The Wolves

One Autograph Found Me Love

Jin Hanuel's POV

" It's such a great day, right Han Han?" Hye asked. ( I will call Hanuel's best friend "Hye") " Yeah." I replied. I looked up at the sky, the two of us were at Starbucks. It was such a nice day, the sun was out and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. Suddenly, I heard a high pitched scream, I shot out of my seat. " What's wrong? Is there a spider?!"  I asked, frightened. " No, but..." " What?" " Well..." "HYE!" I yelled. " EXO'S COMING TO SEOUL!" " WHAT?! THEY ARE?! WHEN?" "LOOK FOR YOURSELF!" Hye handed me her phone. I started to read the message: 


This Thursday, Exo will be coming to Seoul! They will be signing autographs at _______, at 3:00 pm. We hope to see your faces there. Thank you!

" OMG. HYE, DO YOU WHAT THIS MEANS?" " What?" she asked innocently. " WE GET TO MEET EXO!!!" she jumped up and grabbed my hands. We started to jump up and down, while singing. " WE GET TO MEET EXO! WE GET TO MEET EXO!" When we stooped, I looked around us and everyone in the cafe was startong at us. " Mianhae-yo..." I bowed and grabbed my drink and Hye's hand. 


" Mom, Hye and I are going to Exo's fan signing today~" I sang. " Alright, be home before 9:00." my mom said. " Okay!" the doorbell rang and I went to go open the door. Hye was standing there, all jumpy. " Let me go change!" I ran to my room. I changed into: I ran back downstairs, "Ready!" I called out. "Great, let's go meet our future husbands!" Hye grabbed my arm and dragged me towards her car. " Hi Mr. Hye!" i greeted Hye's dad. " Hi Hanuel. Okay, fasten your seat belts. We're heading off!" Hye's dad pulled away from the curb. 

"We're here!" I looked out the window. Today, I was going to meet Exo! I exited the car, " Thank you, Mr. Hye." " Don't mention it, kiddo!" I slammed the door shut. When I turned around, Hye was just standing there, frozen. " Hye, what's wrong?" I asked Hye. " Sasaeng fans... so many..." I lifted my head up and saw the sasaeng fans. " There are a lot, but that shouldn't stop us from seeing Exo, right....?" I asked nervously. Hye unfroze, "Of course not!" we headed towards the back of the line to get in. We had to wait 30 minutes, before the doors opened so everybody could go in. Everybody rushed into the building, after an hour, Hye and I still didn't get to the front of the line. " This is taking..... FOREVER." I sighed. " I... know." Hye replied. An announcement came over the noise, " Thank you, for coming to this event. Sorry for any incovenience." a whole bunch of moans and sighs could be heard from all over the place. " When are they having another event?" " I don't know." Hye replied. " I'm going to go find out." I headed towards Exo. " Wait!" Hye called, but I decided to ignore her. A huge crowd of sasaeng fans were trying to attack Exo. I tried to squirm past the crowd, but got stuck inside of it. I was pushed and shoved around. A bucket of water landed on top of me. WHAT THE HECK? I stared at my soaked clothes in disbelief. I suddenly, got pushed out front amd I landed on the floor. " Are you okay?" a voice asked from behind me. I looked at their face and scooted away, from shock. It was Luhan, thee Luhan, from Exo. " I won't hurt you, I just want to help." he stuck out a hand to help me up. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. " Thanks..." I said shyly. I HELD HIS HAND. LUHAN'S HAND. OH. MY. GOSH. " Come on." he tok my hand and walked me over to the rest of Exo. " Woah Hyung, I bet she's just another sasaeng fan. Just leave her." said Chanyeol. I pouted a bit. Luhan looked into my eyes, " I don't think she is." Luhan said while still staring at me. 

Luhan took me back to Exo's dorm. " Woah..." I stood at the entrance, wide-eyed. I considered this was "sacred" territory. " Come in. Don't worry, we won't bite. Actually, how ironic. Cause you know, we're wolves... amd we bite..., but..... I'll shut up now." I couldn't help, but giggle. " I guess she really wasn't a sasaeng fan, huh?" I turned around. 11 guys were standing there. " What's your name?" Kris asked as he walked up to me. OH MY GOSH. IT'S KRIS. PICASSO. " Ji- Jin... Hanuel." I stuttered. " Nice name." Kris winked at me. :O " I'll go get you cleaned uo." Baekhyun took my hand and led me upstairs. He went into his room and searched through his drawer. " Here... uh... Han... ji?" Baekhyun handed me one of his shirts. " It's Hanuel and thanks." I walked into his bathroom to change. I changed into his shirt, it smelt like heaven, but better. I can't believe he gave me one of his shirts. I walked oout of the bathroom, " You look cute~" Baekhyun compimented me. I blushed once again. REALLY CHEEKS? REALLY? " Well... I'll go home now." I walked down the stairs and Baekhyun followed me. " I'm sorry for being such a burden the entire time. Thank you for doing this. I will leave now." I bowed and spun around on my heel. " You weren't a burden at all. It was nice to meet a normal fan, for once." Kai called out. " Thanks. But sorry again." " Wait Hanuel!" a voice called out. I ignored it and went home.


Author's note:

I think this one shot, will be a two shot. XD Well, for reading~ I will try to update soon! <3 I'm sorry if it's not very good, but this is my first time writing. :/

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jongkey65 #1
Chapter 2: Awww they kissed.
hallo957 #2
This story is great!
Luhanlover18 #3
Luhanlover18 #4
Lurve da story!