Source of Happiness

Source of Happiness

Yoseob opened his apartment door room. He fumbled his fingers on the wall trying to find the switch of the lights to turn it on. Feeling too tired after the musical practice all day long, he walks to his sofa and slammed his body there, trying to put some energy on it before he do other things.

It's D-5 before his first ever stage for Joseph Amazing, his first musical after 2 years. Nervous, burden, worries and insecure feelings all mixed up. Although he was so confident during the open rehearsal, with time comes close to D-day, all those negative feelings floated up again.

With Beast's Japanese schedules earlier this months, Yoseob only had a full 2 weeks of practice for Joseph. He did practice the music sheets since September, but practicing the choreography with the whole cast as a musical performance was only started after he returns from Japan 2 weeks ago. This is the reason of those negative feelings, and without his other 5 members next  to him, the feelings grew bigger easily.

The other 5 members are also busy. Dongwoon is going back to college, he's putting all of his effort for the lessons and tasks so he could be in the graduating class next year. Gikwang is busy shooting for the mobile drama, 20 Years. Junhyung, eventhough there's no news publicly about him, he's there in his own dungeon making musics like always. While Hyunseung, we all know he's in the middle of gearing up for TroubleMaker's comeback with Hyunah. And last but not least, Dujun is busy shooting his new drama titled Let's Eat.

On a tired night like this is when Yoseob really feels how lonely being in his own apartment. Somehow he misses Dongwoon's whinny voice or Dongwoon's pen sound when he's scribbling his task notes or even Dongwoon's flipping papers sound when he's reading a book. He missed Dongwoon's presence when they shared a room together.

He also misses Gikwang's laughter that always fills the dorm. Misses Junhyung's naggy voice when Dujun forgot to clean things up. Misses Hyunseung's dancing all along with the music that he turns on, his unstoppable weird questions. And of course.. he misses his source of laughter, his source of energy, his source of happiness, his very own Yoon Dujun.

It's also had been 2 weeks since the last time they're together. Precisely, the last time they were together for fun (and cuddling) was on the 15th of October on the night, Beast's 4th Anniversary Eve, when he, Dujun, Gikwang and CUBE's staff spent time to play soccer. Well, there were also offstage performances and a fansign, but it only last for a couple of hours before they go straight to their own respective schedules, leaving no space for Dujun and Yoseob to have some quality time. This fact hits him hard. Multiplied by the fact that he's now alone in his apartment. (Well, okay with Hyunnie, but Hyunnie can't talk, he need someone to talk to).

Yoseob sighed. He opens his eyes looking at the ceiling. He misses his Dujun so badly. He really needs to charge his Dujun Battery, saving as much energy as he can to survive the next few weeks without him around. With his musical eating the whole November and Dujun's drama, ugh.. Yoseob hates drama shooting so much because it eats up all of their time. It's still fresh in his memory how IRIS 2 took Dujun's entire 4 months, and he hates it to the bone. He just hope there's a miracle that could bring Dujun here, in his apartment room, cuddling with him until they both asleep.


Yoseob jumps up from his sofa. Surprised. He took a glance on his desk clock. It's 2 in AM. Who the heck comes at time like this and dare to bother his rest time. This guy must be crazy and unmannered.


"COMING!" said Yoseob lazily. He needs to teach this guy a lesson.

He went to the transciever to see who's behind the door only to have his eyes goes hot and teary, full with emotions.




"OK! CUT!"

"Thanks for the hard work!"

"Thanks for the hard work!"


As a rookie on the film set, Dujun never forget to bow and greet the staff and fellow cast before and after the shooting. He always try to keep his rookie mindset on on every ocassion. He lastly greets the director and went to the van following Sehun-Manager Hyung who's in charge of his personal schedule.

Dujun puts on his seatbelt and lowered his seat, resting his tired back and closing his eyes a bit. The shooting took much time today since there's some night scene and some NGs. They finally wrapped it up at 1 am. What a day.

