Chapter 3

What Are We Doing?

Chapter Three

It wasn’t as bad as he thought it was going to be. Sure, there were machines hooked up to him and he looked pretty beat up, but for the most part, he didn’t look dead. There were a couple of x-ray’s hung up on the wall, but Teddy didn’t know how to read them. The sound of Yongbae breathing was a little off, it sounded more strained. Teddy stood frozen at the door. He wanted to run up and grab his hand and whisper in his ear that everything would be okay, but he didn’t want someone to walk in on that. He’s already spread their secret too much today. He chose the next best option and sat in the chair that was placed next to Yongbae’s bed, not too close but not too far away either. He watched as Yongbae’s chest slowly rose and fell with every strained breath that he took.

The door to the room opened and Teddy turned around, noticing the doctor walking in with a couple of his colleagues. He looked questioningly at Teddy,

“Who are you?” he asked. Teddy cursed inside his head.

“I’m his…I’m his partner.” He said finally, what was three more people knowing their secret anyway.

“Hm.” The doctor said, walking to the other side of Yongbae’s bed. “Has he woken up anymore since you’ve been here?” he asked. Teddy shrugged,

“I’ve only been here for three minutes, but no.” The doctor nodded, then took some notes on the clip-board he had been carrying around.

“We’ve decided that we’re going to take him to surgery in an hour, so I need a signature. You as a partner will do.” The doctor said, handing the clipboard to Teddy, pointing at a line with his pen. Teddy grabbed both items and looked at the doctor,

“Why does he need surgery? What are you going to do?” he asked.

“Because of the accident, he’s broken a few ribs. I’m worried that it might have a negative effect on his lungs, so we’re going to go in and make sure that doesn’t happen.” Teddy nodded,

“Is that all?” he asked again. The doctor nodded.

“For the most part, yes. He did hit his head pretty hard and may possibly have a concussion, but if we keep a good eye on that, nothing bad should come from it.” Teddy sighed in relief. He was glad that Yongbae’s injuries weren’t too serious, but he was still worried about Yongbae going into surgery. “So if you could sign that, we can get started.” Teddy came back to reality and nodded his head, quickly signing on the line that had been indicated.

“I’m going to have to ask you to wait in the waiting room until the surgery is over.” Teddy nodded and looked over at Yongbae. The doctor smiled, “I’ll give you a minute.”

Teddy watched as the doctor ushered the other two out of the room and shut the door behind them. He walked back to the seat next to Yongbae and moved it closer, reaching out to grab Yongbae’s hand.

“You listen here Dong Yongbae.” He started. “Don’t die on me…and don’t be scared. You’ll be asleep and you wont feel a thing. It will all be over before you know it. And I’ll be right outside waiting for you, okay? So don’t you leave.” He said, reaching up to wipe away tears that he didn’t even know where falling. “I’m sorry we’ve been fighting so much. I’ve been selfish, only thinking about my feelings…but I’ll be better. So please…please don’t die. I understand that I’m being dramatic, heck, it’s only your ribs, but… happens everyday. Things always go wrong. And I’m scared. God. You can’t even hear a word I’m saying and I’m pouring out a drama storyline or something.” Teddy said, laughing sadly, still wiping away tears. “Just…I love you. So…just don’t die.” Teddy finished, squeezing Yongbae’s hand tightly.

He sniffed and rubbed at his eyes with his free hand, getting rid of any evidence that he had been crying. He was about to stand up and leave when he felt a slight pressure on his hand. Teddy turned his head back around and met Yongbae’s eyes.

“Hey!” Teddy said quietly, surprised and glad to see Yongbae’s eyes. Yongbae blinked, his eyes wandering around the room, taking in every detail of the room. When his eyes found their way back to Teddy, he seemed to be slightly more panicked. Teddy leaned forward and ran his thumb across Yongbae’s cheek,

“You’re in the hospital.” He said, recognizing the fear and confusion written on his face. “You were in a car accident.” Yongbae nodded slightly. He looked back at the wall and he stared at the x-ray’s, then back at Teddy questioningly. Teddy turned to see what he had been looking at,

“Oh” he said, turning around, “They’re going to take you back for surgery soon. You broke a couple ribs.” Yongbae nodded again. Teddy sighed and swallowed nervously,

“Can you please say something? You not talking is making me really nervous.” Yongbae opened his mouth, but closed it right away.

“Yongbae…” Yongbae shook his head slowly,

“I’m fine.” He said quietly. Teddy let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding.

“Thank God.” He said, squeezing Yongbae’s hand tighter. Yongbae squeezed back just as hard. There was a knock at the door and a couple nurses walked in.

