No Turning Back


            There was a long dirt road that ran through all of the fields in Bongha Village. Wheat was on the left side and the vegetables and cattle were on the other. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were standing in the middle of this dirt road and about ten men saw them looking with hands locked together. A young man came jogging towards them dressed in his camouflage uniform. It was obvious by the look on his face that he was getting tired of coming up to people and asking the same questions. What is your name? How long have you lived here? What year were you born?

            Chanyeol had to squeeze his boyfriend’s hand tight to stop him from running away. The reason this army searched high and low in all parts of Korea was for one person, and this one person was standing right in front of them. If they acted calm enough, Chanyeol was sure he and Baekhyun could sneak away.

“Hello,” the solider began. “I hate to bother you both but I’m here to-“

“We know why you’re here. You’ve been doing this for years. How’s the search going?”

“The same as it’s been the past nineteen years, I guess. It’s standard procedure for me to ask you both a few questions. I’ll make it quick.”

“Sure that’s fine,” Chanyeol smiled fakely.

“Can I have your names and birth dates?”

“My name is Park Chanyeol and I was born in November of 1992.”

            The soldier turned to Baekhyun waiting for an answer, but no words escaped past his drying lips. He just stared at the ground with fear consuming every bone of his body. Chanyeol tried to squeeze his hand again to snap him out of the trance, but it didn’t work. Behavior like this was normal to soldier. People got frustrated all the time with being asked such personal questions. Though in the handbook made by President Byun, he stated always take extra caution with those who refuse to answer.

“Young man I need your name,” he said again folding his arms.

“I-it’s Baekhyun… My name is Byun Baekhyun.”

“Alright Baekhyun. Can I have your birthdate?”

“May of 1992.”

            Here was a young man, twenty-one years old and with the last name just like the president. The missing son should be this age and should have been born in May of 1992. A lot of young men were born in that same month with exact last names, so it wasn’t too unusual to the soldier. But it’s not that common of a coincidence that extra precautions should be taken. At this point he observed Baekhyun to see if his face looked anything like the president or the first lady. Their faces were a bit fogged in his memory, but Baekhyun looked like them in ways. With a calm manner, the soldier reached into his satchel and pulled out something he kept tucked in his hands. A couple other men looked over because whatever he was about to do doesn’t happen often.

“I need you to extend your arm out for me Baekhyun.”

“Why? I’m not doing that,” he spoke nervously looking at Chanyeol.

“Baek its fine. Just do it.”

“I’m not doing that! Leave me alone!”

            With force, the young man grabbed Baekhyun’s arm and extended out before him. Chanyeol held onto his boyfriend’s shoulders trying to hold him back from fighting. With a lift of the sleeve, a cold needle stabbed into Baekhyun’s arm drawing out blood. A slight growl a pain sounded from the young man before he threw a fist into the soldier's face. As the soldier hit the floor, the needle fell out and Baekhyun took off running pulling Chanyeol behind him.

“Stop them,” the soldier yelled.

            The couple ran down the street as fast as their feet allowed them. Quickly turning a corner, they dove into the field of wheat and moved far into it. Chanyeol was panting by the time they stopped and fell to the dirt in exhaustion. There were no words being exchanged between the two of them. Half the South Korean army was out looking for them while one solider had the blood of Baekhyun. His blood reveals the truth to everyone. After nearly two minutes of not saying a word, Chanyeol turned around stared at his boyfriend.

“What was that, Baek?!”

“I don’t know! I got scared! They were going to find out who I am!”

“They have your blood! It’s too late… They’re going to be searching for us now.”

“…What do we now?”

“I don’t know babe… I don’t have a ing clue.”


            It was around eight at night and temperatures were dropping fast. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were still out in the wheat fields, pressed up against each other tight trying to get some sort of warmth. They were nearly freezing to death, but they felt warmth in their hearts. Despite the circumstances, being so close to each other for so long felt like a blessing. Chanyeol looked down at his boyfriend who was nearly falling asleep. When someone falls into slumber in icy weather, chances are they won’t wake up. He kissed Baekhyun slowly before lifting him up into a sitting position.

“Let’s go to Jongdae’s. His house is just down the street.”

“What if the soldiers are there,” he pouted.

