
I close my laptop shut after finishing my online class assignments and head downstairs to get some food. Mom was out for work again. Ever since our small argument last evening, we haven't spoken one word to each other. I didn't leave my room for the rest of the night and she didn't bother making a move either. Like mother, like daughter. We've always been on the stubborn side.

Opening the fridge, I catch sight of a plate with a note on it.

I'm sorry for yesterday, I went out to get donuts for you earlier this morning. Hope you're not mad anymore, Mom.

Well, she has good ways of making it up to me.

I grab the same bag of pastries Mom left behind for me along with a glass of milk, before shuffling my feet into the living room, where I plop down on the couch. It was a boring Saturday morning, as usual. Usually on Saturdays, Mom and I would be spending most of the time together, unless work interferes. She works as a scientist for some kind of organisation or something, I'm not really sure. She doesn't talk much about what exactly she does anyway, since she's prohibited to talk about it. Man, I wish I was as busy as her.

Just when will I be able to leave this damn house?

I am busy munching on my donuts while watching one of those boring drama series on TV, when I heard the doorbell ringing. It never rang, not when I am alone at home.

Unfazed, I decide to ignore it, however the bell rang for a second time, and a third. Do I open the door? No. Instead, I stay put and wait for whoever it is to leave, that was until there was a knock on the window. Right, our living room had a lot of picture sized windows, leaving us almost to no privacy at all. Anyone passing by can not only check out on us, but watch what we're doing too.

I hestitate for a moment before I slowly avert my gaze away from the TV and towards the window, only to flinch in surprise when I see someone standing in our front garden.

It was Taehyung.

What did he want?

I frown at him and turn away almost immediately when he waves at me. But that apparently doesn't stop him from discommoding me as the doorbell rings for a fourth, scratch that, fifth time.

This time however, I place everything aside and stomp towards the door.

“What do you want?” I question him the second I literally tear the door open.

“Not only are you rude by pretending that no one is home when your living room is all exposed for anyone, but you aren't welcoming either,” He huffs. There is a glint of amusement in the tone of his voice.

“You are the rude one for pestering me when I obviously didn't want to get to the door,” I argue back and cross my arms over my chest.

“Wow, you oath to learn some manners, missy,” his lips curl into a sly smirk.

“Just tell me what you want, I'm busy.”

“Here,” he said holding out a fancy box, “They are self-made cookies.”

I stare at the box he is holding out. He doesn't seem like the type who has ever held a cooking spoon in his hand before, so I assume baking can't be his strength either. It must be his Mom who made them, what a kind lady.

“Is that how you try to impress a girl? I don't want them,” I say and shrug. If I accept them, Mom would ask me where I got them from and we would only end up getting into another argument, if not even worse.

Taehyung snorts. “Who said they were for you? They are for your Mom.”

I feel my cheeks heating up into a bright reddish hue in slight embarrassment whilst Taehyung only cackles in victory. 


“Fine, I'll let her know,” I mutter and swiftly reach out to snatch the box of cookies from him, but he just had to grasp my wrist in his hold, not leaving me the chance to escape. Another frown appears on my face.

“Let go,” I urge him while trying to pry his hand off me, but his hold grows firmer.

“Are you free tonight?” Taehyung suddenly asks.


“I asked if you're free tonight, to hang out you know,” he offers me a rather sheepish smile.

“Why would I want to hang out with you? We don't even know each other.” I reply in a matter of fact.

“We can get to know each other though? Besides, I'm the one who doesn't know your name,” Taehyung finally releases my wrist from his grasp and shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

He has a point though. I never told him my name and getting to know him doesn't sound like a bad idea either. We could develop a friendship.

A friend.

Something I've always wanted. Someone by your side, other than your mom, someone to trust, someone who looks past whatever and supports you no matter how and what you do. Someone to lean on when you are sad, a loyal and helpful friend.

A short period of silence follows as I blankly stare at Taehyung. The offer of wanting to befriend me is so tempting.

But I can't. Not in my situation.

“So, are you going to tell me your name or not?” he asks again, yet I still can't bring myself to give him a proper response. Instead, I step back and was about to close the door shut, when his foot prevented me from doing so.

“Please just leave me alone, okay?” I sigh, Taehyung however stays put and stubbornly shakes his head.

“Not until you tell me—”

“Seul. Choi Seul, now go and please stop bothering me,” I whine which didn't faze him at all. Goddamn, why is he so freaking bullheaded.

“One last thing, I will go if you give me your number.” I swear I could hear the mischief in his voice. He is definitely having fun, but I aren't. God, why did I open the door for him again? I should have listened to Mom. Then again, it's not like I knew he is such a jerk, who's most likely only trying to get into my pants or something.

Nevertheless, as stupid as I am did I end up giving him my number. Hopefully he won't ever text me.

I am sitting on my bed on the same evening, my phone in both my sweaty palms and eyes glued onto my screen. Just what did I do? Yes, I already regret giving Taehyung my number when he hasn't even texted me yet. Truthfully, the desperate side of me wants him to text me. I mean, he may actually be really fun once you get to know him better? But, the other part of me just wants to forget about his existence and continue living a quiet life.

My phone vibrates.

Unkown: So did you make your mind up?

Speaking of the devil.

Seul: I'm not interested.

Taehyung: Aw, why not? One of my close friends is throwing a party, I promised him I'd go. It'll be fun!

Seul: Good for you, but I don't want to.

He is obviously getting on my nerves. A party? Over my dead body. I couldn't possibly leave the house, I'm not allowed to... as much as I'd love to. This could be my chance, just one night. Mom is out of town for the next two days anyway, so she won't know. But what if something happens? I'll be in so much trouble, she would never forgive me for risking my life.

My phone suddenly rings, interrupting my thoughts. It was Taehyung. For christ's sake.

“What?” I sound rather bored when I pick up.

“Come on, Seul—”

“Is this how you lure girls in? If so, I'm sorry, but I'm not the least bit interested in one time things, let alone going to that stupid party with you.”

“Lure girls in?” He sounds confused, “What the hell do I look like. I'm trying to befriend you!”

I embarassed myself again.

A brief period of silence follows and neither of us says something. I really want to go, but is that the right decision? But nothing would happen if I'd go out for just an hour or two, right? Just what do I do?

“Look, if you don't want to come,” Taehyung breaks the silence with a sigh, “I won't force you.”

I don't answer, which he probably takes as a rejection. He mumbles a quiet bye before dropping the call, leaving me confused and still conflicted. Fine, just this one time. This will be the very first and list time I leave the house, if anything happens I will make him responsible.

Seul: At what time will you pick me up?

Hopefully, I won't regret this.

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AhSongyi #2
Chapter 3: (Just mind about Jin, lel hahah)
uuuuu, Taehyung is being a teaser ovo
so cruel /(o~o)\
(wait, what am I blabbering about)
glad that you update this ♥
Chapter 3: What a nice and y starting xD hohoho. Looking forward for the next chapters :))
AhSongyi #4
Chapter 2: Good new start~ ^o^
eventhough I don't remember this story lmao xD
I love bts ^_^ .... nic fic
Chapter 26: ohhh myy gawd
Chapter 26: I miss kidoh. xD He seems to be a very nice guy ^_^

AWWW~ Taehyungie is very dissapointed. xD
love the poster *o*