Velvet : Little Prince with a Little Love

Colors Of Life

Little Prince with a Little Love.

The every time I saw him, he always plastered his stoic expression on his beautiful face. Wait; did I just say that he is beautiful? Yes, he is. I think, he’s much beautiful that a girl though. He is not the type of pretty boy who spent their leisure time flirting with stupid y girls around; instead he always walked to the nearest park alone and sits on his favorite bench reading his favorite book, “A Little Prince”.

            Well, how did I know about all of the information about this guy though? I am a pretty little stalker. I stalk him each and every day of my life. I even have a special book that was made special for this guy.

Daily life of a little prince, Oh Sehun.

1.      He doesn’t really have many friends in life besides Byun Baekhyun who happen to be the most annoying person that ever exist on earth.

2.      He likes to sit alone.

3.      He’s a good dancer but he never dances in public like my cousin Kim Jongin.

4.      He’s actually in a good term of health and has a nice body.

5.      His favorite drink is bubble tea.

6.      He never had been in a relationship.

7.      He already read his favorite book for thousands of times. And yet, he doesn’t get bored with it.

8.      He don’t know me but I k now everything about him.


And to be honest, if I list down all the things that I wrote about him, it will take a year for you to read all of it.

So, how do I get started to be Oh Sehun’s perfect stalker of life?

I was walking alone on the empty hallway of our classrooms. Well, just to waste my time alone while waiting for my cousin Kim Jongin to finish his dance practice. So, I just walked and walked and walked like a madwomen by myself back and forth. And suddenly, I saw someone sitting on my classroom alone. I wonder whether I should stop by to say Hi to that person. As i am quite well known as the class bubbly character of life. I decided to slide the door and opened it slowly when I saw a beautiful face was sleeping peacefully while placing his chin on the table and a nice hand covered half of his face. I don’t want to interrupt so I walked back a bit before I hit the door and felt onto the nearest table around. When I come back to my sense, I search for any shadow left, and the only thing I saw is my stupid cousin was laughing at me.

So, if you really want to know the reason why did I stalk Oh Sehun is not about I did fall in love with him or what. I just want to get some revenge, for him being a selfish person and don’t even offer any help when I fall flatly before. Don’t try to imagine that I’ll act lovely in front of him because the reason I stalk him is to make sure that he’ll get suffer for his wrongdoing to me.

“Ah Ri-ah, you’d better set up all of your make up right now, or else I’ll leave you alone and let all the ert out there hunt you down!” He may be famous at school, but not for me. When my parents agree to let him live with us last year (Since his parents are working abroad), my peaceful life turn to hell. It’s good to have someone like him by my side. But the consequences is too much too handle. He’s such playful person and he even dragged me along when he needs to attend his dancing class. It’s been thousands time I’d tell my parents that I can go back home by myself. But they didn’t trust me and ask me to always stick myself with Kim Jongin.

“I know, can you just wait me for a second and shut your bloody mouth off Jongin!” I slow jog and see him waving his hand while holding the car key.

“I’ll drive today princess. Just sit back and relax okay?” And I will never sit my back relax all up when this stupid driver on wheel.

The rest of the journey is history. Like usual, get a few coupon of summoned by the police traffic. And I’ll end up paying for it.

“See you after school Ah Ri-ah!” Says the one who actually in the same class with me.

            I quickened  my pace and walked to my locker. Well, did I tell you that my locker is placed next to Oh Sehun for this year? The stupid incident happens last year and God maybe want to help me ease all my works. So, we ended up having our belonging next to each other and that smooth my revenge too, since I can see all his books and things inside his locker. And can simply remember his code locker number. 17178. That’s his combination of number. It is just too easy to remember though.

For the rest of the day, I just spent my day listening to some weird explanation about Chemistry and some difficult question of math. Lucky that Oh Sehun, he’s too smart to get yell by the teachers. Most of the teachers will let him sleep in class since they said a genius like him didn’t need to study to be a top student. Well, the dumber like me who need to work my off alone just to get an A and he just relax to get an A+. Life is not always fair, right?

“Today you got practice too Jongin?” Well, Jongin known as Kai at school. Only I called him Jongin though. I heard that he only let people that he care called him Jongin. Well, for sure that I can call him Jongin since I am his cousin. But people here didn’t know that we’re related to each other. They thought that we’re couple since we come together and go back home together in one car.

“Yes my princess. Hey, today I will let you go back home by your own since I got some little things to handle after the practice end. Okay?” So today I’ll be free from this bad cousin of mine. Thanks god!

“Sure, I’ll drive on my own okay? And please give me the car keys so that I can go now. You know how much I hate school, didn’t you?” Jongin just laughed while passing me the keys.

“Drive carefully and make sure call me when you arrived home later, okay?” I nod my head and running happily to the exit door. I am full free for today. I decided to go straight to my home when I saw Sehun talking to some crazy es. Who cares about him anyway? Oh, I need to jot that down.


Oh Sehun for the time was talking to girls.

            Maybe I should buy something for today’s dinner. Jongin eating out with his friends so I don’t have to cook for him but I need something to fill this hungry stomach of mine. What should I have for today’s dinner eh? Western food or Korean one? Or maybe I should have some Japanese foods like sushi and takoyaki? I made up my mind and heading to the nearest Japanese Restaurant.

