the begining ★ on one starry sky

stars are falling just for us ★ THE.ONE

A/N: Forgot to tell you but english isn't my native language... sorry if it gets weird sometimes. Thank you to the ones who gave this a try and I hope you will enjoy this first long chapter I will try to cut them a bit shorter in the future x__x


  "Jongin-ah! Stop complaining and just hurry up!"


My friend Sehun suddenly grabbed me by the sleeve and pulled me all around the school energetically. I stared at his back while he was doing so, questioning his state of mind. Whenever there was something going on around our High School, he'd get excited even before knowing what it was about. I could perfectly remember every situation this had put us in as they were, without a hint of hesitation, the most embarassing of my short life.


  "Sehun-ah... When did you even hear me complaining yet?" I asked him. This managed to slow his pace. He eventually stopped to look at me.

  "Kim Jong In..." my eyebrow rose up at the mention of my name. "You can close your mouth all you want, I still hear your brain threatening my existence." Nope Sehun, my brain is threatening its own existence finding a plan good enough to get rid of you and your ways. "And stop plotting my death in front of my face! I still hear you!"


Okay... that was creepy...

I gave him a tiny smile, raising my hands in surrender. But he didn't really take notice of it, crossed his arms and got closer to me.


  "So... you're coming?" He sternly asked me. A sigh escaped from my lips.

  "Look, it's getting late, there are homeworks and we are right in the middle of the year. Plus, I don't think I'll be interested..."

  "See, you're complaining" he pointed out as if he didn't really pay any attention to what I was saying. "Come on! You are no fun at all... A break once in a while wouldn't kill!" I think at this point, he realised these words had never worked on me and this time would be no exception. His expression changed. "So you'll just leave me here? When it's getting late? Alone? With no one to go home with?"

  "Hmmm... Yes..." I firmly nodded, starting to take some steps. "Be safe on your way back home!"


And like this, with a ridiculously angry Sehun swearing on my back, I left for the library. My only stop before going home. You all must think I'm the nerdiest nerdy nerd to walk in South Korea. And that could be true if I wasn't at the same time a bubbly young boy. I wasn't always that serious despite what my friends think. But school was the only thing in my life. I couldn't mess it up now. Could I? So, whenever I was insecure about a subject, I'd make sure to get a book about it.

It was already dark. Every mother would be worried for their kids if they weren't home. At this thought, I mumbled a prayer, hoping that somehow, mother wouldn't worry for me from where she is... in Heaven.


My eyes were closed as I held my head low. I didn't need them open for that I knew the way to the library better than my way home. Well, that's what Sehun was assuming even though he didn't know I could walk there with closed eyes. Oh and I sure didn't want that crazy lad to know! He was joking about it well enough as it is so...

I was ending my prayer, opening my eyes when I almost ran into someone. I ran my arms in front of me to hold her shoulders so she wouldn't walk into me. Her head was up staring at the sky but it slowly fell down as she felt my two hands. In the same slow motion, her chocolate orbs soon met mine. I unconsciously blinked, my lips parting a little bit. That was when she finally snapped out of her peaceful reverie.


  "Oh!" She let out softly, backing up a little. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..."

  "It's okay... I wasn't looking either! I'm sorry that I have disturbed you" I quickly answered, dropping abruptly my hands from her shoulders.


Man, watch what you're doing... I thought.

She gave an amused smile and her eyes shined like the sky she was staring at before. I suddenly felt a warmness in my cheeks. Was I blushing? Jeez. That would be a first... I didn't really like the idea of displaying such signs of embarrassement. She was already laughing at me so I didn't need anything else to make fun of myself.


  "It's okay, it's not like I was really busy. Just be carefull on your way home, dongsaeng"

  "I'm not going home!" I suddenly protested for some stupid reason I don't even know. Maybe I was actually concerned by my reputation.


She just let out a 'oh', not even giving me that weird stare the other girls would. Girls...

Saying I wasn't popular with the opposite gender would be a lie. But my so called charisma was fading away as soon as these girls were getting close to me. I was sometimes too weird. Or then too cold, not interested or interesting at all, too nerdy on the second thought, 'gentle but' and so many other ways to explain why I wouldn't do. Well, I never really cared about it but yeah, Sehun was all like 'that's such a waste... I actually feel bad for girls' and there was starting a lecture on how to treat girls with a bit more interest.

