Chapter T w o;;

A Soundless World


A Soundless World
Actions Always Speak Louder Than Words
Chapter T w o;;
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It felt like an eternity had passed, but he found himself waking up one day. The sound of his heart monitor continued to beep quietly as his eyes fluttered open. He was suddenly greeted by the bright sun rays that peaked through his window, along with the faint gasp of a high pitched individual. He inwardly groaned, his head pounding as he shut his eyes tightly. Lifting up his hand, he then placed it on the area that was annoyingly pulsing.


“,” was the first thing he said and noticed how ungodly dry his throat was... Not to mention the very scratchy tone his voice was, “Water...”




Wincing at the sound of his voice, the bed ridden male turned his head and glared at the owner of the squeaky voice, “God, don't talk anymore... I never realized how ungodly annoying your ing girly voice was until now.”


“Hyung~!” Junsu practically cried out as he threw himself on JaeJoong and hugged him tightly, “I'm so glad you've kept your head!”


“Kept my head...? What the hell are you smoking?” the hospital patient questioned as he tried to pry off his friend. Junsu merely giggled, pulling away as he smiled happily.


“They said that there was a chance that you'd lose your memory,” the younger one explained as he stood up straight, his abnormally cheerful voice now turned to that of complete seriousness, “You sustained multiple head injuries... There was a huge chance that you'd wake up with amnesia. Your parents were worried... You know.”


“Damnit...” he sighed as he looked away and stared at the IV bag, “If I didn't die then, then I'm going to die now.”


“What are you talking about?” the other blinked as he sat down on the chair.


“My dad already flipped earlier,” he explained as he rolled his eyes, “He already threatened to ship my over to Cheongug Village if I got into another fight.”


“Cheongug Village? Never heard of it...”


“The place where my parents met and used to live... Apparently I lived there for awhile... I can't even remember that place all that well. But I know it's in the middle of nowhere.”


“Sounds like paradise,” Junsu laughed as he got up, “Well, I gotta go tell everyone that you're awake.”


“ me.”


“Oh by the way,” Junsu paused as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace, “Your necklace thingy.”


“What necklace thingy?” he turned his attention to Junsu's hand. Within the male's hand was a thin chained necklace that had a flower-ish charm. JaeJoong merely continued to stare at it before unconsciously taking it.


“I dunno,” the other replied with a shrug, “The paramedics said that they found you clutching onto it and you wouldn't let it go until you passed out again. Where did you get that?”


Raking his brain for an answer, it took him a small bit to remember a blurry image of someone ripping something from their neck and giving it to him, “Someone... Gave it to me.”


Junsu once again nodded, “Well okay... I'll be right back.”


- - -


It wasn't until another three weeks later that JaeJoong found himself in a train to the countryside. Although he recovered from his injuries, he still had to be careful with his ribs. His prediction was correct, he did sustain a few cracked ribs and he had to be careful with his physical activity. There was still bruises and cuts all over him; however there weren't that many on his face... Thank God.


The moment his father stomped into his hospital room, he went ballistic. Telling him how of a disappointment he was to their family, not to mention how hard headed he ing was... Apparently he needed to grow the up and take responsibility for himself. His mother tried to defend him, but his father practically snapped at her and returned his anger back at him. Ran Young then proceeded to tell him that the moment he was discharged, he was going to live the rest of his high school days at Cheongug Village, with a family friend of theirs.


“No more parties, no more clubs and especially no more fights! If I hear that you got into another fight... I swear on your great grandfather's grave... You're through!”


ing douche... He mentally grumbled as he leaned against the window and stared out at the blandness of greenery. And that's all there was too! Nothing but tress, flowers and ing grass. Was this place seriously in the middle of nowhere? He was partially exaggerating when he told Junsu that Cheongug Village was in the middle of nowhere, but he would have expected to see some type of modernized thing around here.


