense Eunmi rushed pass Ji Yong and inot the safety of her room. Eunmi slid down door clutching onto her chest, her heart it felt as if needles were being poked into it. Why does everyone like Ah Young?

Why does Ji Yong like Ah Young?


Ji Yong sat on the empty couch staring into the blank TV screen. Lately he has been worried about Eunmi behavior, he thought she was just hurt by the rejection of TaeYang but no matter how he looks at it seems to be something eles. He was worried. He the Tv letting the images relieve his stress.


Eunmi dialled her friends number. She promised she would help Ji Yong and not herself


"Ah Young are you free right now? You wanna meet up Ji Yong, me and TaeYang are gonna to be a that cafe that I love going to yeah I' see you soon."

Eunmi came out of her room

"Ji Yong go to the cafe that I showed you last time, Ah Young is gonna be there. She think me and TaeYang will be there but I'm not going neither is TaeYang so this is your chance  with her. Don't ruin it." Eunmi tried to control her voice from shaking. Once finsihed with what she was saying she left Ji Yong alone.

Ji Yong headed to his room to get ready. He should be happy right? Why was he not. He has a date with Ah Young. He's happy nothing but happy. Checking himself in the mirror he stared into his reflection that showed he was not happy, he wasn't nervous. He had frown on his face. The image of Eunmi invaded his mind. He headed out the door onto the cold pavement making his way to the cafe.

A strong aroma of coffe filled his nose as he search for Ah Young. Making his way towards his date he settle in the seat across.

"Hey, where's Eunmi and TaeYang?" Ah Young said looking up from her book

"It's just you and me today" Ji Yong was surprised at himself. He wasn't shaking his voice was stable, he wasn't nervous, he was playing around with his finger, which was a habit of his when he was nervous. Most of all he was talking to a girl he has never been able to talk to a girl unless that girl was...Eunmi. Image of Eunmi pooped into Ji Yong mind again as he tried his best to focus on Ah Young. Replying, answering, Ji Yong was carrying out a normal conversation. He proud of himself but the only thing that was in his was "Eunmi would be so proud if she saw this."

Eunmi stared at the couple sitting before her in the cafe. they seem to be enjoying each other company no traces of akwardness. The needles entered into Eunmi heart again. Taking in one last sip of her untouched latte she head out the door only to be greeted by the winter breeze. She regretted coming. she regretted setting them up.She regretted falling in love with Kwon Ji nYong that stupid playboy looking idoit that is the kndest person she knows, the boy with a innocent heart, the boy with the perfect smile, the boy she fell in love with. Without looking back Eunmi headed home tears that blurred her vision, heart that ache. She wrapped herself under the covers, wanting to embrace by someone.



Short chapter I know but no one commented on my last chapter so hah! you get a short chapter.

No I'm only joking I'm having a writer block. But do please comment or eles I might stop writing this story and I mean it this time.

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jonghyunie143 #1
jiyoong!! is pretty! :DD
Tabi is back!!!
This stiry is so cute. Thank you for updating :)
YAY! you updated!
waiting for update..
OMIGOSH! i am loving this story
T_____T sad for Eunmi.
It's okay, we can be "Forver Alone" buddies xD
safiahazmi #9
aigoo eunmi ah. it's hard helping your bestfriend to hook up with someone else, especially if you are in love with that bestfriend.
I feel so bad for EunMi...