Chapter 6-Transition

Apple-flavoured Kisses

Hey everyone! I'm back! and this chapter is gonna be short cause it's like the link where you can either choose to continue with the fluffy and short chapter or the angsty but sweet chapter.:) So hope you don't mind~ 

---(Time Skip, few months later, Yifan's graduation from Secondary School)Part 6-Transition---

His name was called... getting up from his seat, he collected his report card and sat back down. Afraid to look at his score, he slowly slide his fingers away from the numbers that would deem the worth of his brain.. Peeking at the numbers, he stared at it in shock, rubbing his eyes, he looked at the marks once again, he had scored a distinction! Seems like his brain was worth something after all. His hard work hadn't gone to waste, all those nights spent staying up late just to revise... His name was called again, he went up to receive a plain envelope his teacher smiled brightly at him, 'It must be something good!' He tore the envelope opened to revealed a scholarship to one of the most prestigious colleges in the area, he squealed! Like a man girl. He couldn't wait to share the great news!...


"GeGe, does that mean I won't see you anymore?" Zitao sniffed lightly at the thought of being separated from his favourite-gege-of-all-time. "No, no. Of course not. Only in school we wouldn't get to see each other. But we can still meet up for ice-cream or desserts or... cake! Or you can just comeover." Kris suggested, they only live a street away from each other. "Oh, o.k. GeGe..." Zitao still felt down. "Here, this sweet's for you. Cheer up o.k. Taozi? Remember this sweet?" Zitao's eyes lit up. "Oh! It's the one you gave me when I went to visit the doctor when I was six right?" "Yep. Eat this and be good. We'll still see each other often o.k. Taozi? I'll wait for the time you enter my school..."

A/N:So... yep. Short chapter:) The next chapter would be the fluffly and short chapter and after, the angsty but sweet chapter as I think the angsty but sweet chapter is more sweet:D As they always say: "Save the best for the last!" Right? Hahaz, right, I actually drew a scene from each alternate ending, I find the procedure of putting it up here too tiring and troublesome soooo... I'll be posting it on my instagram account and twitter account for those of you who do not have either and I'll paste the link here for you guys:) Thanks so far for the support! Love you~

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Hopefully I'll update tmr:] A lil‘ tip for u guys though: subbies, upvotties & commenties motivate me! :)


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Chapter 10: "They smiled at each other." *pushes Tao to kris* Now kiss~!! *byuntae mode on* XD
It's okay TaoTao! Everyone knows that sehun is the "Hun" to the "Han". A certain Picasso is looking for you! Go to him so you could be the Tao to his Ris. (Haha! I should just go.... Good bye..)
Chapter 9: Omg!!! Tao, how can you leave your dragon?! You meanie!! Kris!! Why didn't you do anything?! Argh! But i love this story though its so awesome♡
Lurveminself_391 #3
Oh yes, thank you Kare29 for upvoting! and btws, love ur profile pic, so cute! ^^
Lurveminself_391 #4
Chapter 9: Oh yes, stupid google chrome actually kinda like crash on me and so.. I had to re-type my chapter again.. but I made more improvements to it and I think it's better and longer now.. so yeah.. I was fuming mad when I typed the first part of the chapter.. anyone's gotta computer-wacker? XP
Chapter 8: Omo Omo I didn't expect that TaoHun to become a couple.

Tao oppa why you forgot Kris gege I hate you oppa please go back to Kris Gege I want Taoris >_< ahahah xD Lol over acting.

Excited to the next chapter!! :))
Lurveminself_391 #6
OMG! Thank you B2uty_Angel2013 for upvoting! Love you guys so very much! Muacks~ :* XD
Chapter 8: Awwwww....Tao dun go and love Sehun!! Go back to ur beloved gege!! How can u forget about him?!
Hwaiting author-nim!! Wish u gd lucks for ur story u'll be my first up vote once I have 25 karma points!! :)
Chapter 7: Omo I really like this story so fluffy and sweet kyahh the real kiss omo. Super love it <3

Excited to the next chapter!!!~~~

Figthing!!!~~~~ <3
Chapter 7: I was jumping on my moms bed XD!!! Finally! Kris confessed! Aarghh! I'm so happy *wipes away invisible tears* OMG! What am I going to do? I can't contain my happiness! Lol I love science!! And I'm OCD too.. XD
Chapter 7: yeeayyy.. a real kiss!