My Kiss With Luhan

One Autograph Found Me Love
Chapter 2:                                                                                          4 months later...

There was going to be another Exo fan signing today. Are they going to remember me? I changed into Baekhyun's navy blue t-shirt and and a pair of studded, denim jeans. Hye and I headed off to the fan signing.                                                                                                                                          Finally, Hye and I reached the front of the line. I went first, I walked up to Kris. " Hey there, what's your name?" Kris asked. " Jin Hanuel." I replied. Does Kris remember me? " That sounds familiar." he muttered. " Thank you!" he handed me his autograph. " No problem, babe!" he called out. Babe? That's adorable. :33 Next, I went to Kai. " Hey there! What's your name?" " Jin Hanuel." " Really? That sounds like someone I know." he furrowed his eyebrows. " Well, here you go! Sorry for the wait." he handed me the autograph. " Thank you." " You're welcome!" I pranced over to Baekhyun. The guy would remember his shirt right? " Hi there! Can I have your name?" he greeted happily. He looked at my shirt, he was thinking about something, but shook his head, and went to back to signing. " Jin Hanuel." I frowned. None of them remember me. Baekhyun paused. " Jin Hanuel?" he asked. YUS. HE REMEMBERS ME. " Yeah?" I asked happily. " Haha, it's nothing. It just I had a fish named Jin, when I was young. He died though, but that's okay." he flashed a wide smile. Oh. That's it. Baekhyun gave me the signed picture. " Thank you for coming!" Baekhyun yelled out. Let's try Luhan... I walked up to him. " Hello!" he greeted, looking down. " Name please?" " Jin Hanuel." " Thank you, Jin..." Luhan froze. " Is there something wrong?" I asked hoping he would remember. " No... Nothing." he stuttered. " Oh okay." What good memory they have, huh? Luhan gave me the autograph. " Thank you!" he yelled. This went on with all the rest... I sighed. None of them remember me, I pouted.

Exo's POV

" She was beautiful." said Baekhyun. " More like y." Kai smirked. " You know... She looks a lot like-" " Jin Hanuel? From a few months ago?" Lay interrupted Xiumin. " Yeah." he replied. " It was her. I have to find her." Luhan blurted out and raced away. " Let's go help!" Sehun sped off. The rest of the Exo members followed. 

End of POV

Hanuel's POV

I started to leave the building. I heard my name being called in the distance multiple times, like men's voices. I looked behind me and saw that Hye was running up to me. (aww. It wasn't Hye who was calling her.) I turned around, I saw Exo being mobbed by fans. " Hye, I'm going to go home by my self today." " Oh okay. See you!" Disappointed, I left towards a near by park. I sat down on an empty bench.                                                                                                                                                                 I looked through the autographs: 

Kris's autograph:

Stay beautiful, babe~

-signature-          Baekhyun's autograph:

You shine brighter than the light within me. Xoxo Hanuel!

-signature-   Suho's autograph:

You're pretty Hanuel! But,keep it up in school, looks don't get you everywhere. (._.)

-signature- Lay's signature:

It was nice to meet you Hanuel! I hope to see you again!

-signature- Kai's autograph:

Stay y, gorgeous~ Don't go bragging about it! 

-signature- Chen's signature:

I wish to meet you again! You're like a diamond in the sky. (XD) Shine bright like a diamond, Hanuel~!

-signature- Sehun's autograph:

Noona, you're really pretty~ I mean it! I want to see you again sometime! Saranghae! ( HE'S ADORABLE OKAY.) 

-signature- D.O's autograph:

Hey Hanuel, thanks for coming! Good luck in the future! -signature- Tao's autograph:

Noona, I wish to see you again! Thanks for coming!

-signature-     Chanyeol's autograph:

Oppa hopes to see you again! We can make that happen right? <3

-signature- Xiumin's autograph: 

It was nice to meet you! I hope you continue to support Exo in the future!

-signature- Luhan's autograph:


Dear Hanuel-ah,

Thank you for coming and supporting Exo. And by the way, aren't you wearing Baekhyun's shirt? Haha! If you really are Hanuel, from a few months back, can you meet me at _____, at 6:30 pm today? See you then! <3 

-signature-                                                                                                                                                        He remembered. I checked my watch, it was 6:00. I stood up and started to run home. When I got home, I raced upstairs to change. I changed into:

I went back downstairs, I put on a pair of flats. I called a cab and went to _____. When I arrived, Luhan wasn't there, so I just sat for a bit. I waited for an hour. Luhan wasn't here. I decided to wait no matter what. After another hour, Luhan finally came sprinting towards me. He jerked to a stop. " Hanuel, you're ... still... here." Luhan said between breaths. " Freezing, but yes. I'm still here." " Why?" Luhan started to breathe normally. " My mind told me if I waited long enough, you would come." I replied. " Hanuel, I'm so so sorry. My manager told me to run an erran for him, but I told him I had to meet you, but he didn't care and made me do it, so I tried to do it really fast and I had to go back and tell him I done, then I had to go get a cab, but there were none and- "(LONG SENTENCE) " It's alright." I took his hand and placed it into my own. " No it's not okay. I messed it up and made you wait for like 2 hours. I bet you don't want to see me again. When I first saw you, I helped you because you caught my eye and I wanted to get to know you and I'm sorry." he took his free hand and pressed it against his forehead. " I'm so stupid. I don't know what to do and-" I pecked him on the lips. " Done talking yet? It's okay Luhan, I understand. " his cheeks turned pink. " Let's just meet again, another time okay? I don't want you to get a cold." I stood up. I walked away slowly. " Wait, Hanuel." Luhan grabbed my arm and spun me around. Luhan pulled me into a kiss. Luhan ki... kis... kissed me? Not a peck, but a real kiss. It was a kiss full of passion and desire, not lust. We pulled away. Luhan stared into my eyes. " I think I've fallen for you." he said before pulling me into another kiss.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Author's Note:                                                                                                                                                                            This was a pretty bad... Uh... 2 shot. (XD) Yeah. Okay, so this was about the main character and Luhan. This was pretty horrible, tbh. :P Okay bye. Thanks for reading! :33 Comment if you want me to do an epilogue~
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jongkey65 #1
Chapter 2: Awww they kissed.
hallo957 #2
This story is great!
Luhanlover18 #3
Luhanlover18 #4
Lurve da story!