Untitled Subject • 3


To: [email protected]
CC: _____________________________________________________________
Subject: __________________________________________________________

I may or may not have accidentally deleted a draft of the email I was supposed to send you. My apologies, I'm too idiotic sometimes. Or well, my laptop is ( it spazzed just before I sent the email ). Anyway, it's me. SJH back again. And I hate it when laptops just suddenly spaz and things muck up.

Anyway, exams are over and summer break is about to begin. I'm so excited! :) Everything has been alright lately and my cold has disappeared completely haha... But I do still have a few problems... A friend of mine is currently really sick at the moment... She's not getting any better, apparently it's because of something she ate... Must have been something spoilt or something... She's currently in hospital and the doctors are taking care of her... Hopefully she gets better... I feel really bad now, we both fought just recently and now she's sick. I can't even remember what we were fighting about now...

But yeah... I guess that's it. Since break is coming up soon, I really hope everything will go well... Results... Scare me. I guess I'm done.

Advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I guess...?


Message sent at 1.17pm December 8 2013

I smiled as I clicked send and shut down my laptop. The soft whir of my laptop fills my ears as a scented candle flickers, emmitting the waft of a vanilla that immediately makes me sleepy. I was relaxed, my eyes began to droop slowly over my vision. I walked to bed... I smile softly as I slid myself into my warm, inviting bed.

And slept peacefully...

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StrawberryFrozen #1
This is interesting :)