Paper Plane Boy

This is purely a Kainiel chapter. No innocent Taemin around. ^^

Leave comments if you want. Enjoy!



He stretched out his arms right above his head, letting out a yawn at the same time. He slouched on the table and asked, “Do we really have to finish this?”

Jongin lightly slammed his head on the Chemistry book that lay open in front of him. He breathed out a sigh and slowly let the sleepiness that he had been holding back take over him.

“Ya! We have just started.” Juniel slapped the table once but made sure the sound produced was not too loud to make a ruckus in the library.

It was their third day of tutorial but Jongin kept complaining about this and that. The pile of books that surround him made him feel he was exiled and punished. But Juniel doesn’t plan on giving up on him. Not now. Not when his flunking grades scream for her help.

“Jongin.” She hissed at him.

“What?” Jongin lifted his head and opened one eye to look at her. “I’m tired. Don’t bother me.”

“You’re not going to see Monggu if you continue acting like this. You know this all for your own good. I didn’t volunteer for this but Mr. Lee personally asked me to, so I agreed.” Juniel didn’t care if she sounded like his mother nagging so she babbled on. “If you don’t try, then I can’t help you at all. You have to make an effort, Jongin. Just think of your parents and your own future.”

“Okay, okay. You can stop talking now.” Jongin sounded irritated. He leaned back on his chair, aiming his usual glare towards Juniel.

“Here. Answer this.” Juniel handed him a piece of paper.

Without meaning to, Jongin snatched the paper from her furiously. Juniel couldn’t help but feel bad that she had to make him angry like that. She couldn’t blame him for acting that way though. Even she doesn’t like people ordering her around and telling her what to do. But she told herself that it’s for Jongin’s sake.

Jongin did not say a word throughout the tutorial. They remained in the library for about two hours since their dismissal. Gradually, students began leaving the school library when it started getting late. But Juniel was too engrossed in her tutoring; she hadn’t kept track of the time.

“The library is about to close any minute now.” One of the student librarians announced to remind them.

“I guess we should stop here.” Juniel spoke. She began grabbing the books and returned them back to their shelves.

Jongin got up from his seat silently, Juniel still feeling a little irritation coming out from him. She caught him looking at Krystal, one of the students who were also in the library. To lighten up the mood, Juniel playfully nudged Jongin on the side of his stomach. “You like Krystal, don’t you? Isn’t she pretty? I heard that she comes from a very rich family. Oh, and her older sister is very pretty, too.’

Instead of commenting back, Jongin threw a glare at Juniel. This made her shut . The two descended down to the first floor. Juniel heard the familiar sounds of a bouncing ball and she knew Jongin heard it as well because he turned and headed towards the open space where his friends might be playing basketball. Without second thoughts, Juniel tagged up behind him though she didn’t know why she was going with him in the first place.

Boys from Class D, the class where Jongin is from, were playing basketball when they reached the place. Juniel could point a few familiar faces. There was that Chinese boy, Tao, and the other exchange student she met with Naeun. He was very tall and Juniel remembered that very cold expression on his face when she first met him. There was another boy with a familiar face and Juniel recognized him as the boy with colorful hair that somewhat resemble a parrot’s feathers. She didn’t recognize him right away because he had dyed his hair to a soft color of pink. She remembered Jongin calling him Sehun. The rest had faces Juniel hadn’t seen before.

“Kai!” Tao called out and passed the ball to Jongin. Jongin caught it easily. “You’re late!”

“It seems like you’re enjoying your girlfriend’s company than ours.” Sehun, the boy with pink hair teased again. He gave Juniel a wink and then grinned.

Jongin took a sideways glance at Juniel. Then, he scoffed after doing so.

“Want to play with us buddy?” A boy invited. He had puffy cheeks and his eyes don’t have double eyelids. He looked like a cute baby so Juniel was surprised when Jongin addressed him as hyung.

“Ah, I’ll have to pass this time Xiumin hyung. I’m a little tired.” Jongin replied. Then, he added with a flat tone. “And she is not my girlfriend.”

“Jeongmal?!” Sehun jogged towards them to get closer. He tousled his pink hair back before stretching out his hand. “I’m Sehun. Oh Sehun. You’re very cute. I think we’re a match made in heaven. What’s your name?”

“Huh? Uh, J-Juniel. C-Choi Juniel.” Juniel stammered. She isn’t particularly good at introducing herself to strangers, needless to say in front of good-looking boys. Though her best friend Chanyeol is a boy, she befriended innocent Taemin and she talks to Jongin who happens to be a boy as well, doesn’t mean she’s okay introducing herself to a bunch of testosterones.

“Oh, even your stutter is very cute.” Sehun giggled. “Sehun? Juniel? Hmm. . . aha! Huniel!”

