Everything Will Be Okay


            There was red everywhere. All Baekhyun and Chanyeol could see was red blood spraying from bodies. It was so loud that it felt as if their eardrums were about to burst. The combination of screaming and gun shots rang far too loud in Baekhyun’s brain. He cringed while feeling the wind of people running past him until they knocked him down to the ground. Chanyeol reached for his helpless boyfriend on the pavement, but too many people were pushing him to run away. His vision of Baekhyun was blurring as he could see people nearly trampling him. Baekhyun tried to get up, though no one cared to lift him up. They just kicked and stepped on him. The collision of a sneaker to his lips nearly knocked his weak body unconscious. He couldn’t just sit on the ground helpless; otherwise he’d be shot to death. More importantly, he’d lose Chanyeol.

            He jumped up to his feet seeing more people headed his way. They were running so fast with tears streaming down their faces. Everyone was covered in blood, whether it was their own or someone else’s. Then he could see Minseok and Jongdae running together. Their hands were interlocked tight, and they had tears forming in their eyes. On the ground behind them were Jongdae’s mother and Minseok’s father. Bullet holes in their chests and arms were pouring blood. Baekhyun ran to his best friends until he saw a bleeding bullet-hole form into Minseok’s chest. It was nearly in his heart. Jongdae screamed out in fear seeing the blood. He looked frantically connecting eyes with Baekhyun.

“Help me Baekhyun! Please we have to save him,” Jongdae screamed lifting Minseok into his arms.

            Baekhyun grabbed onto Jongdae, leading him far away from the soldiers that were still firing rapidly. It was harder to run while more and more bodies blocked all paths. They needed to hide and save Minseok. The road that led to the shack was just around the corner, so Baekhyun pushed Jongdae towards the correct direction. While they turned away from the bloody road, Chanyeol was just on the other side. He saw Minseok who was bleeding from the chest and coughing up blood. He knew there was no time to explain, so he took Minseok out of Jongdae’s arms. Chanyeol is far stronger than all of them, so not only was he able to hold Minseok with ease, but he could run fast as well. That was the only benefit of such long limbs.

            While they ran, Baekhyun could see the army walking up the street shooting everyone in sight. He told everyone to run faster, but a bullet could easily reach them from such distance. To avoid anymore bleeding, they turned into a row of houses. Jongdae was pouring tears from his eyes while they reached the shack. The blankets, food, and extra clothes were still inside. Chanyeol laid Minseok down and poured water into his mouth. His skin was nearly a ghost white while his mouth and chin held bright red blood stains. Those handsome round brown eyes were pouring tears.

“I-I’m dying,” Minseok cried.

“This is all my fault! I should have turned myself in! Minseok please don’t die on me. Please! We promised to grow up together, remember?! We promised!”

“D-don’t blame yourself Baek… Listen to me, okay? You…You and Chanyeol better stay in love forever… Live in nothing but happiness.”

“Don’t do this, Minseok,” Chanyeol spoke with tears. “Stay here with us. We can save you!”

“I-I can’t hang on… Jongdae…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how I felt sooner.”

            Minseok reached a bloody and shaking hand to the back of Jongdae’s head. He weakly pulled down the crying boy allowing their lips to touch gently. Baekhyun looked down with tears fogging his vision. A beautiful new romance was dying as soon as it began. It was dying against its own will. Jongdae rubbed Minseok’s head smiling.

“I love you, Minseok. We’re going to be together again in heaven, promise?”


            Their hands interlocked and their foreheads stayed pressed up against each other until Minseok closed his eyes. Baekhyun cried loudly into Chanyeol’s chest. Chanyeol bit his lip, trying to stop himself from crying, but this vision of Jongdae crying onto Minseok’s chest broke his heart. He pulled away from his boyfriend to comfort his friend. Though Jongdae shook his head and stood up to his feet.

“I need to bring his body to the medical center,” he spoke blankly.

“You can’t go out there.”

