Ever After

I am Snow White?

I didn't know how long I've been sleeping, nor the shape of my body. What I know's I've been sleeping for too long. I could hear beeps ringing in my ears, or some metals utensils being thrown here and there. I could hear unfamiliar voices talking unrecognizeable words, and doors being slammed. I'm half asleep. I want to wake up.

'Snow, please wake up.' I heard a voice that belongs to Sungjae echoed in my ears. He shouldn't be here, he should be at the office, practising. The next moment was a uncomfortable silence, only the ticking sound from his fingers tapping on something was heard.

'Annyeong everyone, this is maknae Sungjae! I guess I had an announcement to make so listen up. The truth is, I'm the one who's dating Lee Marsha, not Peniel-hyung. I'm sorry we lied to you because you won't believe us if we tell you the truth. So it's not like she's juggling between two boys, it's not her fault, we cover it up. And I feel bad for risking her life like this.

I'm sitting next to her right now, she's still unconscious after what the some of you had done to her. I wanna say thank you to all the Melodies who sent her flowers and the "get well soon"s, she must really like it. And for those who hates her, if you hate her, you gotta hate me too. You're happy when I'm happy, right? I'm always happy when I'm with her so if you wanna see me happy, you have to let me be with her. I know that I shouldn't make any selfish statement like this but, yeah, that's the truth.

Now that I made it clear, I hope you understand and I hope you have a good day. I love you Melodies!'

Another silence broke in before a tap was heard once again and a sigh saying that whatever he just did will do. I heard the sound of chair being dragged and a head laying down next to my hand. I was sure he's on my hand but I didn't feel a thing. My body's too numb to feel.

I wanted to wake up. I wanted to see him. I wanted to hug and cry on him.

I smelt the scent of him roaming inside my nostrils. The various scent of medicine broke through as I caught my smelling ability back. This is it. Maybe I could wake up.

Rolling up my eyelids had never been this heavy before. The blinding light and a blurry vision later, I was able to see Sungjae's eyelashes right in front of my eyes. His eyes slowly tore themselves, revealing the black iris lies within as he pulled his face away from me. It got bigger the second he realised that I was smiling at him. 'Annyeong, Sungjae-ya.'

The second I made that sound, Sungjae bursted into tears and hugged me while burying his face on my shoulder. 'Snow...You're...' he said between the sobs that rolled out grom his mouth. 'Shh...I'm fine, my prince. I'm okay.' I noticed that my left arm's being casted so I patted him with the other one. 'You're not okay!' he cried.

I helped myself to sit on the bed and ran my fingers on Sungjae's hair. I looked around and found flowers scattering around the room from his fans, BTOB, CUBE, and roses from him. 'Sungjae, baby...' I lift his head up to face me. 'What you just did, it was so brave. I don't think I'd do that if I were you. I guess I'm not as brave as I think I am.'

I cupped his face ad pulled it closer to mine just to give him a soft and light kiss on his lips. 'Thank you, my prince.'

'Bad girl!' he hugged me tight. Tighter than a pair of skinny jeans I used to wear. 'Promise me you never put your life at risk anymore! Promise me you'll never leave me!'

'I promise you, my prince.' I sunk my face on his neck. 'Everything's gonna be okay from now on.'







I walked down the long red carpet in the middle of a church. Everything's so flowery here, the doors, the chairs, everything. Everyone's looking at me as if there's something wrong with me. Had my nose turned into a pig's snort? Of my face look like a toad? No, I guess not. It's because the white dress I'm wearing. And a 5-hours makeup from the salon.

I was about to puke because of the attention these people throw at me, but the sight of my prince waiting for me in his suit at the end of the carpet blocked my gut from doing something embarassing on my wedding day.

It's been 10 years since he asked me out in my kitchen, and 10 years since I got dragged into the world of K-pop. I feel cursed, yet blessed to be able to know him, to have some adventures with him, to be able to make love with him, and to be able to spend the rest of our life together. Today, I, Lee Marsha, is going to swear in front of the God and everyone, That I will always be on Yook Sungjae's side no matter what. I'd still be Lee marsha, my name won't change. But they will no longer adress me as Ms. Lee. Instead, they'll call me as Mrs. Yook.

Today, I'll promise you, Yook Sungjae, until death do us part.

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seirakwang #1
Chapter 24: aww too sweet❤
Nice story ^^
Chocomenta18 #3
Chapter 15: love the update, can't wait for more xD
mauge92 #4
Chapter 5: Poor donsaeng is going crazy, i loved the chapter *-*
mauge92 #5
Chapter 3: Thanks for updating *-*
mauge92 #6
Seems interesting, keep writing girl xD