Chapter 5

Love Pain...(Contest Entry)



            Blood oozed out of tiny punctures that blemished his white skin. His face was contorted into an expression of wild agony and his fingers curled outward, calling out silently for help. The wheels of my mind ceased to work, my body refused to listen to my weary mind. Out of control, with a savage growl, I dashed towards Master, knowing fully well that he would barely flinch, but even so, longing to hurt him to the best of my ability.

             I struck my fist intermittently on his hard chest, with little result. He, almost resignedly pushed me away with a single palm. I landed ignominiously on the muddy floor and at level with Onew, I could sense the pain that he was going through.

“Just let go of him, already!” I begged Master, tears running down my eyes. Onew, was heaving, panting and although I couldn’t experience the pain running through his body, every few minutes, his face would scrunch up into a ball and though he said nothing, his shuddering body said it all.

“I’m waiting…” Minho replied, an unsettling sneer playing upon his lips. “I’m waiting for Onew to say his last words to you. I’m waiting for his confession to you and then I’ll strike him off the face of the earth. I’m really not as hard hearted as you make me out to be, you know. I love romantic endings and so, Onew, why don’t you let the curtain fall with your magical parting words?” His words dripped with sarcasm.

Onew looked up at him with all the hatred and abhorrence he could gather in that one stare. But, it had little effect on our hardened Master. Onew then directed his gaze at me, and his features underwent a startling change.

        His sharp lines softened, his mouth relaxed and his expression arranged itself into a remorseful, even happy one that tugged at my heartstrings. “Forgive me, Taemin. I didn’t deserve your trust. I can’t do any more for you. I’m going to go away, and leave you in the painful despair of humanity. I’m taking the easy way out of it all, and maybe you will join me soon. Taemin….I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not being worthy of your trust and not rescuing you from this endless pit of despondency earlier. There’s nothing I can do now. I can only say a goodbye and hope you forgive me. Taemin, I’ll be waiting for you above. Not, in hell this time, but in heaven where I can be sure that an angel like you will be found. Bye, until soon.”

Every word he uttered will remain etched in my memories. The tone, the intonations that accompanied those words burned a permanent crack in my bruised heart. “Bye…” I longed to whisper, but the word dried up in my parched throat.

“Is that all? Onew, you’re dying! And you forgot to tell him the most important thing!” Minho interrupted in mock astonishment.

        Onew directed a filthy glance in his direction and then slowly rose up to his feet. He inched closer to me, gradually and stopped in front of me. He cupped my quivering chin in his left palm and tilted it upwards leisurely. I stared unblinkingly into those dark eyes that I wouldn’t behold anymore. A slight tear escaped my eyes and began making its way down my cheek. “I love you, Taemin.” And the drop struck the earth.

         Almost, all at once, a bright light began searing out of him. I stared fearfully and reached out to his arm, gripping it tightly. And, right there, before my very eyes, I saw my Onew disintegrate into wisps of dust and soar away with the rising wind. His legs vanished, his torso, his neck, but all the while, his eyes remained fixed on me, professing the ardent love that took his life…for the second time. “I love you!” He said again as his face began to disappear. “I love y….”

              My fist was clenched into a ball and I stared at it, at that place where I held his hand just a moment ago. “I love you…” The words kept ringing inside me. I wanted to shut them out of my life. Love causes it all. Love isn’t blissful or happy. Love is misery, agony and gloom.

“ONEW!” To scream was all that I could do. Helpless, I was tired of being helpless…I was tired of being ignorant. I was tired of being a burden and I was tired of living when I had cause the death of another.

“He’s not going to come back.” Minho said, smirking, as he glanced at my wretched face. “He’s not coming back…he was silly enough to defy me. And, so, he gets to pay.”

        I knew it. I knew it so well, yet I didn’t want to believe it. Comforting one’s self with lies is so much more easy that facing the truth. But, in the wake of this harsh reality, even I couldn’t mask the plain truth that spoke for itself.

“Now, stop standing there. You know far too much and you won’t open your mouth and breath a word about this to anyone, alright?” He said as he began walking back towards the castle. “Come now!”