“I’ll have Set A and cold green tea, please?” I looked around while examine some kind of new foods in the menu list. When suddenly I heard someone called my name. Eh, it’s Jongin, Baekhyun and that brat, Oh Sehun. What the hell are they doing here? Bad luck Jung Ah Ri. You shouldn’t eat here.

“Hey Jongin! What are you doing here?” Plastered this fake smile on my face when Jongin and his friends start walking to my directions.

“Of course I am here to eat, Ah Ri-ah! I thought you went straight to home.” I just smiled.

“Hey Jongin, we don’t disturb you dating with your girlfriend, right? But is it okay if we sit here with you since it’s almost full.” Baekhyun said while pointing to others table.

“You can just eat at another restaurant, right?” Sehun with his stoic expression looked at me, directly into my eyes.

“And if you might want to see this lovely boyfriend of yours dying because he didn’t get to eat his favorite sushi, than it’ll be okay for us.” I raised my eyebrows a bit. Jongin? My boyfriend? And what the heck of that?

“I am really sorry Mr. Oh Sehun! But this Kim Jongin here is not my boyfriend. And if he really wants to eat the sushi, I can do it for him at home since he is my cousin. And if you guys really want to sit here, just tell me directly and don’t be rude!” I don’t even believe myself. I literally am shouting in front of their face. Jongin seems a bit shocked with my reaction. I put all my things inside my bag and rushingly walked out from the restaurant since everybody was looking at me. Jongin try to stop me and I just push his hand away and start walking to my car.

“Just don’t talk to me now Kim Jongin or you’re dead!”


“Are you mad at me?” I continue doing my homework’s and let Jongin talked to himself.

“You’re mad at me, right? Okay, I am sorry if I disturb your dinner early. See, I bought your favorite sushi and takoyaki. Eat it before getting cold. Please, Ah Ri. I begged you to eat since you’d nothing for your dinner.”

“Get out. I want to sleep now. And I will go to school by myself tomorrow, so don’t try to bother finding and shouting at me.” With that, I turn off my lamp and sleep.


            I woke up pretty early that morning. Then, I took my bath and start walking to school. Gosh, I didn’t have my breakfast today because I want to avoid Jongin. And now I feel like dying. Yesterday, I didn’t eat anything for my dinner and yet don’t even took any for breakfast. My body left with no energy at all. And am I dreaming or what? My vision start getting blurred and the only thing I remember is everything went black.

“Ah Ri-ah, are you okay? I am damn worried about you. Stop getting mad at me and please eat something Ah Ri-ah. I am begging you now.” I can see crystal clear of tears in Jongin eyes. I feel bad suddenly, for making him cry. I am not supposed to act like that.

“I am okay now, Jongin. I am sorry for getting mad at you. It’s all my fault.” Tears running down his cheeks. He shakes his head slightly.

“It’s okay. My fault, my bad, and you should thank Sehun for bringing you here later okay?” What? Sehun piggyback me when I fainted before. Well, he may be not that bad.

“I promise I’ll thank him later. Don’t you have any class today? You should go to class now.”

“I don’t want. I’ll keep accompanying you here and later we will be back home.” I smiled and Jongin excused himself to go buy something for me. Few minutes later, I heard someone opened the door. I thought it was Jongin but to my shocked, it’s Sehun.

“Feeling better?” I nod my head.

“I am sorry for the other day. I didn’t know that you’ll get mad and I apology for my wrongdoing.” I nod my head again.

“And I am sorry because I did nothing when you fell down before. I went out to call someone but when I am back, Jongin already help you up. I am sorry Ah Ri. I didn’t mean to leave you alone that day.” So, it’s all misunderstanding. He did something to help me.

“Why are you telling me all of these things though? I already forgive all your mistakes.”

“Shouldn’t you say sorry at me too? For putting that stupid glue on my locker, threw a thumbtack on my chair and hide my homework’s too?” Eh, he knew all of my wrongdoing at him.

“How did you know I am the culprit though? Don’t accused someone without any proves.”

“I know that you are mad at me because I didn’t help you before. I try to explain but you always with Kim Jongin. So, I don’t want to ruin your relationship. That’s why I just keep it as a secret.” WHAT?

“For what? You can just tell me and I will forgive you straight away. And why did you do nothing when I threaten your life?” this guy is totally a weirdo.

“It’s because I love you. Don’t you realize it?” Oh, so he loves me.


He loves me?

Oh Sehun love Jung Ah Ri?


And everything went black again.




17178 mean Ah Ri.

I love her.

And after 2 years of being a great stalker, she returns my love with one condition.


Promise to always love her through hell or high water.

And I will always be ready to do that.

For my forever princess, Jung Ah Ri.

Did she know that I also made a special diary to list down all her daily activities?

Jung Ah Ri special case diary.

1.      Such bubbly person who can make everyone smile just by looking at her cute face.

2.      Pretty but cute.

3.      Kim Jongin is her boyfriend.

4.      She likes to eat Japanese food.

5.      And she hates me.

6.      She always hates me.

7.      She just put a thumbtack inside my shoes and my chair.

8.      She put some stupid glue on my locker.


And it will take millions of years for me to list down all her activities my dear friend.

But the only thing I can be sure now.

She loves me.

Me loves she too.

And the last thing that I need to write is:

Infinity: Jung Ah Ri love me forever and she doesn’t hate me anymore.









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