dongsaeng & sasaengs

I am Snow White?

Having a dongsaeng who's currently falling in love's quite annoying. At first it was okay, the texting and calling, I can understand since the two are really falling into each other. Or possibly drunk. But after a few days, it's getting annoying. Jeyeon keeps meowing about how she missed Ilhoon. How they can't be together at school to prevent everyone to know, how she wants to see his smile, or hear his voice, it's so annoying! And BTOB's tight schedule that caused Ilhoon to not come and practise at our house for this week made it worse.

Oppa said that too, he agreed with me that Jeyeon's behaviour really makes us wants to tie her up and throw her away on the Han River. Oppa joked that if she missed Ilhoon-ah, she should watch his music videos instead. Which she did and it made me remember the lyrics of their entire albums. Especially 'WOW', because Jeyeon said that Ilhoon looks very cute in it and she keeps the play button. Mmhmm, speking of overreacting.

Meanwhile, my relationship with Sungjae's going well, we got closer to each other despite of his effort on calling me everyday. He laughed when I said that I found him so irresistable in the 'WOW' video, or how Jeyeon made me remember all of his songs because she's simply missing her boyfriend. But this isn't the center of my whole life, love's the least thing I would worry about. My college life and my career is the number 1 priority. I could consider a love life if it gets along with my main point of life.

Jeyeon wants me to pick her up today. Oppa didn't use the car so today the car's all mine. Well actually it's his alibi so I'm the one who got to wash the car. I parked my car and waited outside the school building. Then I noticed a bunch of girls, it varies from Jeyeon's age or younger through my age or older, were waiting outside the gate. Not sure though what they're waiting for. But I heard that Jeyeon's school is like the 'Star School' or 'Idol School' of this country, so they might be waiting for them to come out.

And by 'idol' that means Sungjae is included on that list.

After a few decades of waiting, I finally saw Jeyeon's auburn bob hair, walking casually next to a boy with lighter hair colour, which I reckon as Ilhoon. I got off the car and walked towards them. The girls outside were throwing their leer upon my dongsaeng as I approached her. Then I caught a glimpse of Sungjae smiling towards us. But the look from the girls outside really got my guts to smile back to him. Instead, I wrap Jeyeon in my arms and walked her into the car.

'What's up with those girls?' the engine started 'They seem to dislike you very much'. 'Those demons hates everyone who are close to their idol' she mumbled and buried half of her face with her backpack 'sasaengs'. 'What's with that?' I locked the door and started to drive away.

'They're 'fans', more like psychopaths to me. They trails their idols everywhere, literally, they sleep in front of their dorms, they try to penetrate into their idol's life, they're the reason why Ilhoon-oppa and I have to keep our relationship underground' Jeyeon rested her head on the dashboard 'All I want is just to have a normal relationship like my firends. But I can't even be intimate with Ilhoon-oppa at school, or public places. The only time I could have him on my own is just the weekend. But I don't want him to know I suffer like this, I want him to know that I'm independent. Which is so hard when you're falling in love'

'That's sad' I patted on her head. What else could I do? I don't have a fantasy relationship like she does. I don't even think about it. 'That's gonna happen to you as well if you're dating Sungjae-ya, Unnie' she said with a puffy face.

'It's not gonna be a big deal for me since I don't like PDA' I smiled. 'Yeah, I forgot that you're such a cold-hearted bear' she sighed and frowned upon the street. 'What's with those frown? Tomorrow's Saturday, Jeyeon-ah, you can have Ilhoon-ah for yourself on that day. That's what you want, right?' I really tried to cheer her up, really. But I guess I'm too unsensitive.

Jeyeon told me that she really wants to have a date to the aquarium with Ilhoon. But public place isn't the right choice for them to have a date. This conversation's going on and on and on and on from our trip home, to my cooking hour, right through our dinner, and supper. Oppa, who's getting pretty annyed with this, told her that they could have a date in the aquarium with him and Ilhoon's manager trailing behind them, shooing the sasaengs away. Hiring the venue as private might be a good choice, but really need lots of money.

Like I said, having a dongsaeng who's currently falling in love drives you crazy.

okay, I know this one's short...and
jjongmal mianhaeyo...
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seirakwang #1
Chapter 24: aww too sweet❤
Nice story ^^
Chocomenta18 #3
Chapter 15: love the update, can't wait for more xD
mauge92 #4
Chapter 5: Poor donsaeng is going crazy, i loved the chapter *-*
mauge92 #5
Chapter 3: Thanks for updating *-*
mauge92 #6
Seems interesting, keep writing girl xD