“Ugh... This is so ing stupid...” he grumbled out loud this time, his dark eyes glaring at the beautiful scenery the train was currently passing by, “This is just great too... I lost everything... My friends, my car, my title... My ing life!”


The elderly lady who sat across from him suddenly turned to him, her aging face turned to that of complete annoyance when she shot him a glare, “Can't you mumble about your teenage angst elsewhere? Some people are trying to relax!”


JaeJoong couldn't help but just stare at her, his expression... Appalled. Did some five hundred year old hag just snap at him? Were all people from the country like this? Oh ... I'm going to be eaten alive... And they're going to start mentally!


As much as he wanted to help her kick the bucket, the male merely shot her his own famous glares before turning his attention back to the greenery outside. He rather be staring at something living... Rather than the dying hag across from him.


Another three hours of absolute blandness had passed and JaeJoong found himself waking up with a start. The train had came to an abrupt stop and the annoying voice of the train's intercom informed him of his destination. He stared out of the window, a small station greeted his eyes while he grabbed his bag and his his luggage and made it way out of the train. Once making it outside, he was already getting attacked by insects.


“God... Damnit!” he practically snarled as he swatted away a few bugs. He probably looked really silly looking, but seriously, this wasn't his day at the moment.


“Kim JaeJoong! Yah! Kim JaeJoong!”


Pausing at mid-swat, JaeJoong instantly looked around... Looks like his ride was here, but he had no idea who exactly he was looking for. His father really didn't give him much of a description or even a picture at least. All he really said was that they'll find him.


“Over here! Over here!”


Turning toward the station, he finally noticed—what seemed to be a 13-14 year old school boy—jumping up and down and flailing his hands around. JaeJoong couldn't help but rise a brow; was this kid his ride home? Shaking his head, he grabbed his rolling suitcase and began to make his way toward the jumping bean that was calling out his name.


“Finally,” the kid sighed heavily as he adjusted his messenger bag and began to give JaeJoong a once over before speaking again, “Took you a bit to reply, you deaf or something?”


“No,” was all the older male said, his tone very flat. The kid then shrugged before he whirled around and began to make his way inside the station and out the main entrance way. Again, JaeJoong grumbled... Grabbing the handle to his suitcase, he began to drag it as he followed the kid to the parking lot. The kid then stopped near a... Really old looking truck. Which caused the older male to just... Stare.


“My mom will be back soon, you can just put your stuff in the back,” the kid suddenly said as he leaned against the door of the passenger side. He merely waited for a few moments, expecting that the kid help him out with his suitcase, but seeing as the kid wasn't moving from his spot, he once again... Grumbled and awkwardly began to lift his suitcase before tossing it in the back.


Wait a minute! For a person who was an acclaimed fighter in all of Seoul; who can throw a nasty punch and a kick and survive a twenty four versus one brawl ... Why the hell was he having a hard time with picking up his suitcase and putting it in the back of a truck?


Don't you remember, I have cracked ribs currently in the process of healing! He mentally snapped.


Oh... That's right. My bad...


“Tae Jin, I'm back! Did you get Jae—Oh, you did.”


Both males then turned to the voice of a female... An aging female, but she still looked to be pretty young. Smiling at the two, she then made her way toward the passenger side of the truck and began to unlock it.




“Ah JaeJoong, it's been awhile,” she laughed as she looked him over and placed her hands on his shoulders, “Wow... You've grown to be so big! I remember when you were just this tiny little crybaby who never let go of your mother's leg.”


What the ...? Who the hell is this lady?


“Oh, you don't remember me, do you?” she laughed and somewhat freaked him out... It suddenly felt like she was reading his mind, “You never really called me by my name anyway... It was always Ahjumma. But I'm Min Jee and this is my son, Tae Jin. You wouldn't know him though... I had him a few years after you left Cheongug.”




What did she really expect him to say anyway?