Dujun sighed. It's been awhile for him being in the van alone, only accompanied by Sehun-Hyung who's busy driving and alow volume sounds from the radio. It's only been awhile since the last time the 6 of them talks one between another and laughs one between the other, making them confused by themselves. He smiled by the thought. With all of their personal schedules since October, It'll be a long day for him to enjoy the noisy-ness of his group again. The sounds of Dongwoon's whines, Gikwang's laughter, Junhyung's nags, Hyunseung's loud scream and unstoppable questions and of course, Yoseob's heartwarming voice. The voice of an angel that always comfort him.

The baby boy is also having a whole packed schedule with his musical stage coming closer. It must be a frustrating week for Yoseob, with only 5 days ahead and he needs to be clicked with the other cast too, with some characters has two to three casts.

Dujun knows it's hard. Just as hard as acting. Being an idol who jumps into other profession, It's always hard. It maybe looks easy on the outside, getting cast by your big name as an idol, but it's hard on the inside. The pressure and hate comments from netizen. The pressure from yourself to work harder and the burden feelings from yourself to do better in front of the sunbaes and director so they won't think it was such a mistake putting you in the cast.

And Yoseob is one boy who would always feel insecure by those kinds of things. It hurts Dujun everytime he sees the boy got stuck into his own negative thoughts. Because all of them makes Yoseob works more and more harder that it makes him forget other things.

Dujun suddenly opened his eyes and sit straight surprising Sehun-Hyung.

"Dujunah, you surprised me."



"Let's go to Yoseob's apartment. It's closer there right?"

"Wha-- uhm.. yeah.. you're right. Tomorrow's scenes is much closer to Yoseob's apartment though. Okay, I'll take you there."

"But promised me to be ready at 7am tomorrow."

"I will. Thanks Hyung."

Sehun-hyung turns the wheel back and drives the car to the opposite side. Dujun rest his back back on the lowered seat and enjoy the rest of the ride sleeping. He can't wait to surprise Yoseob, his ball of happiness.




"Dujunah... why are you here???" Asked Yoseob, half surprised half excited.

Dujun's presence had off all of his fatigue. Yoseob feels refresh just by seeing Dujun standing in front of his apartment door.

"Hey, may i come in first?"

Yoseob noticed how Dujun is wrapping himself under his thick coat. He doesn't realized the cold autumn wind, moreover it's in 2 am in the morning. All Yoseob feel was this warm feeling all over his body and it's because of Yoon Dujun.

"Sorry, Dujunah.. come in."

He opened the door widely so the leader could come in. Dujun entered Yoseob's own space and shivered by the last cold wind that comes on when Yoseob closed the door. He immediately grabs the small boy and hugged him, tightly.

Yoseob isn't surprised. He's not at all. He hugged back Dujun instead, trying to transfer his warmness to the other boy. He slips his hand inside Dujun's coat so it makes him covered and wrapped by Dujun's coat instead of only being hugged. Dujun rest his head on Yoseob's crown. He sniffs Yoseob's hair, inhaling Yoseob's apple mint shampoo essence.

"Yah.. stop it.. I just arrived home and haven't took a shower yet. And you're inhaling my sweaty and sticky hair. It's embarassing, Dujunah."

"It's not. It's sweet. I can smell the sweet apple mint on it. No. I mean, I can smell you. I miss you."

"I miss you too~" He whines. "Just when I'm thinking how a miracle it'll be if you appeared in my apartment, and suddenly you really come."

"Our thoughts linked so well, right?"

Dujun loosen his hug and looked down at his angel. He cupped Yoseob's cheeks and kissed his nose. This time, the boy's surprised by the sudden attack.


"kkkkkkkkkk, why baby?"

"No--nothing.. I didn't expect that.."