“We can’t leave him here, Baek! I’ll go alone…”

“No you can’t do that. Let me go with you. We’ll get there faster if I’m holding him,” Chanyeol said standing up.

“No! You promised to not leave my side. Don’t go now while they’re shooting everyone down!”

“Baekhyun, we’ll be okay. I promise. Just stay here and we’ll be back in an hour.”

            Chanyeol held Baekhyun tight. He could see the fear in his boyfriend’s eyes. The chances of him not coming back were high, but they couldn’t leave Minseok here. He deserves a morgue at the very least. Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s neck and kissed him with such passion. Jongdae gathered a blanket and placed it over Minseok’s body before Chanyeol could lift him. Baekhyun waved goodbye to the two as they ran away towards the medical center. This could very easily be the last time he sees the boys alive.

            The two could still hear people screaming, but there weren’t nearly as many gunshots as they heard before. Either the army was giving up, or nearly everyone in town was dead by now. It was important to avoid any major roads, because soldiers were probably still looking around. Chanyeol knew all the side roads to take, and Jongdae ran behind keeping high alert. There were bodies leaning against walls even on the side roads. It looked as if these people ran here to die peacefully, if that was even possible. As they neared the medical office, they saw the army walking towards the fields. It scared Chanyeol because his boyfriend is sitting patiently in the shack waiting for them to come back. The soldiers can easily shoot him before they return.

            Jongdae noticed the fear in his friend’s eyes, but he had to get Minseok in a resting place for now. They waited for the last soldier to leave their vision before running to the medical office just a few hundred feet away. It was freakishly quiet inside, but Chanyeol nearly fell over at the site of a nurse behind the desk. Her head was blasted to bits against the wall behind her. Jongdae closed his eyes pushing his friend to the morgue. They saw an open door, almost as if it was waiting for Minseok’s body. The pair laid the body down and pulled the sheet away to get one last look at him. Tears fell again from Jongdae’s eyes. Chanyeol let him have his moment until the door slammed opened behind them. Two soldiers stood behind them with guns in their hands. Jongdae felt as if he was looking at the exact people who shot his lover down.

“You stupid idiots,” Jongdae screamed nearly charging towards them.

“Stop it! They’re going to shoot you if you do that!”

“Shoot me! ing shoot me you s! You killed him! You took him away from me!”

“You need to calm down right now,” a soldier yelled pointing his gun.

“STOP,” Chanyeol screamed terrifying everyone. “I’m the one you are looking for! I’m Park Chanyeol! Just take me and leave him alone!”

            The solider smirked evilly before pulling the trigger. Hearing the shot of a rifle in a small room filled with nothing to absorb the sound nearly knocked Chanyeol on his knees. He could smell the powder and hear the bullet zoom towards him. It just missed his face, nearly gliding passed his ears. Jongdae’s screaming stopped. It was silent again. There was a sound of a body hitting the ground. Chanyeol turned around terrified seeing Jongdae laying on the tiled floor, blood pouring out his head. A bullet smoothly cut through his skull right at the forehead. He could feel his legs give out at the site of another best friend dead on the ground. The two soldiers grabbed Chanyeol while his defenses were down. He kicked, screamed, and swung his arms, but it was no use with their strength. Chanyeol was captured. 

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Chapter 13: Okay, I absolutely LOVE this!!! But one thing, yeah, love isn't easy, but I'm PRETTY sure that it doesn't get this hard...
Chapter 14: This was awesome! :D
Chapter 14: And they live happily ever after ♥
Thanks for this great story !
Chapter 13: Ahahahahaha yesssss a sweet revenge baby
Chapter 12: Finally no secrets !! And baek's mom now join them yay!
Chapter 11: Curse junha ! Curse dr.hwang !
Chapter 10: What kind of demon is dr.hwang ?
Chapter 9: Thanks god his mother is an angel :')
Chapter 8: you #1++_@@*#@@!*@# heartless father !!!!
Chapter 7: Mwoyaaaaaaaaa ???????????