After a little more attempted chitchat, Min Jee then ushered both boys inside the truck; Tae Jin sitting in the very middle while JaeJoong sat in the passenger seat. The ride was actually pretty quiet too, minus the small talk between the mother and son duo. JaeJoong on the other hand merely rolled down the window and leaned against the tiny space as he stuck out one hand and kind of stuck out his head as they drove down what seemed to be the main road.


Luckily, the drive wasn't really a long one. Around fifteen minutes later, Min Jee drove into a dirt path, startling JaeJoong when he inhaled some dust and dirt and began to cough. He quickly leaned back and sat up straight before rolling the window up a bit. After another few seconds, Min Jee then stopped the truck and turned it off before she opened the door and hopped out, with Tae Jin following the suit.


Staring out the front window, JaeJoong then eyed the house he would be spending the rest of his high school days. It looked really small, the property was pretty small and the patio looked like one of those... Outside hall decks you see in those NHK dramas. And yes, he was willing to admit that he did watch those... He liked the action and it was fun watching those without subtitles and know what they're talking about.


In other words, he knew Japanese.


Rolling his eyes, he finally decided to hop out of the truck, before slamming it shut and made his way over to the back. He frowned; his two thousand dollar (American money) Armani suitcase was covered in dust and dirt. Fan-ing-tastic... He angrily shook his head as he leaned over and awkwardly tried to pick up his luggage without straining himself too much. His sides still hurt and he was beginning to regret packing all the he packed.


“Do you want some help?” Tae Jin called out from the patio. Dropping his luggage, the older male looked over at the younger one... An expression of annoyance in his pretty boy face.


“Now you decide to see if I needed help?” he muttered bitterly before speaking out loud, “If you could...”


The adolescent nodded, slipping on his slippers and walked over to the truck to help JaeJoong with his luggage, “I wasn't told that you were still recovering from some injuries... So, sorry about earlier, but you could have said something.”


“Ever heard about pride, kid?” he questioned bluntly as he and Tae Jin picked up his suitcase and gently placed it on the dirt driveway.


“Oh... Right...” was all he said as he frowned and walked away. And once again, JaeJoong was left to fend for himself... However, he geniusly decided to walk over to his new home. It took a small bit for him to drag his rolling suitcase up the small flight of stairs, but once he got to the top, he was utterly glad that this place wasn't a two story.


“Tae Jin, can you show JaeJoong to his room?” he suddenly heard Min Jee yell out from...Somewhere. The said kid got up from his seat on the floor, Tae Jin then notioned the older male to follow him down the hall and into an empty room. Stopping at the doorway, JaeJoong quietly looked around... Bed, closet, a dresser, a mirror, a night stand, a lamp and a window with thin drapes.


“My closet is bigger than this room...” he suddenly stated. Tae Jin turned to the older male, a weird expression on his face before he rolled his eyes and shook his head.


“Sorry, our Royal Suites are all booked...” was the only thing he said as he turned around and went to go back to watch some TV. Huh, so the kid knew how to bite back... He'd give him that much. But there was nothing else how could do anyway...


And without much of a second thought, he went inside and began to settle himself inside his new life.


It was around sunset when Tae Jin came walking down the hall and peaked into his new room. The kid didn't really say anything, seeing as he was too occupied at staring at the newly decorated place, but when his eyes landed on JaeJoong, who was currently putting on a different shirt, he then decided to speak up, “Hyung... Can I call you that?”


Turning around, the older male merely stared for a moment, “If you want...”


“Well uh... Dinner's ready if you're hungry,” was all Tae Jin said as he walked past his room and went over to the room right across from his. There was some silence, but then he watched as the kid walked out and kept the door open. Staring at the door for a moment, JaeJoong watched as a girl walked out, clad in a really loose shirt and pj pants before she closed her door and walked past him.


“Huh...” he snorted as he got up from his bed and went to go follow her to the dining area.


