
" Sehun!! " Kai knocked furiously on Sehun's door.

" What do you want... " Sehun said, opening the door with drowsy eyes.

" ... Let me just remind you.. that you are gonna be late ?! You were still asl-- " Kai continued nagging as he pushed Sehun to his wardrobe and told him to get changed.

" Aishh. I know , I know. " He whined as he gave in to Kai and got ready.

" You do remember that we have school today right. " Kai asked sarcastically.

" We do?! " Sehun let out a sarcastic gasp.

Kai face palmed himself.

" Aish ! Just hurry up ! " Kai said as he dragged Sehun by the arm to the classroom.

" Ahh.. In time. " Kai heaved a sign of relief as he walked toward his table.

Poor tired Sehun trudged his way down to his table in the last row and finally sat down.

Sehun put his head on the table and enjoyed the last few minutes of his precious sleep before the teacher came in.

Soon the day went as normal, with Sehun just not paying attention and Kai feeling worried about him.

" Yah Sehun-ah. " Kai said as he tapped on Sehun's shoulder.

" Hm? " Sehun replied, not even looking up.

" Are you going to the dance studio today? " Kai asked, face burning with embarrassment .

" Eh? " Sehun said as he looked up and faced Kai as he heard ' Dance studio '.

" Do you want me to? " Sehun teased, not knowing how Kai felt for him.

" W-what?! " Kai said, blushing harder than ever.

" Shhh. " Sehun said as he put a finger to Kai's lips.

" You'll get everyone's attention by being so loud. " Sehun chuckled.

Kai sighed in defeat as he slouched down in his seat.

" If you're going, I'll go too. " Sehun said, before putting his head down to "rest his eyes" again.

Kai beamed and smiled continously for the whole day before the time to go to the dance studio reached.

" Okay, Kai.. Relax.. It's just a dance date.. WAIT WHAT. DATE? Nononono. " Kai slapped his face lightly as he tried to make himself relax.

" ... Crazy.. " Sehun chuckled as he held the door open for Kai.

" Not going in? " Sehun asked. "Okay then. " Sehun added, acting like his leaving.

" Hey ! Don't go.. " Kai said as he lowered his head and steathily walk into the dance studio.

Sehun chuckled as he followed him in.

-After Settling Down-

" Did you learn anything new? " Sehun asked him.

" Well.. I tried. " He sighed.

" ... So you didn't learn anything new? Why?  " Sehun questioned him as he did his stretches.

" Totally not because I keep remembering you shirtless when I try. "  Kai muttered under his breath.

" what? " Sehun asked him.

" Uhm.. I get distracted easily. " He lied again.

" Heh.. I see. Any new songs you've started liking? " Sehun asked.

" Uhmm... " Kai started ramaging his bag looking for the CD.

"Ah! Here. " Kai said as he opened the casing to reveal the shiny CD.

".. Eureurong? Growl..? " Sehun said , in Korean and English.

" Yep. " Kai nodded enthusiastically .

" Ohh. They're the same band as the band I showed you the other time. " Sehun said, face brightening up.

" Yepp. " Kai said, nodding as enthusiastically as ever.

" Heh.. Kai, you can freestyle well. So.. Go ahead. " Sehun said as he put the CD in.

Why does this chapter feel exceptionally gay. 
Oh god ;u;
Anywho, I hope you liked the chapter ^^ <3

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Chapter 3: What about Xiumin? Author-nim~ Guve Xiumin a happy ending <3 :3
Please continue this >w<