36. Annie

A Blank Score ♬♪ [One-Shot Requests]

iCiere, your request is done.

I'm sorry it took as long as it did but I have to admit I struggled with the vagueness of the request in this instance. But, I have your story now and its slightly different from the request form that came in but I hope you like it all the same. I would like to thank you though, in writing this I've finally been able to start telling Baekyeon and Chanyeol apart (I've been mixing them up for years...) but again please enjoy the story ^^



As she entered the park, Bi An kicked a rock sending a kit of pigeons scattering. She smiled. Walking over to a nearby bench, she dropped her bag and sat down as the clouds rolled over blocking the sunlight. Lifting her head to the sky with eyes still shut she mumbled “The answer is still no Chanyeol.”

Opening her eyes to see a bouquet of flowers under her nose, she brushed them away expression unchanging. Putting on his best smile Chanyeol did his best to stay upbeat “Come on Bi-ah, will one cup of tea kill you?”

As she picked up her bag to leave she replied airily “No means no Chanyeol. The sooner you stop asking the sooner you’ll find a nice girl.” Watching her walk away he mumbled “I know you are a nice girl Bi An, one day I’ll show you that.”

Once Bi An had arrived back at her apartment building, she slid into the stairwell and made her way up to her apartment in complete silence. Unlocking the door and walking into the very grey room, she closed the door before sliding down it to the floor. Beginning to sob softly Bi An decided that homework was for another day.

Eventually drying her cheeks, a loud thud on the door made the colour drain from her cheeks. Trying to stand up though her knees were shaking, Bi An slowly opened the door. Seeing the burly 6ft.4 landlord outside the door, she couldn’t form words before he growled “Rent’s due.”

Not sure what to do, Bi An tried to find her voice “P-p-please, I just need a few more days. I don’t get my first pay check till Friday! Please just give till then?” with a low grunt he shifted off seeming to accept the terms. Immediately locking the door, Bi An walked through her bare apartment and fell onto the bed as it was the only piece of furniture she had.

After a rough night of little sleep Bi An woke up to the realization she had to go to school. Not particularly wanting to get up she dragged herself out of bed she grabbed a bottle of water and a couple of questionably stale rice cakes and collected her bag from the floor where she left it before heading out.

Just managing to stay awake through all her classes she was nearly unable to walk by the end of the day. “Bi-ah, are you alright?” jumping at the sound of his voice, her filter was now completely gone “Oh Chanyeol I don’t have time to deal with this right now, I have to go.” Not taking that for an answer he followed her as she rushed off out the school.

Tagging behind her all the way to the city centre, he was surprised to see her enter a café. Watching her go through into the back, it twigged what was going on and he proceeded to take a seat to test a theory.

After a quick change, she tied her apron on before tying her hair back. Seeing only 1 customer in her section, she put on the best smile she could manage as she approached them. Once at the tableside, the fact it was Chanyeol made her hesitate until her manager glared at her clearly not understanding what was going on. Caving to the need to keep her job she fixed her smile and diligently recited “Hi there, welcome to Café Dusk. My name is Annie and I will be your server today, can I get you anything?”

Pretending to look over the drinks in the menu he sighed “Well ‘Annie’, could you tell me more about your seasonal tea’s?” heart skipping a beat she whispered “Chanyeol please…” but upon hearing her manager clearing his throat clearly listening she tried her best to stick to her training “Well sir, for summer we have a range of iced teas coming in a peach, raspberry and mango flavours. Though as of next week we rotate into our Autumn latte’s so if they take your fancy I would advise getting one now so you don’t miss out.”

Glancing behind her Chanyeol sat the menu down and mumbled “It’s okay, he’s gone.” Relaxing somewhat she knew she had about 5 minutes before he came back “Thank you, but what are you doing here?” seeing the bags under her eye’s he was almost afraid to answer “I was worried about you, you were barely functional at school and you almost sleepwalked here. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

As a pink tingled across her cheeks Bi An whispered “You really care that much?” reaching for her hand with a warm smile Chanyeol replied “Just because no one else chooses to see you doesn’t mean I can’t see how perfect you are.” With tears now welling in her eyes she gently took her hand back “I’m not perfect… you deserve someone better.”

Hearing the manager return Bi An switched back to server mode “So those are today’s specials, have you decided what you’d like to have?” wishing he’d had a few more minutes with the real Bi An Chanyeol saw the way the manager was glaring at her and decided to help her out “I don’t know, you made everything sound so good. What would you recommend? What’s your favourite?”