“We can’t stay here. We’ll freeze to death. Please come with me.”

            Reluctantly, Baekhyun got up and walked out of the fields carefully with his boyfriend squeezing his hand tight. There were no signs of soldiers looking for them anymore, or anyone outside at all. It was never this quiet at night, which put the pair more on edge then they had planned to be. Thankfully, Jongdae’s large farm home was just down the road, but something didn’t sit right with going there for Baekhyun. He just moved his freezing legs behind Chanyeol who was scanning every inch for the soldiers. After nearly fifteen minutes of walking, they arrived at the front doors of their friend’s home. Chanyeol pushed Baekhyun behind him just in case it wasn’t Jongdae who opened the door.

“Guys what are you doing here,” Jongdae spoke quietly after hearing the knocking.

“We need somewhere to stay. The army is out looking for me and Baekhyun. I’m sure they’re waiting for us back at our homes.”

“Well, I know they’re looking for you both. They blocked anyone from getting in or out of Bongha. But what the did you do to have the Korean army after you?!”

“I’m the president’s son,” Baekhyun sighed.

“This isn’t a joke Baek…”

“I’m not joking. My grandmother, or who I thought was my grandma had been forced to raise me. Some guy brought me here when I was two and I’ve been in Bongha since. Look I know it’s a lot to take in, but we can’t just stand on your front porch. Can we come inside, please?”

“Look, I want to bring you inside, but there are soldiers out in the field looking for you two. People have told them that if you’re not in your homes then you’re with me or Minseok. You need to hide somewhere else.”

“There’s no where to go Jongdae,” Chanyeol almost yelled. “I don’t want us to freeze to death! Help us…”

“There’s an abandoned home at the end of the road. The army has already searched it and they probably won’t look again. It’s covered in dead vines and filled with leaves. I know it’s not the cleanest place, but it’s somewhere. Please go before they see you.”

            Chanyeol thanked his friend for the little help he gave before dragging Baekhyun away. Jongdae looked pale knowing his closest friends had to sleep out in the freezing weather. The army was in his backyard searching high and low for them so it wasn’t worth the risk. Now that they have Baekhyun’s blood, it’s only a matter of time before they have it tested to see his DNA. That will only prove that he really is Byun Jitae, and whatever happens next won’t be good. The president is already livid not having his son found after nineteen years of searching. Who knows what the punishment will be for the village of Bongha.

            The house that Jongdae had recommended was standing before the couple. It looked like it hadn’t been touched in over ten years. There were brown vines with dead leaves wrapping over every inch of the exterior. They even stretched into the broken windows and consumed the interior. Crunchy leaves covered the floor in piles, making small noises under each footstep the boys took. Chanyeol sat down on an old chair that was a bit wobbly, turning Baekhyun around to have him sit on his lap. They were face to face, smiling bright despite their situation. Baekhyun pulled down Chanyeol’s hat to keep his ears warm, but he knew that wouldn’t make much a difference.

“Yeol, you don’t have to do this. I don’t want you to get in trouble with the president.”

“With your father…”

“Yeah, with my father… I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Baekhyun, I promised you that I wouldn’t leave your side anymore. I’m going to stick to that promise whether you want me to or not.”

            Before he could even argue, Chanyeol silenced his boyfriend with a deep kiss. Their arms wrapped around each other tight while the kiss grew more passionate. Chanyeol wasn’t going to let the army take away his hyung. They would have to kill him before he let them know where Baekhyun was hiding. Hopefully, it will never get to that point… 

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Chapter 13: Okay, I absolutely LOVE this!!! But one thing, yeah, love isn't easy, but I'm PRETTY sure that it doesn't get this hard...
Chapter 14: This was awesome! :D
Chapter 14: And they live happily ever after ♥
Thanks for this great story !
Chapter 13: Ahahahahaha yesssss a sweet revenge baby
Chapter 12: Finally no secrets !! And baek's mom now join them yay!
Chapter 11: Curse junha ! Curse dr.hwang !
Chapter 10: What kind of demon is dr.hwang ?
Chapter 9: Thanks god his mother is an angel :')
Chapter 8: you #1++_@@*#@@!*@# heartless father !!!!
Chapter 7: Mwoyaaaaaaaaa ???????????