I wasn't treating them bad. Don't get me wrong. I just wasn't anything like they wanted me to be. And I didn't want to date someone I'd disappoint. Moreover, I didn't romantically take interest in any of them. I couldn't give them that young, cute and bubbly Kim Jong In either as they wanted a cool, cold but attractive and smart me. Plus I didn't like them to try and control my style. I could take care of this very well if I wanted to...


  "So I guess I'm going to see you at the concert?" That question got me back down on Earth. Or something like that.

  "Uh?" Was my oh so smart answer. I was a nerd but I managed to be quite dumb too as you can see. She smiled again at me.

  "The open concert held tonight, in the gymnasium"

  "Oh, I didn't know anything about it..." that's what Sehun was so excited about then. "I'm heading to the library. We have an english essay and it's not my best subject" she just nodded. "Are you going to that concert?"

  "You can say that. My unnie-deul are going to get mad if I don't show up. But I'm not even sure on how to go back there. I wanted to buy some food-" she showed me her grocery bag "-but I was caught up by the stars."


I smiled.


  "You like them?"

  "A lot. Especially this one, the twinkling blue one"


She raised a thin hand to the sky, showing it to me. And after staring a little at her amazed expression, I lift my head up. There was so many of them, I got confused. I had never taken interest in star gazing but it was actually a great sight. That's when I realised I was always looking at the ground, even while praying. She was different from me at that point, her head up in the stars.

Sigh... They say heaven's beyond the blue sky. So why was I keeping my head low? I wondered...


  "Can you see it?"

  "There are too many of them..." I mumbled, squinting my eyes to find it.


I was so focused on it, I didn't notice she got close until she spoke again to me. That soft 'there' rang in my ears, sank in my body and shook my numb heart. I swallowed but smiled at the thin hand now in front of me. A flash of little me raising my hand next to an extended old one clouded my thoughts for a moment. But I got back to my sense and did it anyway. I lifted my hand next to hers to point at the right star and smiled bigger as I was finally seeing it.


  "You do see it?" I nodded enthousiasticly and I could bet she silently laughed. "Well you should go and study! I bothered you well enough with silly stuffs!" Somehow I felt disappointed. I suddenly had questions to ask her about what I just found out.

  "It's okay, plus you don't even know your way around... I can show you."

  "You need to study. What kind of sunbae would I be?" That's when it hit me. She was older than me. And I've been casually talking to her... it's not that she looked like a little girl but she was so... casual.

  "How about sunbae help me while we head there? My friend is already at it anyway..." she thought a little about it but eventually nodded.

  "Deal! Oh, by the way, I'm Im YoonA" she bowed.

  "Kim Jong In" I bowed in return, my heart thumphing in my chest.


All the way to the gymnasium, it never stopped. I even though my heart would rip my chest open. Though, we were walking slowly and nothing about our conversation was stressful or embarassing. Actually, YoonA sunbaenim was really careful on her explanations and she tried her very best to give me a worthy help. That concern... it had been a while since I last saw it...

Soon, we were back talking about stars and other random things when a loud voice interrupted us.


  "YAH YOONA! Where were you? You got us scared!"


A dark haired girl ran to YoonA and tackled her in a hug. That was only then I saw we were already a few steps away from our destination. I was so sure we were walking in a slow motion (because of the talking and english questions) however, we were already there. I looked back at the two girls next to me.


  "Yuri... I was gone for only half a hour... or so..." she giggled in her embrace.

  "A WHOLE hour, Im YoonA, that was a whole hour..." that Yuri scolded, obviously overreacting. But that was fun to watch.

  "Sorry Yuri, but here I am now"

  "Okay let's go, the girls are waiting" she grabbed sunbaenim's wrist, ready to pull her along.

  "Wait! Go ahead, I need to say goodbye to my friend here first"


There was a pause during which her friend just looked at YoonA and the gymnasium back and forth. Still, she slowly let go of her, nodded, acknoledged my presence with another nod and left, running back inside the gymnasium with a last instruction:


  "Don't take too long!"


We both contemplated the hurricane that had hit YoonA until she was out of sight. Maybe a little more after that actually. I felt the young woman next to me turn to face me and so did I, timidly.


  "Sorry for that, Yuri likes to act like a mother sometimes..." she explained. I just nodded at it, smiling at her. "I got to go. Thank you Jong In hoobae, fighting for your english essay! Hope I'll see you again"

  "Thank you too sunbaenim... I'll tell you about my essay."

  "Ah... I don't think that will be possible but... who knows?" She said mysteriously, ruffled my hair and ran to that door where her friend had disappeared to before.


I stood there for a moment, stunned... and trying to find a reason to these last sentences. Maybe I had been a weirdo once again and scared her...


