Feelings and family

I'm Dangerous and so is love

Hey I'm back and I can't apologise enough for not updating at all, but I guess I can only show I'm truly sorry by posting a new chapter. I really also want to know if there are still people out there who would keep reading this??? Please sent my a message if you are out there ;)


Natasha’s POV

My little brother had always been the tough one. The one to fight bad guys off our backs, the mature one in tough situations and he looked out for all of us. Not just because he was the eldest after me, but because it was his second nature. I always felt safe with him by my side and that was also why the guys trusted him. Women found him so attractive. His alpha appearance was well-liked and it was also the reason everyone kept a safe distance from him. Everyone had except for her. This little girl was not afraid as she sat there with his arms around her. On the contrary, I believed she found a well needed support in him.

It made me happy on her behalf, but I also had a concern towards Yongguk. This was the first time I had seen him involved with a girl like Melody ah. His girls were normally chicks with a lot of makeup and attitude. They cared for no one but themselves and were only with Yongguk because he was a gang leader and the ultimate bad boy. That was probably also why he dropped each girl after one week or sometimes less. I never liked any of them, but as I said Melody ah was different. I guess that was what made Yongguk so intrigued and when it came to his feelings it made him behave like a high school boy experiencing his first love.

When I had first met Melody ah I was afraid that Yongguk would break her heart later on, but now it was just the other way around: I feared that it would be Melody ah who would break my little brother’s heart. Unfortunately I couldn’t do a thing to stop their relationship. It was in motion and out of reach for anyone but themselves.


Melody’s POV

“Yah Hyung”, Jongup called from the garage “there is someone here to see you.”

Yongguk looked from us and towards the open doorway. Neither of us could see the unannounced guest, but the tone of Jongup was uneasy and soon Himchan stood in the door with a serious look on his face. First he looked at Yongguk and then eyes came to lie upon me.

“Yongguk, you need to come with me right now, but leave the little one here.”

Natasha stood up “Why should she stay here? Who is out there?” Just then Youngjae and Daehyun ran into the room almost tripping over each other. “HYUNG! You have to come now. He is here.”

“Who is here??” Natasha demanded and all three answered in union. “C.A.P”

I was on my feet faster than Yongguk could hold on to me. I didn’t move further though when he also stood and put a protective hand on my waist. “What’s he during here?” Yongguk finally asked.

“It doesn’t matter”, I said “he can’t find me here. If he does he’ll never stop pestering you.” I took a step but Yongguk followed me, now both his hands were on my hips and held me in place. He turned me around and moved me back into his warm embrace.

“I agree with you, but storming out of here is not the solution. You can’t even sneak out without him seeing you, so it’s best if you stay back here with Natasha.”

“And what will you tell him if he ask for me? How do you know that he doesn’t already know I’m here? What if h-“

“-Easy little one”, he half grinned as he cherished my cheek. “You make us sound like we can’t even protect our girls.”

H-his g-g-girl, t-there g-girl!!!!! I was dumbfounded. Had he just called me his girl? I looked to anyone for confirmation, but they all focused their attention elsewhere now. Without any more words Yongguk lightly kissed me on the forehead and then strolled out with the others right behind him. I stayed behind with Natasha, who then suddenly took my hand and let me through the break room and to the staircase. I noticed that all B.A.P members were gathered at the sliding doors. That was the last I saw of them, because Natasha led me to the 1st floor and stopped in front a long hallway. There were a lot of doors on both sides. I counted seven, so this building was really bigger then I had imagined.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Yongguk don’t want you anywhere near C.A.P, so I’m putting you away in his room.”

Wow back up! Did she just say his room as in BANG YONGGUK’S ROOM!!? Well if I wasn’t on the edge before then I certainly was now. How could she take me to his room? He was a man after all and a great deal older too. Those were my perplexed thoughts as I tried to come up with a way for Natasha to see that this really wasn’t such a great idea at all.

“Won’t Yongguk be mad about me entering his room just like this?”

“It was Yongguk who signaled for me to bring you there so he won’t mind, but I mind a little bit.”

“You do?” I was confused now. If Natasha was against it then why did she follow his order?

“Is there a reason why you’re against this or is there something I should know?” Those words made Natasha turn towards me. She looked conflicted about whether to tell me or not.

“Look I know Yongguk better than anyone, maybe except for Himchan, so I know what he is planning right now. He was really different that day after returning home on the bike and told us how you had said your last goodbyes. I don’t know, but he sounded sad and even if he didn’t show it I could tell with one look. I’m sure he talked to Himchan about it and those two are like Siamese twins for all I know.” They were really close and even I, a complete stranger, could tell.

“Anyway my point is that Yongguk has this intense thing about him which makes him act on impulse. Trust me he is the smartest and nicest person I know when it comes to people close to him. That also makes him very sensitive about the fact that something could happen to them and he could end up losing them. That counts both with death and if one just decides to leave. Yongguk have only tried losing someone through death and that changed him into a completely different guy, yet a stronger person. But now he has changed again, because of you.”

