005. More Trouble

DAS5Y ⇔ DAS9I ⇒ Story Starts {App Closed}


005. More Trouble


April 16th 2013 - 11 PM

Min sits on the couch, Ari sits across from her, her laptop on the coffee table, and she’s leaning down to type. Min shifts uncomfortably as Ari hits enter and sits up to look at Min. Ari sighs softly, shaking her head slowly. She was somewhat glad that Jonghyun’s manager came to get him quickly, she was glad for that.

“There are rumours spreading already.” Ari leans over to read the article. “Was Min of DASAY really seen out with a man? Late in the night too, without any other members, was Min on a date with this mysterious man?” Ari reads, looking at Min.

“They don’t know it’s him, but they do know it’s you. We’re a rookie group, Min! Rookie groups with rumours and scandals won’t be a good thing.” She says. Min nods to her, looking at her hands.

“I’m sorry, I…I didn’t think they’d realise it was me.” Min says softly, glancing up at Ari, she sighs again.

“I know, you are…it’s, it’s alright. Everything will be fine.” Ari nods slowly, running a hand through her hair. “Maybe manager-unni will get an answer from the company about what to do.” She says. Min nods her head and looks at her hands. “We should go to bed.” Ari says, standing with Min.

October 18th, 2013 2 PM

DASAY was officially placed on semi-probation on the 17th, the girls were to only attend music shows and go home – they weren’t allowed to be on radio shows or any other type. They didn’t know how long it was going to last, but they did know not to anger the company.

Ryu sat a close by park alone, she was planning on calling her parents, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it, she knew they would ask how things were going. Although Ryu isn’t a very emotional girl, she still didn’t want to let anything slip. Ryu sighs and stands, she starts walking down the pathway and stops as she sees someone, they both recognise each other and bow, but from the closeness, they hit each other’s heads. Ryu makes a sound of pain and steps back, placing a hand on her head.

“Ah, sorry, I didn’t…uhm, realise how close we were.” He says, bowing his head a little. He glances at Ryu and shrivels up inside from her gaze. “Sorry, noona.” He says softly.
Ryu stares at him before letting out a soft chuckle and covers with a hand; he looks up at her in shock.

“What…did I say something funny?” He asks, Ryu shakes her head and calms herself down.

“I’m younger than you.” Ryu says, and his face goes red, Ryu lets out another soft chuckle. “It’s alright, you didn’t know, right?” Ryu asks with a sort-of-soft-smile. He nods slowly, shifting awkwardly where he stands. Something clicks inside ofRyu’s head, she knows she shouldn’t, but she wants to. She steps closer to him and holds out her hand. “Do you have a phone?” She asks.

“Yeah…I do.” He says, taking it out. Ryu takes it from him and enters her number into it, under the name R. She hands it back to him.

“Message me later.” She says before walking away with a small smile, only to stop and turn to him. “Nice meeting you, oppa!” She says, laughing evilly inside of her head as his face goes a deep red. She runs off and back towards the dorm.

Ryu heads inside of a local corner store to buy the members something to eat; she looks around the store and buys random things before leaving with two plastic bags. She walks towards the dorm, with a small bounce in her step. She stops dead in her tracks when she reaches the dorm, a group of fans and reporters are standing around the dorm entrance, screaming for the members. She backs up slowly, her body going prickly with sweat. Ryu runs across the street and hides in an alleyway.
Ryu puts the bags down and calls Ari as she leans against the wall.

“Unni, I’m trapped out here.” Ryu says as Ari answers her phone. She can hear shuffling and Ari calling out for the other members.

“You’re outside the dorm? Wait a sec.” Ari says, her end going silent. Ryu looks towards the building as the screaming gets louder; Ari is looking out of a window. Ari’s eyes go wide as she spots Ryu and she steps back behind the curtain. “There’s no way for you to get in without getting trapped in that. Wait another second.” Ari says, the line going silent again.

Ryu stands there, her stomach sinking and her heart beating loudly in her ears. She takes deep breathes in and runs her hand through her hair a few times.

“Manager-unni says that she called After School’s manager, he’ll pick you up and take you to their dorm. Later, we’ll meet at the music show and you’ll come home with us.” Ari says. Ryu breathes out slowly and nods.

“Okay, that’ll work.” She says, they both bid their goodbyes and hang up. Ryu waits a few minutes before the van pulls up, she grabs the bags and runs into the van, the fans and reporters notice her only then and chase after the van.

Ryu turns in her seat and pauses, blinking at the figures inside of the van.

“You…aren’t After School-unni’s…” She says slowly, blinking a few times, the bags of food and drink sliding off of her lap and onto the floor of the van.

“We could wear heels, if you want.” One jokes, with a wide grin.

Ryu stares at them, and in the back of her mind, she can see herself being hung up and shot millions of times for the rumours about to follow her.

author's note .


What....what is this?! Ryu! Ryu where are you going! Oh no~! Don't worry, she's not being kidnapped, aha.............right...Cats? She's not...right?!
Cats: She's not, stop worrying, it's just a twist. c:



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Chapter 25: Our eulah is growing up :'D LOL
Don't be nervous Min! Fighting~
Hmmm Chi who are you catching up with? ;D
--geeniee #2
Chapter 25: our eulah going for a date <3
omg min gonna have a solo *^*
Chapter 25: Awwwwww!! Euljae~~~~~ So cute, my heart hurts!
--geeniee #4
Chapter 1: i was wondering what has been updated?
until i saw te author note xD
yay the member profile <3
--geeniee #5
Chapter 24: loving the performance *^*
my minha feel lol <3
but having euaerin's part is so cool omg rapper <3
--geeniee #6
Chapter 23: its okae cats^-^
ill be anticipated for your next longer chap tho!
aww, chi have a love interest *^*
--geeniee #7
Chapter 22: omg comeback ish here!
i cant wait to listen to all of the songs <3
but now have to eat first aha xD