I meekly obeyed. The last bits of self dignity that prevailed in me seemed to have fluttered away with Onew. I followed along jadedly, despairingly. I followed that man meekly, the man who destroyed my life. Although my body shivered with acute pain that travelled across, my mind demanded information.

“I know part of the story! I know their side of the story and now I need to know yours!” I said as loudly as I could. My voice trembled with every word, but even so, I desired to know the whole story. “Tell me, tell my why you long for authority, why you gave away your soul for power, why do you love to kill and injure? Tell me, Minho! I deserve to know! You took away part of me and so in return I only ask you for the whole story.”

Minho smiled slowly as he turned around to look at me. “Okay,” He said simply, “I’ll tell you my side of the story since you’re such an insignificant brat.”

I tried to smirk triumphantly, but my lips refused to obey. A sudden thought passed through my head that if he really didn’t want to part with that confidence, he would have easily not done so.

He began his story and I for the second time that day was a ear witness to a story that would nestle deep within the darkest parts of my soul. It seemed like déjà vu…

“You want to know, don’t you? Here’s the story. My sad sorry tale of when I was merely a lad. My parents, Taemin, I did know them all that well. They were murdered when I was barely seven. I stared at their mutilated bodies and rough emotions surfaced. As I saw their dark, crimson blood stain the carpet flooring, I saw my future flash before my eyes.”

I stopped him there before he could continue. The contempt that I held for him increased multifold, “So you’re doing all this for what? Revenge?” I couldn’t keep the disgusted tone out of my voice, “Revenge, your parents were murdered and so you go around murdering every person on this planet to attain solace?”

He shook his head, smiling, “You always do assume the most theatrical of all the possibilities. No, this is not a way for me to attain revenge on my parents. Get rid of one assumption that is clouding your thought process. My parents were murdered, killed, but not by any unknown person. They were disfigured, hurt and stabbed to the heart by me, Taemin, only by their son, Choi Minho.”

Words failed me and I stood there staring at him. Why did all tales, all stories have to be so shocking, so appalling?

“Yes,” He nodded. “Unable to say a word? I expected such a reaction. Taemin, I was always powerful, always strong. Finishing off my parents must have been the simplest murder I have ever committed. I had a strong lust for inflicting pain. I loved to see people suffer at my brawny hands. I loved to hear them scream and yell for help knowing fully well that no one could hear them. That is me, Taemin. I was born with an uncontrollable urge to create pain, craft murders and attain power. I’m just a slave to my lusts. My lust for power and blood overcomes my logic and rationality. I need to be the all powerful.”

         His story ended thus, and what could I reply to such a deplorable confidence. I was repulsed to such a degree that I could barely control the nauseating sensation that overwhelmed me. Minho, he did not even have a concrete reason for all the murders, all the bloodshed, all the wars. They were just crafted to satisfy his curious lust for power and blood. Cruel sadist. I’m ashamed at myself, ashamed at loving one who kills for hilarity. I value life…and I love one who prefers throwing lives away.

He began walking again and I followed mutely.

 We entered and he sat upon his severe throne, calling out for attention. Instantly, order was regained and everyone looked at him with eager faces.

“Servants…you will be glad to know, that tomorrow, I shall be the lone reigning monarch in this world. Tomorrow, as my last battle ends, I shall become the only power on this earth. Tomorrow! The day will go down in history! I shall fight my last battle and win it. I shall be known all over the world. And I will have achieved all the supremacy and all the authority that exists in this measly world!”

          I didn’t pay any attention to his eloquent speech. So, tomorrow, he’ll finally get all the power he desires. I doubt it! His greed for power is endless, he will soon long for more and more. That’s just his narrow-minded nature.

            I was tired out from the day’s exertions. My eyes closed automatically and I didn’t bother to resist it. Onew’s smiling face kept floating before me. Onew, I do forgive you, but I do not love you the way I do Minho…It’s just one of the bizarre things in nature.

             I lay down on the bed, unmindful of its rigidity. My mind is occupied by more imperative things. For the first time in my life, I questioned my dignity. I wonder how I could stoop to levels as lowly as slavery. I lived for him, I served him selflessly, blinded with a false hope that someday he might recount the many things I had done for him, that one day, he might realize the love I held for him. Oh, vain, vain fancies! I do have dignity! I do have self respect, but living with Minho for so long has had them buried somewhere under all the mistrust and disbelief. I need to dig them out and become myself again.

