Chapter 1

Once Upon A New Beginning.


Chapter 1

"Jinsoo where are you, stop hiding from me!' Shin Hye shouts while trying to look for her boyfriend.

"Keep looking Shin Hye you're almost there, just walk a little more." she heard a voice and walk a little forward until she felt someone hugging her waist from the behind and giggle.

"You found me, now you will get your gift.." he said and turn her around and kiss her.

"I love you Shin Hye."

"I love yo-" before she say that line to him, she heard a loud gunshot, and saw Jinsoo falling down on the ground with blood coming out of his back.

Shin Hye immediately woke up with tears in her eyes. She always have these kind of nightmares about Jinsoo and in the end he always get kill before she is able to tell him she loves him. Is it a sign or something saying that she shouldn't love him anymore. How can she not love him he was her first love, and her babies father. That will take something more than that, to convince her to not love him anymore. She suddenly realize something where the heck is she and where is her twins!

'That man!' she suddenly thought who pronounce that she and the kids are his family and wondering why did he do that anyway,  because she doesn't want to get into his mess.

"Where are am I?" she said and suddenly the door open and in came that man again.

"Where am I? Where are my sons?" she almost shout and the man just smile at her. He walk over and sat on the bed just staring right at her. He felt bad that he have to do this, but this is the only way to get out of this mess.

"Your sons are safe, and you're in my house." he answers, and Shin Hye hug the pillow and back away because she didn't like it at all that he is so close to her. She doesn't know but maybe he could do something to her.

"Why did you say that back there that I am your wife...and my sons are yours! I don't want you to make me get into what kind mess you're in." she said and the man sighed and just look at her. He felt bad that he chose her, but she was the first person tha caught his eyes that could help him with his situation.

"I did it for a reason and you're going help with you know who I am?" he asked and she shook her head. Shin Hye had many thoughts on who he could be..and mostly all of them were negative.

"Do you know the Jung MIT Company?" he said and she shook her head again. She doesn't know these stuff because her main focus are her twins and working. Shin Hye doesn't have much time to think of anything except those two things. Other things beyond that aren't important to her and she doesn't really care.

"You don't know who I am, I thought everyone did." the man mumbles and knew right away he pick a right candidate for the big mess that he made for himself.

'Conceited much.' she thought it is not like she have to know him, he's not important in her life to remember who he is. But now this is different, wondering where he is going with this, she hope he won't make or force her do something she never want to do.

"What do you want from me and my kids?" she softly asked.

"No matter what you have to do it anyway because the reporters took pictures of your kids and you. So you can't back out even if you don't want to do it." he said and Shin Hye still doesn't get what he means.

"Just explain it to me already...I don't have all day..." she said and he knew, he have to cover his ears after she hears what he will going to say. He just hopes she doesn't try to kill him or anything, he still have so much he want to do.

"Well how can I say have to be my wife, and you kids have to be my sons." he said and immedately cover his ears because he knew he won't get a good reaction from this lady.

"WHAT THE FREAKING EGGS ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" Shin Hye glare at the man wondering did he hit his head on something very hard to make him that crazy that she would ever agree on something like that. She won't let this man use her and her kids for his own life. No way if she have to do anything to get away from this crazy deal she will, even it means running to the countryside.

"Calm down..."

"How can I calm down when you say I have to be your wife! That won't be happening do you see a sign on me that say "Free Wife" because I don't see it! That means you can use me for whatever thing you got yourself into. Because I won't you get my kids and I involve with the mess that you made yourself. Go found yourself a wife and kids and leave me and mines alone!" Shin Hye said and got up from the bed and suddenly felt dizzy and she fell on the ground lean onto the bed wondering why she is seeing two of him now.

"Why am I dizzy?" she mumbles.

"The doctor say you are lacking food...that why you fainted a couple hours ago." the man said and about to help her out, but she move away when he try getting closer to her. He saw fear in her eyes and wonder why, was she scare of him.

"Don't go near me, I can get up myself." she said and lean onto the bed and help herself up. Shin Hye sat on the bed again and hold onto her head and shook the dizziness away.

'Oh god I miss work, I am definitely going to get fired now. Where will I find another job...damn it. I blame that man right there if I get fired.' she thought and glare right at him who just have a innocent smile on his face.

"You if I get fired! You are death to me!" Shin Hye hissed and the man just nod his head.

"If you be my wife you don't have to work anymore, and your kids will be able to go to preschool." the man innocently said and Shin Hye throw a pillow at his face.

"YAH!" the man shout and Shin Hye ignore him and just kept throwing pillows right on his face, not caring he will get hurt or anything. How dare he try to force her to be his wife!

"I won't be your wife!" she said and walk out until he grab her hand making fear roaming around her body.

"Don't touch me!" Shin Hye nervously said, but he just grip her arm tighter.

"Please, I begging you...I will pay you to be my wife...I will do anything just please be my wife, please I am that desperate!" he beg her but she try to pull away from the grip, but he just grip her tighter.

"Please, I will even get on my knee and beg you to be my wife! That how desperate I am right now, please." he said while on his knee begging her that she will say yes. It is his first time ever to go on his knee and beg someone. Right now he is desperate for her to accept the deal.

"Please..." he beg and Shin Hye turn around and look at him straight in his eyes.

"My answer is.."


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Fiquei curiosa com o desenrolar dessa história. Você poderia voltar a atualizar pois Yongshin é real e existirá para sempre.
jacqueline1215 #2
Chapter 3: Please update
Sanahemat #3
Chapter 3: update please soon it's the best
boiceangel #4
Chapter 3: Kyaaa this is great!!! Update soon please please please....^^
kyonkichi #5
Chapter 3: another great ff, tq authornim. hope u cn update soon!
Haroro_xD #6
Update soon....
genie1421 #7
Chapter 3: interesting story...but i'm curious why yong choose shin to be his wife
mhegzzjane_13 #8
Chapter 3: the update was great.. please update soon.. HWAITING~!!
Bebot7794 #9
Chapter 3: Please dont keep us in the dark for too long and update pretty soon. Thanks.
BlueDooley #10
Chapter 3: ..update soon ^_^