Almost surprised by the response she quickly replied “Well if you like tea I would go with the peach iced tea, it’s delicious. It goes really well with our new lemon and honey cake, if you have a sweet tooth.” Admitting that does actually sound good he smiled “Okay, I will take your recommendation that sounds delightful.”

“No problem, I will get those right out for you.” She smiled as she headed back to the kitchen. As he waited for her to return, a voice cut through his train of thought “You don’t have to be nice to her, she needs to learn to do her job that means getting bad feedback when she does something wrong.” Cutting him a look that he shouldn’t be saying things like that Chanyeol replied “You left the room you don’t know what kind of job she did, and I’ll have you know she did an excellent job. Very attentive, helpful and said nothing but nice things about you and your products. You should maybe consider the fact you see her doing a bad job is because you refuse to see her doing a good one.”

As Bi An returned with the tea and cake, Chanyeol wondered if he’d said something he shouldn’t as she was called away to the office. Making quick work of the cake Chanyeol sat playing with the straw in his drink wondering how much trouble he’d gotten Bi An in to.

Jumping as he found a pair of lips on his cheek, Chanyeol turned a deep pink as he realized who they belonged to. As she sat down across from him, Bi An smiled “I don’t know what you said to him but thank you.” Heart now racing Chanyeol didn’t understand what was going on “W-what happened?” taking her apron off she sighed “I’m not sure, he just said I’d done a really good job and that I could take the rest of the day off paid. And muttered something about a raise next week which is really out of character for him so whatever you said must have been something impressive.”

Admittedly relieved that he didn’t get her fired Chanyeol smiled “I just told him how amazing you were, but I’m glad he’s treating you better you didn’t deserve that.” Clearly grateful it was obvious there was something still being hidden “Bi-ah, is something else going on?”

Nearly in tears she fell quiet again she tried to push it off “It’s nothing…” reaching over the table to her Chanyeol couldn’t hide his growing concern “Please Bi-ah, I know you don’t want to date me but that’s not going to stop me wanting to help you.” Glancing up at him she whispered “I never said that.” Almost convinced he’d heard that because it’s what he wanted her to say he mumbled “But you said…”

“I said you deserved someone better, I’ve always liked you I just thought you deserved a nice normal girl who.” Unable to finish her sentence, Bi An found his lips pressed against hers. Turning a deep pink as he pulled away she mumbled “Then again you make an excellent point.” Returning to his seat, Chanyeol gave her a warm smile “Darling, please, let me help.”

Head still reeling from what just happened she tried to piece words together “You’re never going to stop trying, are you?” chuckling softly he replied “Never.” With a slight smile she reached over and took his hand “Chanyeol I care about you deeply, and I don’t want you getting hurt…” wanting to trail off but knowing he wouldn’t let her she sighed “You won’t believe me if I tell you, so if you want to know I’ll show you.”

Wanting to help her after seeing the effect of whatever it was Chanyeol agreed to go with her. After ten minutes of walking in silence he was about to question where they were going when he saw her turn to enter a very grey looking building. Following her inside, it was all he could do not to yelp as she quickly pulled him into the stairwell.

Too surprised to say anything he climbed the stairs, walking into her apartment his heart sank “Oh Bi-ah, what happened?” watching as he looked around the empty grey room she sighed “Nothing, I’ve been living like this for years… its nothing new.” Turning to hug her not knowing what else to do, a loud thud on the door interrupted them.

Noticing how tense the noise made her, Chanyeol took it upon himself to open the door. As it swung open to reveal the great brut of a landlord he bluntly asked “Yes?”

“Rent’s due.” He growled knowing full well she could hear him. Not liking the man one bit Chanyeol crossed his arms “Is it last months late or the upcoming months advance?” as the landlord clearly didn’t like being questioned he reluctantly answered “Next month’s advance.”

“Well she’s moving out today so tough luck no pay.” Chanyeol said as he shut the door. Surprised by the bluntness of his comment it almost didn’t register what was happening “Oppa… what are you doing?” instantly beaming upon hearing her question he wrapped his arms around her waist “I like it when you call me that, I’ve wanted to hear you say that for so long.”

With a warm smile she draped her arms around his shoulders “Oppa~ please tell me what you meant.” As he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead Chanyeol did his best to put her at ease “I don’t know what caused you to move in here, and I won’t ask. But as long as it’s in my power you won’t have to stay here having to deal with that creep.”