“Hope you guys are really hungry,” Min Jee laughed as she untied her apron and hung it on a hook, which was placed next to the refrigerator, “I kinda cooked a bit more than I should of... But enjoy the meal anyway~”


Seeing as the table was fitted for four people, JaeJoong quietly sat down on the only available seat. There was some silence, until Tae Jin started rambling about his day at school to his mother and as for the girl, she completely ignored her family and continued to quietly eat. Every now and then, the mother and son duo attempted to coax JaeJoong into the conversation; however he only gave them one to two word answers and not really elaborated on anything.


Soon the girl got up from her seat, her plates and chopsticks all piled before she turned to the kitchen and began to rinse out everything. She then stuck them into a dishwater before washing her hands and walked back to her room... At least, from what he believed.


“I don't suppose you remember my daughter?” Min Jee questioned as she began to clean up her area as well. Returning his attention back to his host, JaeJoong quietly shook his head, “Oh... I see, you two used to be so close too.”


“Her name's Mae Hwa, if you wanted to know...” Tae Jin added as he finished up his last bite.


To be honest, he really didn't care... But now he knew anyway and apparently, he used to be friends with this girl as well. And it was beginning to bug him as to why he couldn't remember anything about this place.


“It's alright dear,” Min Jee laughed quietly as she rinsed out her plates and chopsticks, “You two were very young when you were living here... So I'm not surprised if anything here doesn't really ring a bell to you.”


After JaeJoong had finished his last bite, Min Jee then instructed him to rinse out his dishes and put them in the dishwasher. So apparently everyone did their own dishes and he also had to serve himself when they were eating too. This whole... Doing everything himself thing was embarrassingly new to him... He really had no idea what he was doing and it was really embarrassing to be instructed like a five year old.


Once he was finished with his dishes, he quickly shuffled over to his room; however, was stopped by Min Jee, who handed him a hanger with a really basic school uniform.


“Sleep early, you have school in the morning~” she said with a smile and made her way to her room, which was at the end of the hallway.


For a moment, he stood there; eying the uniform before he made his way back to his room and hung it on a hook he had placed on his door. And just when he was about to go find the bathroom, the daughter of the family suddenly rushed out of her room and made a run for the bathroom. This startled JaeJoong, the girl smacking his side, which caused him to wince and angrily glare at her direction.


... What was her name again?!


“Yah! Yah!” he barked as he stomped over to the bathroom. Just when he was about to bang on the door, Tae Jin appeared at the hallway and spoke up.


“Hyung... Hyung!”


“What?!” he snapped as he stared at the younger boy, who only frowned.


“She can't hear you...” he informed.


JaeJoong's eyes only narrowed slightly, “What? Is she deaf or something?”


“Actually... Yes, she is Hyung...” he answered rather casually, “My sister's deaf in both ears...”


For some reason... JaeJoong suddenly felt really stupid and like a douche...

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emily_maryam #1
tummers #2
this is so good! UPDATE PLEASE~ 8D
fallenangel #3
looking forward to the next ch :D
This is so awesome~! Update please. C;
leedictator #5
You need to update XP
y0xALMiGHTY #6
i just started & really like it ^^<br />
update soon, please :D
New reader here! Wow she slapped him O.O I liked it when he told the girl that they'd be the wannabes in his previous school (Y) Does Mae Hwa remember him?? It's so cute when she tried to touch the bump with her pinky but he just had to go grab her wrist so tightly and hurt her ._. Was he like trying to do the same to himself by smashing the mirror with his hand? Like to make up for hurting her, he did the same to himself 0.0 Update soon!
leedictator #8
Oh gosh, I just finished reading all of the chapters and I really like it! I`m glad Jae is opening up to her now ;) It`s a good thing. I think that before you know it, she would have tamed Jae and then they fall in love x) But it that Jae doesn`t remember her .. I wonder, does she remember Jae? Hmm, loving this story so far! Update sooon ~!
i just love the moment at the peaceful..<br />
jae really need anger management...or better...someone who he can speak to, let out his surppressed feeling w/o being this case its maehwa?? hehe