Dujun hugs back the blushing boy. He walks while hugging Yoseob tightly, making Yoseob walks backwards following Dujun's steps to the sofa. Yoseob feet makes a small thud with the sofa and it makes him sat on it while Dujun at last broke the hug and sits next to him. (Hyunnie's knockdown. Off the sofa. Poor teddy bear).

"Dujunah, don't kill Hyunnie.. he's my only friend here.." Said Yoseob, trying to make the poor teddy sits again, eventhough it's still on the floor.

"Sorry, Hyunnie. But since i'm here, it's my turn today, you got it?" Said Dujun, talking to the teddy like a little kid.

Yoseob giggled. He loves Dujun so much. He loves him so so so much. He loves his stupid antics. He loves his stupid way to make Yoseob laughs again. Dujun is the reason of his laughs, his source of happiness.

Yoseob moves closer and hugs Dujun again, covering his face on Dujun's thick coat. Dujun chuckles by the sudden hug.

"Now you're the one attacking me."

"I miff yew Dyujyunieeeeeee~~~~" Said Yoseob. His words didn't come out well because of Dujun's coat, making the leader laughed again.

"I miss you too baby. That's why I come here tonight. Our shooting location was close to this area, so I ask Sehun-hyung if I could spend a night here. He agreed but I need to be prepared at 7 AM tomorrow."

Yoseob quickly look at his desk clock again. It's already 2.30 AM.

"4.5 hours left.. no no.. 4 hours left. You need to wake up at least half an hour earlier."


"It's enough."


"It's enough for me to be fully charged." Yoseob beams.

"Are you sure? It'll be another long time for us to meet again."

"No. It's enough for me. We'll meet again at B2UTY Fanmeeting. And you've promised me to come to one of my musical. I can hold it to one of those days." Said Yoseob, beaming, hands still on Dujun's waist.

Dujun smiled at the happy and excited Yoseob. He feels all of his fatigue had gone just by the presence of the other boy.

"Okay, so let's charges our batteries!"

"Piggyback me~"

Dujun chuckles again. He never could say no to Yoseob. Not to ruin the perfect sweet atmospher they're having on right now. He shows his back and let the boy jumps on it. Like a koala he is, Yoseob sticks on Dujun tightly while he walks to Yoseob's room. Dujun sat on the edge of the bed and let Yoseob comes off him.

Yoseob leans on the bed and pulled Dujun to join. Dujun ruffled Yoseob's hair and stands up to take off his coat, hanging it near the door. Dujun then opened Yoseob's wardrobe cabinet to find a changing clothes, his clothes that he left there just in case.

"Thank God i left some of my clothes here." Dujun mumbled. He quickly changed and joined Yoseob on the bed.

He covers their body with the blanket and lean on the pillow. Yoseob quickly hugs Dujun again, leaving no space between them. He rest his head on Dujun's chest, inhaling Dujun's fragrance.

"So we're not going to shower tonight?" Dujun asked.

"There's no time. I need a full 4 hours to be fully charged. We can shower tomorrow." Said Yoseob, half awake half asleep.


Dujun hugged back the boy. Slowly but sure, both of them falls deep in their slumber. Enjoying the night just the two of them, recovering the 2 weeks that had passed, on each others hands.





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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 1: sweet & beautiful...
hhhh...i miss Dooseob sooo badly...
hiyung2 #2
Chapter 1: *pouring tons of sugar*
why so cute T___________T
Chapter 1: woah~~~ beautiful. straight 3 story of yours i read. all of it lovely and sad. full with emotions rainbows....
Chapter 1: What a relevant one! ><bb
I always love this kind of fic, story which married their actual conditions with /cough/ my deprived /cough/ mentality of DooSeob moments X)

Just like some detail explanation about how they live their life out of camera ^^

This is good, I almost die gulping sugars n poking rainbows while reading kkkk keep it up!
Chapter 1: So sweet ^^
delonihanis #6
Chapter 1: ㅠㅠㅠㅠ kakput jjangjjang!!
ezarik #7
so sweet... love it!! keep it up author-nim