  "HEY" I felt an arm sneaking around my neck "Thought you'd stay at the library and get straight back home after being kicked out of it by the librarian" I didn't even glare at Sehun this time.

  "Is that concert where you wanted us to go?" His eyes followed where I was looking at.

  "Wow... you actually know what it is about... Our Jongin is finally taking interest in girls! We should celebrate, I was kinda losing hope here-"


  "Yeah, it's a soon-to-debut girls band" he frowned at me.


At this, I wasn't sure anymore about it. The idea of yards of screaming and desperate fanboys stuck in a gymnasium... well... But if girls like that Yuri or... especially YoonA sunbaenim were curious about it, there was nothing wrong with me giving it a try. Right? So I let Sehun drag me inside the gymnasium. There was so many boys there already, that was ridiculous. I could hardly see any girls in the large crowd formed. And as we made our way into that wild jungle (it really looked like that), I found myself looking for her figure. But to no avail, of course. I shook my head and turned my attention back to Sehun. He had suddenly made a stop, his grip finally off of the back of my collar.


  "Here we are, guys!" Sehun announced to our friends that were sitting in second row.

  "Wow you actually convinced Jongin!" They all said and then questionned him on how he managed to do that.

  "You all underestimated my special abilities" Sehun started to brag. But no one really paid attention as the lights went down.

  "Well later Sehun-ah, I think it's about to start!"


And sure enough, the long red curtain moved a bit before it slowly slid down revealing a large line of girls. Just this sight got the boys around us roaring like crazy and I really wondered what I was doing here. But, as if to remind me the reason, that's when I met those shining chocolate eyes. Her face wasn't dreamily facing the sky anymore, it was fiercely facing the crowd in front of her. She seemed to be so focused, I couldn't help but stare and wonder what she'll be doing next. Her soft smile seemed so shy as she made her way to the front as they all started to dance.


Im YoonA... was on stage...?


My eyes never left her, even if I had to get up to do so. I needed to make sure. Just like that star we had looked together, I needed to confirm I was looking at the blue one. I needed to know if that girl on stage was that same girl. Not that I didn't recognise her... I was just in a daze.

In a pure and stupid contemplation.

Or even... admiration.


  "Annyeong haseyo, my name is YoonA"


And there was the confirmation I needed.


I slowly sat back down, realising what has happened and what it implied. She wasn't a high schooler. She wasn't from this school. She wasn't just anyone around. She was a rising star. Her place was in the sky, on that scene. And that was the only reason why I'd never see her again. 'But... who knows...' rang the reminescence of her voice in the back of my head as she was done bowing to us.


  "Woah! She sure is pretty! What do you think, Jongin?" Sehun shook my arm.


  "That YoonA, she's gorgeous, don't you think?" He said, his eyes twinkling. I nodded slowly, my eyes falling to the floor as I thought. I smiled a little to myself.

  "She's a star after all..." I mumbled.

  "Even among stars, bet she'll still be the prettiest..." he praised, looking back at her.


That's when I decided to watch the reactions around me and sure enough, even if all the girls were getting a large amount of attention, it seemed like YoonA got a little more than the others along with that Jessica girl. Not surprising after all... How could I even come to think this girl was actually just one more student here?

Silly you, I said to myself.


The concert went on with a few more songs and covers. The girls were pretty good for trainees to debut. But YoonA was the only one I actually looked at, honestly. She was shining like no other. I felt like she would be successful. Not because she was pretty but because she actually felt like she belonged to where she was.


I still am not sure how I got back home afterwards. I only remember how Im YoonA went from the status of a dreamy young woman to one of a talented shining star. And how I went from the status of a potential friend to a mere nobody to her.

I wouldn't see her again.

That was all that was on my mind.


I only had met her a few hours before and, not only did she turn my world upside down, she managed to haunt my every thoughts. That was ridiculous.

And it actually didn't get any better afterwards.


It had been two months. You would think that by then, I'd have entirely or kind of forgot about that encounter. But if my boring and uneventful days were sometimes going by without the thought of her, when night would darken the sky, one look at the stars would remind me of her.

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Chapter 4: I can't wait jongin become trainee in sm.. How yoona's reaction would be...
I'll see ur next update... Hwaitttiiiing ^^
ragnarok #2
Chapter 4: Update soon ^^
parkdoyeol #3
Chapter 3: update soon !! :DD
Nice.....this is story about yoonkai right? exoyoong jjaaanggg!!! ^^
Keep writing author-nim...