The Hangman's Tale



         Minho stares at lever with frightened eyes. Bile rises up at the back of his parched throat. His eyes threaten to water, his mouth threatens to cry out and his grip threatens to falter. But he knows he cannot hesitate. Not now. Not never. He cannot make it worse than it already is for the lifeless soul waiting to die. So he swallows. He swallows hard. The saliva almost hurts his dry throat. He throws the noose around the other man’s neck with a practiced hand. He mumbles a soft sigh of repentance to the convict, to his family and to God. And a few seconds later, he pulls the lever.


If a doctor kills, it’s a mistake. If a policeman kills, it’s duty. But if a hangman kills, you call it murder.”

--Ahmadullah, Professional Executioner.


Inspired by a newspaper middle of the same name.

My entry for Subround 3 of Round 2 of The Sky Is The Limit Writing Contest

Prompt 10: If I had been someone else in a different world, I'd've done something different, but I was myself and the world was the world, so I was silent. 

           -- Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer



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myownsaviour #1
Chapter 1: I'm chocking with tears, this story is heart-wrenching but beautiful <3
Chapter 1: Oh wow that was amazing, beautifully written too. I could imagine though that the hangman would feel guilty in knowing that they are the one who are responsible for ending another life...
shawolistic #3
Chapter 1: I feel so honoured to be your friend in some obscure manner. I was reading this manga about a guy falsely accused of multiple crimes and is finally hanged but nevermind. What i mean to say was i cried like a baby in that manga, and that was an award winning manga and i cried like a baby in your story and if I had the capability i would award you the winner of the competition.
this is was beautiful. i can't elaborate enough. I actuallu thought that the first guy hanged by Minho was Tae, then i thought the friendly face was Tae but then the bomb was dropped, ever so gently. it's disturbing because of your beautiful language. The image of the body swaying, the mouth frothing, everything is aesthetically disturbing. and it hurts to know that you are 15 and i am 18 <.<
I guessed that Tae's death was inevitable but that Minho's choice would be that never crossed my mind and i guess that is your amazing quality as a writer. you don't throw random jargon all over your story but every word of yours is carefully chosen and placed. Not a single word is wasted; every moment is precious.
I love you and i think i will call you my favourite author from now on. don't give a modest reply to this comment. :P
Bukaholic89 #4
Chapter 1: Wow!!! amazing story. nobody usually thinks about how the executioner feels. good work!!!
Chapter 1: really love this... =)

p/s: good luck... =)
Chapter 1: WOW! I don't usually read angst but your description alone was so beautifully worded I couldn't say no. To my own surprise I don't regret it one bit. Absolutely wonderfully dark. And may I also say, great portrayal of a hypocritical society at It's best. Xp
Oh my god that was absolutely beautiful, really makes you think that you can still die with honor and your head held high. Absolutely stunning, wonderful job!

I also entered The Sky's the Limit and I'm so happy to be still be competing alongside you. I would say "best of luck" but I highly doubt you need it ^-^
Chapter 1: This is quite possibly the best fanfic I have ever read! The prose is absolutely brilliant! You are awesome ^^