
Kookie's Noona

“I was ten at that time,” Jungkook told the host.

BTS was on a radio program and they were talking about their first love as requested by a fan message. The members teased Jungkook that he was too young to have a first love but he proudly stated he had found his first love at the age of five.

“Come to think of it now, I think she didn’t like me that much,” he continued, laughing.

“Yeah it seems like you were the one who was sticking to her,” Jin pondered.

 “She probably hated you, but you were too stupid to notice,” J-Hope’s biting comment hit Jungkook right in the chest.

“No, she wasn’t the type to hate someone, in fact she was really sweet to me, and it’s only now that I realize she’d prefer the company of same age friends than a little kid like me.”


“Well... let’s move on to next message shall we?” the host changed the subject as she saw BTS manager’s expression outside the recording studio.




Luna’s mind was vigorously spinning as she tried to process what she’d heard earlier that night.

She tried to calm down and drive as safely as she could in this state of mind.

She looked into the back mirror glancing at the sleeping figures in the back seat and greeted by a pair of eyes glaring into her own through the mirror.

Her heart leapt into and she nearly drove pass the red light.

Why isn’t this kid asleep?

Finally she managed to get the destination without running into any lamp posts or trees.

She got off from the driver seat, shivering from the stinging wind.

It was winter, three in the morning, the poor kids had only finished their schedule now, and they only had a little hour of sleep before starting tomorrow schedules.

She woke the kids up and led them into the dorm, ignoring the piercing eyes that never left her.

“Tomorrow is my day-off so your hyung will come and pick you up in the morning okay?”

The rest of the kids were too tired to bid her goodbye and collapsed into their bed while certain someone stayed awake, intently fixing his gaze on her as she left the dorm.

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armyblink143 #1
Chapter 2: Oh my heart
akaonim #2
Chapter 2: Omg why is this so sad?!! My heart hurts....

But i totally understand you, im 10 years older then Kookie
XueXing #3
Chapter 2: damn, it is sad but it is for the best ?
Rhialisa #5
Chapter 2: Please don't end this.... Huhu
Chapter 2: I thought this is fluff but instead theres angst
dragmystyle #7

Author-nim! Do you feel that? Do you feel dat sadness? Why? She's so selfless.. <3
lsaein #8
Chapter 1: I love the idea of lovestory between jungkook and older noona, thats so great!!! Please come up with another story <3
Chapter 1: Pls update soon!! Love that there's a noona story with jungkook!! I feel so pedo for just looking at him.
This is gonna be fun! Aw, we got same with Kookie. really looking forward for this story! xD