“Stop that, Sehun. Don’t you see you’re scaring her away?” A boy intervened to Juniel’s relief. He had a very small face and, weirdly, Juniel defines his looks as pretty rather than manly. His close friendship with Sehun clearly showed because Sehun suddenly became submissive under the boy’s gaze.

“Thank you Luhan hyung.” Jongin said. He chuckled and added, “That one needs some beating.”

“So she really is your girlfriend, huh?” Sehun inquired cunningly.

“No.” Jongin startled Juniel by grabbing one of her wrists. “Let’s go.” Then, he dragged her out of the good-looking boys’ sight.


- - -


“Your friends seem nice.” Juniel commented when they’re out of the school and walking towards the neighborhood nearby. Juniel realized that Jongin was still holding her wrist as they walked. “Ah, Jongin..”

Jongin turned to face her and then immediately dropped her hand out of his grip. He turned away feeling embarrassed.

Suddenly, Juniel gasped. “Ddeokbokki!” She pointed at the stall by the street selling the spicy food. She ran towards it, Jongin sulking as he followed her.

“It’s been a long time since I ate ddeokbokki.” Juniel gawked at the food. “Would you like one, Jongin?”

Jongin simply looked at her.

So Juniel bought two servings of ddeokbokki for Jongin and herself. She thanked the man after paying. “Kamsahamnida, ajussi.”

“Here.” She handed the other serving to Jongin. “I am sorry for making you mad a while ago. But I have to keep tutoring you whether you like it or not or less you won’t have Monggu back.” Juniel held up a pumped fist and then cheerfully said, “Jongin Hwaiting!”

Jongin couldn’t help but smile at her.

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on hiatus for a while


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Chapter 43: awww..finally there's an update..
i really missed this fic..
and i hope for another update, jongin will included too..hehehe ^^
btw, good luck with your school :)
vivivivr #2
Chapter 43: taemin is so sweet~
i hope press conference is going well, and minho's protest too
Chapter 41: awww love junkai moment here ♥ wish they will be force to have a kiss in the next part xD
Chapter 42: awww love junkai moment here ♥ wish they will be force to have a kiss in the next part xD
jj_jw_sh #5
Chapter 42: Rainstorm is even better!!! :D So glad that you updated it. And to use rainstorm as the setting of this chapter is also very clever! Nice! >.<
I know that this chapter will be filled with heavy and intimidating talks, but seeing juniel with the boys (esp with desperate jongin and possessive sehun) is really brighten up the story. She at least has good memories of having nice friends in Seoul, not just mess that change her life forever. For me, a good resolution does not only mean that our heroines can grow stronger by getting their problem fixed, but also to have the villains have the taste of their wrongdoings. Can't wait to see Juniel and her mother kick some (use your wildest improper language here :p) to the Lee's couple.
Last but not least, hopefully our taemin can also has a good resolution. After Juniel and her mother, he is probably the one that hurt the most in this mess.
Good luck author-nim! Hope you can update soon!!
gaofushuai #6
Chapter 41: Happy new year!! ^^
It's coming to end soon?
Did Minho just motivated her to continue her battle?
I'm salute her mom is willing to take it together with her
By the way ~
Hope u'll update often in this year XD
Chapter 41: NOOOOO!!!! Juniel, don't leave SOPA behind!!! T^T Forget about the fact that you'd be leaving behind your brother and love interest, but what about Sehun?!?! TT~TT Screw Kainiel and Chaniel (or Junyeol), HUNIEL forever!!! (/@o@)/
*ahem* Thank you for the wonderful update to end the year with and HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!
jj_jw_sh #8
Chapter 41: advance happy new year to you too! i guess the next chapter's tittle would be 'battle'? hehe..^^
judging from juniel's mother or even minho, i guess we can never guess how strong a person is or how far would they react to clear the injustice.
although i'm really sad that juniel has to let go her dream school, hopefully, there will be a good resolution to this mess, or as you say: battle. :)
fighting author-nim!!
gaofushuai #9
Chapter 40: You're back!!!
Welcome back!!! *hugs*
So many things happened
I'm glad Chanyeol is beside Juniel
Taemin's mom is so ughh
Will Juniel able to fish out the money just like that?
Even I'm not support her doing that but she needs it for the surgery what can she do
Hope to see your next update soon ^^
jj_jw_sh #10
Chapter 40: finallyyyyy! it's been foreveeeerrrr!!! i've been waiting for your updates!!!
many things happen in this chapter. and one thing that i am really glad about is juniel. I can see how she grew up from all this mess and stood up for herself or her mother. and i thought of all people taemin's mother would be a good person (since his father is evil, i thought taemin got his good personality from his mother, i guess it's not, hehe).
fighting on your school, author-nim!! ^^