“We need to prep him. It’s time for you to go out to the waiting area sir.” Teddy nodded and stood up, but Yongbae held onto his hand. Teddy turned around,

“What?” he asked.

“I...” Yongbae said. Teddy raised his eyes brows,

“Hm?” he said.

“I…” he started, glancing between the nurses and him. And then Teddy knew what he was trying to say. He smiled warmly at him,

“I know. Me too.” And with that, Teddy squeezed Yongbae’s hand and let it go, walking out of the room.


“Why did he get to go back and we don’t?” Jiyong yelled at Yongbae’s manager, who looked like he was just about ready to go crawl in a hole and die.

“Jiyong.” SeungHyun warned. Jiyong shook his head,

“No, I want to know.” Yongbae’s manager frowned and glanced at SeungHyun who was looking back at him apologetically.

“I really don’t know. He just showed up.” He answered.

“I lied.” Jiyong and the rest of the members turned to look at teddy who was walking towards them from the hallway. Jiyong stomped up to him much like a child, and pointed his finger at him,

“If you weren’t part of his life, none of this would have happened.” He said.

“What?” Teddy said, not knowing whether to stay calm or to be offended.

“You’re the reason why Yongbae’s like this! He’s been so distracted lately, worrying about why you were mad at him. Wondering what he could have possibly done wrong. He’s constantly trying to act the way he thinks you want him to because he’s so afraid that you’ll leave him. You’re not right for him!”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” Teddy yelled.

“Guys…” Seungri said, stepping forward, but SeungHyun reached out, grabbing his hand, stopping him from marching into the storm.

“What’s your problem!?” Teddy shouted. Jiyong laughed bitterly,

“You’re my problem, Teddy. Everything was fine when it was just me and him!” he shouted.

The world seemed to fall silent then. SeungHyun surprised that he had said it, Seungri and Daesung frowning, trying to piece together what that meant, and Teddy breathing heavily, not sure how to reply. Jiyong himself looked shocked that he had even let it slip.

“Let’s not fight anymore right now.” Seungri finally said in a small voice, SeungHyun still gripping his hand. Jiyong looked over at him. “Hyung’s in the hospital. We should be focusing on him, not arguing over stupid things.” Jiyong’s fist’s clenched but his shoulders relaxed. He nodded,

“Maknae’s right. Let’s just forget this for now.” He said. Teddy didn’t make a movement, but he didn’t object.

“How’s he doing?” Daesung asked, saying the first thing that had really made any sense. Teddy sighed,

“He could be better. He’s acting strong though. They’re taking him in for surgery now.”

“For what?” Seungri asked.

“He has a few broken ribs that the doctor is concerned about. Other than hat, it’s really just bumps and bruises.” He explained.

“Did he wake up any?” The manager asked. Teddy nodded,

“He seems nervous, maybe a little disoriented. He didn’t really know where he was  or what was going on, but before I left he seemed a bit more calm.” Everyone around him nodded and it became quiet again.

Teddy couldn’t get Jiyong’s words out of his head though. What he had said had hurt and made him angry. He was Teddy. He shouldn’t be angry at things like this. He shouldn’t take Jiyong’s words to heart. He was older than he was. He was his senior. Jiyong didn’t know what he was talking about.

All these thoughts ran through his Teddy’s head. He couldn’t help but think that maybe what Jiyong had said was true. But Jiyong’s last sentence stuck in his mind the most. What had he meant ‘when it was just me and him’? He sighed. He needed time alone. Teddy began to walk towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Daesung asked, stopping Teddy from retreating any further.

“I just need to take a walk. Get some fresh air.” He answered, not turning around.

“Wait.” Jiyong said. Teddy pursed his lips and turned around, questioning Jiyong with his eyes. Jiyong looked at him apologetically,

“Be careful. Yongbae’s going to need you, so don’t do anything stupid.” He said quietly. Teddy looked at Jiyong and visibly softened, smiling softly.

“Don’t worry, Ji.”

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Ginniosa #1
Chapter 4: This story is awesome. I hope that this is not a dead story.
soul93 #2
Chapter 4: Im left speechless ...this is by far my favorite sunbear fanfic. I hope to read another chapter soon.
moon_swan #3
Chapter 4: Author please comeback! I beg you on my knees! ^~^
subdee #4
Wow, this is really good! I can't believe no one's commented. Everyone reacts so realistically in this story - Youngbae and Teddy fighting because Teddy is avoidant and Youngbae is insecure feels really true to life. The overprotective ex (or whatever it is that Jiyong is to Youngbae), too. It's all just really well done. You also somehow managed to write Daesung really well even though he only has a few lines. So good - I had to register with this site just to tell you. I'm really curious to know what you're going to make of the situation, so I hope you decide to continue this.