“It’s a bit quick to be moving in, no?” she whispered almost afraid of the answer. Admitting it was rather quick he nodded “I know, but I couldn’t live with myself knowing that I could help and left you in this place.” Stopping him before he could make either of them cry, Bi An pulled him close into a kiss. After several moments of shy happiness, she broke the silence and whispered “I love you.”

“Come on sweetie, let’s go home.” He smiled. Helping her gather the few items she had, they headed downstairs and dropped the Key in front of the landlord before walking out the building. Still a little unsure of this, she quietly followed him across town to a beautiful set of white and glass buildings. As she followed him inside, she was a little taken aback by the pristine tiled floors and glass reception area it was clear she didn’t belong there.

Heading upstairs, part of her still expected it to be a trick as they walked into his apartment. The glossy white door swung open to reveal a grey tiled entrance space that let onto a lush cream carpet, Bi An just stood shocked like she needed permission to enter.

“I know it’s a little different to what you had, but I couldn’t live with myself knowing I left you there while I lived here and I want you to have nice things because my god do you deserve it after all this. I’m not saying you have to stay with me to stay here, and you’ll have your own room I’m not assuming anything… I just want to try and make your life a little bit easier.” Chanyeol said trying to make her feel more comfortable.

Eventually following him inside, she left her shoes at the door but couldn’t take it all in. As she found herself sobbing in his arms, Bi An couldn’t believe his kindness “Chanyeol you are the kindest person I’ve ever met, but I can’t accept this. I don’t want to be a burden…” holding her tight like he’d never let go he tried to comfort her “Bi-Ah you’re not a burden. You deserve to live in a loving home with heating and food and running water. I want you to look forward to coming home, to be able to get a good night’s sleep and to be able to take a day off once in a while without fear of being evicted.”

“Oppa, I would want nothing more than to come home to you every day. You’ve always been the highlight of my day.” Bi An smiled. With a soft chuckle Chanyeol replied “I told you that you were a nice girl Bi-ah, I’m sorry I didn’t realise you were just cold to try and protect yourself… I didn’t mean to push.”

“I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did, I was scared to trust but that wasn’t your fault. I guess I just didn’t expect to fall as hard or as fast as I did… please forgive me.” Bi An pleaded. Not knowing how to tell her there was nothing to forgive Chanyeol held her close and vowed that he would do whatever it took to make her happy.

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lulabyx #1
Chapter 40: I'm late.. I just read this and it was so cute!! I love it thank you <3
Chapter 39: Love this sooooo much!!!! Thankyou for this story author-nim :"
Don't worry~
Chapter 37: Am I late? Sorry. Just login aff. But... I still love this one! Thank you so much! ^^
Chapter 38: Ckskzmzjajsjwjdjd
Thank you so much XD
lulabyx #5
Genre : romance, fantasy
Character : Hwang Fira and Oh Sehun (exo)
Personality : a blank cold hearted person
Plot : fira hate sehun's gut but sehun love fira personality (all of her) or when sehun keep on bugging the cold hearted fira and all fira want to do is sleep or throw sehun to another planet
Specific : a shy ending with a kiss on the cheeks
Pov :3rd pov
Genre: Angst, Romance
Characters: Yoon Gina and Shownu (Monsta X)
Personality: Sensitive but have a bright personality. Like to hide any feeling from others.
Plot: Gina and Shownu are a couple, but one day Gina get a 'bully' from Shownu's co-worker because of their jealousy. Maybe the story tell about how Shownu protect his girlfriend from them and how Shwonu 'tell' them that he really love Gina.
: Happy ending with kissing scene (oh my God~ sorry >,<)

good luck, author-nim >,<
Chapter 1: Themes: fluff
Character: Lee Bi An and Park Chanyeol (exo)
Personality: cold, quiet, unfeeling
Plot: when chanyeol keeps getting rejected by oc but continues trying to win her heart anywayz.
: no
Anything else: 3rd pov
Hehe thanks
Requesting again :>
Themes/Genre: fluff
Character: Im Nina (oc) Jeon Jungkook (bts)
Personality of your character: likes kid, not good at comforting others and love to play hard-to-get
Plot: Jungkook and Nina met at an orphanage while doing some volunteer work. The two of them get close when one day Jungkook is upset bcs he lost in the dancing competition. Nina tried hard to comfort Jungkook. And he fell in love with the effort Nina made for him.
Specific : no
Anything else: I preferred 3rd pov
^^thank you
Chapter 36: Kyaaa~ gomawoyo author-nim for the nice story! :D thank you for your efforts!