02: Smiles

Alone, Not Lonely

Jiyong's POV


I was about to get out of her room because if not, I think I'm gonna choke her to death. But here I am turning to a stone with just feeling her shaky hands stopping me from getting out of the door.


First of all, she won't listen to my instruction. She wouldn't even let me go to a freakin' bathroom, she kept telling that I'm leaving her alone like everyone else.


"Jiyong oppa," she started looking deeply in my eyes with those small tears leaking out of her eyes. 'Wait, that's the first time she call me oppa'. "I'm so sorry, I promise to listen to you next time but please don't leave me like what she done." She smile shyly to me giving me a bottle of water. "You also look tired already. You should go and rest." She continue.


I was startled with her sudden action. That's the longest sentences she ever told me. I remember hearing her answer me- 'yes', 'no', those one words and that's it.


I suddenly smile. For 7 years since 5th grade, I would always see her smiling and laughing but we never really talk that much but when in the middle of 7th grade she suddenly left. Just this year she came back but did home schooling.


I pat her head. "Ok", I answer and smile.


When I left the Park's house I remember promising Chaerin to pay her a visit. I smile remembering Chaerin's smiles whenever I gave her simple kisses in the cheeks. Don't get me wrong, why I kiss her only in the cheeks? Because I'm not yet ready to give my first kiss, I just think it's not yet the right time. But hell, I'm so happy seeing her blush with my simple gesture.


I didn't notice that I'm already in front of her house. By just walking in front of their door my smile grew wide.- We said our 'hi' and went inside.


Chaerin and I first met when I think in 3rd grade. We were both in top of the class, both enjoy reading than chit-chat. Her mother would always give me lunch in school, her mother was too protective to me too. Chaerin, she insist of always going with me in everywhere I go. Then her friend Minzy came alone and the three of us would always hang around.


Then in 9th grade we start dating, I don't know how but that is when she ask me what we are. Then I also start to think, we are so close everyone think that were together so I told her that I think we should call ourselves dating. But her no regrets, I think she's important to me enough.


Chaerin and I first met when I think in 3rd grade. We were both in top of the class, both enjoy reading than chit-chat. Her mother would always give me lunch in school, her mother was too protective to me too. Chaerin, she insist of always going with me in everywhere I go. Then her friend Minzy came alone and the three of us would always hang around.


Then in 9th grade we start dating, I don't know how but that is when she ask me what we are. Then I also start to think, we are so close everyone think that were together so I told her that I think we should call ourselves dating. But her no regrets, I think she's important to me enough.

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ladynikka05 #1
Chapter 3: Authornim .. i miss this story ~~~ please update sooooooon T^T
ladynikka05 #2
Chapter 3: I kinda miss this story .. i hope author-nim will update again this .. soon ^.^
tthnguyen #3
Chapter 3: Minzy was part of the group who left Dara?? :(
Update Soon!! ^^
Chapter 3: Jiyong gave her 3 bears
xxmariposa0402xx #5
Chapter 2: daragOn pls.!
Chapter 2: SkyDragon is a big NO!
Chapter 1: I think i don't have any problems with the names, we should be somewhat thankful to her father cause if he didn't messed up, probably there would be no sandara park in 2ne1 :)
Chapter 1: pls update sooon !! :)
Please update soon :))) (>^ω^<)