               I’ve reached a hard decision. I’ve made up my weak mind and I hope I’m doing the right thing. I press my head against the pillowcase and decide to enjoy that experience as I never would again. I stare at the ceiling and feel the trapped beauty in its peeling paints. I press my fingertips against the cold marble bed and savour the touch. I run my hand across my back and feel the many scars implanted there by Master. I would miss that as well. I’m sure in my decision and now, I begin to sense the beauty around me.

              Tomorrow, Master had said, would be his last battle. I cannot be sure how true that statement would hold in the future, but I can be sure that it would be the last battle I saw him fight. I am going to make amends for every sin I have committed tomorrow. Tomorrow is my judgment, and I pass the death sentence myself.

               I close my eyes and savour my last sleep, everything seems so poignant now. Morning greets me too soon and too harshly as cold winds circle around my bare torso. But, I don’t grumble at it today. Instead, I smile at it with a paternal eye. I never noticed these little things that made up our lives before. A clanging of loud bells brings everyone to the huge hall. Master, himself, is dressed in his battle clothes. His Army stands beside him, impassive as usual and today, I stall myself from looking at them, as there would be no Onew amongst their wooden expressions.

“I will need all your help today. Not only my army’s! We’re taking on the biggest army that thrives in his world and I need you to help me win!” He didn't plead, he was clearly ordering.

I smile. A battlefield, what a fine way to depart. I will depart amidst the pain and devastation caused by him.

Everyone lines up in an orderly manner. I stare ruthlessly at Minho, until I catch his eye. Minho, this battle will be more than you bargained for.

We begin moving out of the castle. The trees spread their branches out playfully. A sudden memory of me climbing up a tree with the help of Onew, flashes across my mind. Everything is placed so beautifully today. Every rock, every butterfly, every flower…I never had the time to notice these trivial things that made our Earth beautiful…

           My walk towards the battle field seems to be synonymous to a walk through heaven. I inch closer and closer to my impending death and I turn more and more detached. I wonder if God will hand over to me a second life later…when He thinks I’ve learnt my lesson. I want to come back to this world. But, I want to live a peaceful, almost boring life then. Minho should be absent from my life.

            We’ve reached the ground. It’s a vast, barren land that is sprinkled with drops of dried blood and blades of battered swords. How many battles must have this ground stood witness to? Trifling questions occupy my mind. I stand behind and at the far end at a great distance I spot a cluster of black silhouettes. Them, I take to be the enemy. Few minutes pass, and tense expressions begin covering all faces. A shrill whistle sounds and with a deafening roar we run into the field…The battle has begun.

            Minho, I had made a promise to myself to serve you well until death do us apart…

Until death…death do us apart.

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cassiejoyz #1
Chapter 6: You are an amazing writer. I dont usually read fics as dark as this. But i just couldn't stop. I wanted a happy ending but i knew its impossible. :'( i like ontae in this fic more than 2min.
ontaetae #2
i really like it!!
its soi nice
I read the prologue and the 1st chapter. And to b REALLY honest, I really liked the way It's written. But Angst is JUST not my cup of green tea. I want to kill myself for not being able to handle the sadness I felt with these 2 chapters that I read. I WANT TO READ MORE but....U understand right? :(
minhosims #4
okay, I'm no longer reading this, lol
minhosims #5
oh, i don't know that you joined this contest too!<br />
wait, lemme read this.
I absolutely loved it!!!!! :D But jus a question: Did Minho have any love for Taemin? Or was t truthfully one-sided? Because in the last chapter, Minho seems to show some sort of emotion, but I'm just too dense!!!<br />
I understand that he kept Taemin's sword, but was him killing himself with that particular bloody sword have any meaning to it? (And Minho did remember his name! Even after a year!!)<br />
<3 Please reply!!!!!~
W.O.W. if i was taemin, i wouldve punched minho in the face XD
plumeria5 #8
I don't usually comment, but this fic made me go through so many different emotions... at 2am! It made me cry, frustrated, angry... Also, thank you for posting the completed fic :)
Wolfram_iflameu #9
Thank you sooo much! ^__^