North Korea

Aegyo Couple


I am going to try to keep all this North Korean Shizz in one chapter so you can see aegyoooooo in the next ^3^/.


tumblr_m9gck4P2Jf1qzckow.gifAegyo Couple 


Point of Views:

Sandara :image

Jiyong :image

TOP :image

Park Bom :tumblr_mdmjmoEaHM1qbs47q.pngimage

Minhyun :


( Forever Apart was moved to this story!)


Some parts are based on my ELA story. LOLOLOL.


Now to story ;DD




(Sandara's POV)


“OMMA! APPA!” I screamed. With my own eyes, i witnessed the blade slowly


slash my parents’ neck. My knees started uncontrollably shaking and dropped to


the floor as I closed my eyes. I tried to block the world out, but their painful


screams echoed the room. Tears rapidly escaped from my eyes as I saw my parent’s heads


unattached from their bodies. I woke up to myself screaming and crying. I sat up and stared


vacantly. Most of the time, I tried my best to block those images out of my pounding mind, but


they were forever imprinted there. In my final state of exhaustion, the memories reappeared. I


ran. I ran as fast as I can just to forget that moment. Every time i blink, the images pops up like


it is imprinted into my mind. I sat myself down on the pavment. I could not help but think of that


terrible moment. As I heard the front door close in a thud, I immediately rose out of bed to


clean up. In the corner of my swollen eye, a glass shard glistened like a diamond in the


sunlight. Confidently walking towards the glass shard, I collected it and immediately focussed


on it and it’s beauty. With one dynamic movement, I slashed my arm. One slash to relieve my


pain, the second slash to relieve my suffer, and the last slash to relieve my misery. Before i


could do anything, I had dozed out.


As my eyes recovered from the doze, I noticed a quiet skinny figure in front of me. Behind him


were three men, spies. The skinny figured examined me, with his hands, he signaled the men


away. As he came closer and closer, I recognized him little by little. When he came close enough i


blerted out " MINHYUN !"


He smirked and turned around.


Jerk! I thought to myself.


"HEY!" I screamed out loud.


"Bad enough you had killed my family, so you are going to leave me out here? In front of your own home!?!?!" I exclaimded.


He turned around and gave me a " Shut up " face, and slowly walked away.


Ruuuudddeeee. I thought to myself.


Night i couldn't sleep well. The pavment was cold as ice that it almost gave me a frost bite!


Instead I ran in the front of Minhyun's door and loudly knocked it.


After 20 knocks, he got so annoyed that he answered the door.


"YAA! What do you want!?" He proclaimed loudly.


"Please, can i just get a blanket? It is freezing out side!" I replied.


He stared at me, a bit longer that usually. Then he immidetly shut the door.


As I turned around ready to leave his front door, it opened.


It opended to one of the men holding a blanket and pillow.


He threw it on the ground and shut the door.


Why are people these days so rude? I thought to myself. UGH!


Before I could step of the pourch, the door open again. But this time, Minhyun is at the door.


" Ya! You want to come in?" He said with a smirk.


My faced turned pale. I just dont know what to say.




tumblr_inline_mnhhenKbUU1qz4rgp.gif Yay !! ^^. End of Chapter One !!!


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finish chapter 2 ;DD!!!


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Chapter 6: Admin K: Ok. I admit. This story is better than mine and this story is not even finished yet cx *feeelss*