Journey Home

My Scenarios Collection (Volume 1)

 Journey Home

[ Bogdy x Jungkook]



Jungkook sat on his seat by the windows in his empty homeroom classroom. He leaned back and closed his eyes. Thinking, imagining all those days that were now left behind. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath, before closing them again.


The settings change from a black flashback to water, sand and wind – the beach, and a voice. A very cheerful, happy, familiar voice. “Jungkook-ah?” the voice called softly. It was Bogdy, his best friend. “Bogdy-ah…” Jungkook managed to mutter out. Bogdy giggled. “Yah, I asked you a question, you’re not listening to me!”


“Sorry, Bogdy-ah…” he replied, scratching the back of his head with an embarrassed smile. She chuckled and asked, “Where are you going after we graduate from high school next month?” Jungkook looked at her with warm smile. “Just stay here…”


“Ah…” Bogdy managed to reply back. There was silence between them. Their senior year trip at beach had been an amazing one, but it was ending on a bitter-sweet note. “Jungkook-ah?” Bogdy managed to call out again. Jungkook looked at her with a smile, “Yes, Bogdy-ah, what’s up?” Bogdy sat crossed leg and fidgeted with her hands. “I won’t be here for graduation. I got accepted into that college I told you about. I’m leaving on the last day of school.”


At that instant, Jungkook opened his eyes. He was still in the classroom. He sat up straight and looked out the window. He saw Bogdy outside, talking with her friends. He quickly grabbed his back and ran outside.


He ran as fast as he could towards her. “Bogdy!” he boomed, scaring her friends a little, who were teary over Bogdy leaving. “Please come back soon!” one of her friends said, all of them having a group hug. “Bye” Bogdy said with a smile. Jungkook only managed give them a wave before they left.


Jungkook finally regained his normal breathing and saw a bubbly Bogdy. She instantly grabbed him and put her arm around his neck. “Jungkook-ah!!! What is it?” she asked cheerfully. “I’ll walk you home” he managed to say.


The walked together. The sun was already close to setting. Bogdy playfully walked by the pathway, not stepping on the lines on the ground. Jungkook watched her, a smile put across his face. Later, he joined in and playfully pushed her. Bogdy laughed and tried to push him back but he was too quick.


The two playfully continued playing all the way to Bogdy’s front gate, laughter only filling between them. There was no room for tears or sadness, even if it was the last day of school or the last day they’ll ever spend together.


“Bogdy-ah?” Jungkook muttered, sadly, trying to cover it. Bogdy smiled widely at him, “What is it?” Jungkook walked towards her, their faces close to each other. “I love you”


>play music, advised at low volume<



“What?” she said, confused. Jungkook moved in closer. He stared her for a while before he made a move. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a quick kiss. “I love you…” he said after. Bogdy stared into his eyes. “Come back after you finish college wherever you go, I’ll be waiting.” He said softly, almost in a whisper. Bogdy smiled and hugged him as he welcomed her into his arms. The last hug before she leaves for college.

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Chapter 11: Name : Han Rae / Cha
Personality : sweet caring
Female / 17
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Chapter 11: name : nela
my personality: shy
female, 18 :)
theme: fluffy :3
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can't wait to read it xD
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so good ^-^