I looked at her confused. “Why did he change because of me?”

“You was there and then you left him”, she said plain and simple. I was taken aback. Did I really mean that much to him already? Well, he shouldn’t be that affected by a girl he had just met and because that girl was me it also changed our platonic relationship dramatically. If this was going to continue then I would most likely not be able to cut him out of my life. We both had the problem though: we had to leave each other alone and it started to seem impossible.

“We don’t even know each other so how can he feel so strongly about me?” But I knew he could, I had seen it on that very first night. The look in his eyes when he turned to leave me before the police showed up. When he had kissed me, his face held no emotion, but when he left I couldn’t decipher his face because of all the emotions showing there. Such a quick change in his attitude and it was that face I had seen on him ever since.

“I don’t know how”, Natasha said “but he just do, so you better not cross him when he is concerned about your safety. Even I won’t cross him on this matter. Besides I already see you as a little sister.” She winked and I felt like crying all over again. Instead I followed her to the end of the hallway and stood back as she opened the last door on the right.

“It’s here.” Natasha guided me inside and I looked nervously around. I felt like I was prying into his private life. The room was quite big and spacious. There was a couch, a little desk, a wardrobe and a double sized bed. There wasn’t that much color, mostly black and grey, but that also stood in a good contrast to the white walls. There was only one window and the view was a boring brick wall, but at least it gave a little light.

I went to one of the walls where a few posters with cars were plastered. Well he was still just a guy after all.

“You can just sit wherever you will, look around, but please don’t leave this room.” Natasha went and took my hand. “Don’t leave.” Then she left and I sat down on the couch. I was tempted to look more around, but then again I wouldn’t want Yongguk to snoop around my room either. So I remained seated with my hands folded in my lap and waited.    


Yongguk’s POV

What was C.A.P doing here? I hadn’t seen him since Friday night and yet he showed up at the same time as Melody. A coincidence or not? I hoped it wasn’t for Melody’s sake. C.A.P could be persistent with something he wanted. I hated to think that he was interested in her. Not interested because he liked her, but because she knew too much about him. C.A.P had always made sure that no one even knew his face. Only those meaningful to him could know or in my case; his worst competition. We had crossed past many times in the past and none had been in the friendly category. C.A.P and his group lived in the neighborhood and called themselves Teen Top. C.A.P had always been the leader and then there were L.Joe, Chunji, Niel, Ricky and the maknae Changjo. They had ruled the streets until Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae and I bought the big warehouse and made it into our headquarters. Later we found Jongup and Zelo which we took in. We became a tight family and together with Natasha we started a smooth business, even more popular than Teen Top’s. That triggered C.A.P’s anger and our days of rivalry started. In the beginning I had tried suggesting us doing business together, but then one evening one or two of his guys had cornered Zelo and hadn’t let him go before he had gotten a broken rip and a nasty blue eye. I found out it was C.A.P’s orders, a warning so I would still know who was on top. Instead I cut all ties and turned against him. No one messed with one of my guys in such a cowardly manner. We loved our business, but we didn’t live for it. It wasn’t everything and everyone felt that way. We had each other’s backs, we were B.A.P: Best Absolute Perfect and we were family above all else. Nothing was more important than the guys, Noona and now also Melody. The same girl C.A.P wanted to shut up permanently and probably not in any pleasant way. This was my reason for putting Melody away in my room. Now I just prayed she would stay there.

“Hyung, what should we do, it’s both C.A.P and L.Joe?”

“It’s good there are only two of them.”

“Why Hyung?” Jongup asked Himchan.

“He doesn’t want a fight, just talk or else he would have brought the entire gang along.”

“You got a point Hyung.”

“So what is the plan Yongguk?” I knew Himchan would stand behind me in whatever my decision may be.

“Let’s keep this peaceful and do it as quick as possible. I don’t want any unnecessary fighting or talking and the most important thing is to find out why they are here in the first place.” If he is here for her then it will become ugly.                    





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firstzyx #1
Chapter 13: Whay teentop want from melody???
firstzyx #2
Chapter 12: dun tell me he have something with melody
Chapter 11: Have been waiting for a new chapter :) looking forward to the next one :)
min_22 #4
Chapter 9: Update update update~~~
Chapter 9: Please update soon! ; A ;
Chapter 7: Why am i feeling nervous xD Why does she have to have a father like that ;-; UGH! and yongguk. i know youre dangerous. xD

Keep writing Authornim! HWAITING! XD
Marie_Unnie #7
I really love your story! :) Keep doing it please, its very good! ^^
Spasmolama #8
Chapter 6: Uhh!! Omg, its sooooo good! Keep writing author nim!! (-:
And I also think, its Yongguk's Noona Bang Natasha! ((-: <3
Chapter 6: Yeah~ i think its Natsha unnie too~ i wish shes Natasha.... i love her~ ♥ xD