Minhyun's Place.

Aegyo Couple

hehe ~~ the time we have been waiting. AEGYOO TIME :DD.


tumblr_m9gck4P2Jf1qzckow.gifAegyo Couple 


Point of Views:

Sandara :tumblr_inline_mh1x4dpKGp1roozkr.gif

Jiyong :tumblr_inline_mh1x29LAEP1roozkr.gif

TOP :tumblr_inline_mh1x3jWVCm1roozkr.gif

Park Bom :tumblr_mdmjmoEaHM1qbs47q.pngtumblr_inline_muenoqqoOA1qdlkyg.gif

Minhyun :tumblr_mmtrntmtJO1r6jwumo1_100.gif


( Forever Apart was moved to this story!)


Some parts are based on my ELA story. LOLOLOL.


Now to story ;DD



                                                            Minhyun :tumblr_mmtrntmtJO1r6jwumo1_100.gif p.o.v.


"YAA!!!! What are you doing?!?!" I said to Sandara in an angry tone.

"Im just skipping," Sandara replied with a dissapointed face.

"Well stop it! It is annoying me!!!" I told her.

"Ok.. Sorry :(," Sandara replied.


She is so cute ^^ I thought to myself.

"Hey, Minhyun..." Sandara whispered.

"What?" I replied.

"What room do I sleep in?" Sandara asked.

"Who said you can sleep in one of the rooms?" I told her.

"Oh," She said with a pout.


"Ok then" Sandara said still holding the pout.

I saw her place her pillow and blanket on the couch. Next thing she did was get on the couch. 

I smirked.

"Haha silly. I was joking. Ok?" I told her.


I pointed to the door across from my room and said, "That is your room. Now go to bed."


" Thank you !!! " Sandara said  cutely.


She is so cute. I thought to myself.


                                                       Sandara :tumblr_inline_mh1x4dpKGp1roozkr.gif


Woah, I thought to myself. 


This place is fit for a princess!


Make up on one cornor of the room, alot of dolls and pictures, and a painting! There was a walk in closet and a door that leads to a bed. 


Hehe~~~ So CUTE!.


I got situated in my room, placed picturess and other items that would make the room stand out.


After all that work, I passed out. Exhausted.













photos from : http://oh-dara.com/2011/07/20/feature-a-sneak-peek-into-daras-room/


I woke up at 12:00 in the morning because I was hungry. 


~ Stomche rumbles ~

UGh. Im really hungry. I haven't aten in days!


I slowly opened my door, and tip-toed into the hallways. Suddenly the lights .


"What are you doing up!" Minhyun screamed.


" But...But..." I tried to say.


"Go back to bed! NOW!" Minhyun said while pointing to the door.


~ Stomche grummbles~


Minhyun laughed.


"So your hungry?" He said starcasticly.


" Yah... I just wanted to get a quick snack.. but you cought me.." I mummbled.


" Go. Hurry and go to bed, or else..." He said laughing.


"Or else what?" I replied.


" I am going to sleep with you, that's what else," He said.


My face was piled with a shocked look. O_O


" Hurry..." He joked.


I quickly ran to the kitchen searching for food. But everything I saw, I didnt know how to eat. So i randomly took some rice 


and added chicken to it. I rushed to the microwave and press the 1 minute button. 


Hurry, I said to the microwave. 


Finaly I heard a DING.~~


I grabed my food out the microwave, grabed some chopsticks, and ran into my room.


Once I opend my door, I stoped. 


In the presents of my eyes, was Minhyun. 















End of Chapter two! Hoped you liked it ^^. DARAGON FIGHTING.!!image


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finish chapter 2 ;DD!!!


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Chapter 6: Admin K: Ok. I admit. This story is better than mine and this story is not even finished yet cx *feeelss*