Paper Plane Boy


guisee . . . I'm back! Haha after that stressful Midterm Week, I'm finally back!

I just hope I don't fail in the exams.

Anyway, here's a new chappie. ^^ I wanted some Juniel-Taemin chapter, so here it is!



“Since when did you and Taemin become friends?” Naeun asked, popping out of nowhere.

“Huh?” Juniel looked up from the book she was reading. “Naeun you looked, uh, depressed.”

Naeun took her seat beside Juniel and heaved a sigh. Indeed, she looked so down. Her hair didn’t shine as it did before like she forgot to do her normal routine to maintain its glory and her face don’t have its usual glow. She looked paler and she had dark circles. “Answer me.”

“Ah, when I first got here I guess. Well, we actually met before I got here.”

“You met?” Naeun’s eyes widened.

“Well, we haven’t known each other back then. It was just by accident.”

Naeun frowned and crossed her arms on her chest. “Didn’t I tell you to stay away from him? I told you you’re not on the same level as Taemin, seeing that you’re just a scholar and all. You can’t be friends with him.”

Her words seemed like knives stabbing Juniel a hundred times. Does being a scholar really that bad for her not to have friends? “Well, you have no say about it Naeun. As much as I don’t like people hating on me, I don’t want to be told I can’t be friends with other people.”

Naeun scowled. “You’re so rude.”

“Yeah, let’s talk about being rude.” Juniel snapped back. “Does it really matter to you if I’m friends with him?”


“Do you really like him that much?”

“Yes.” Naeun looked like she wanted to take the word back after saying it. “Ah, ah, I-I mean. . .”

The corners of Juniel’s mouth curled up into a faint smile. Finally, the cat’s out of the bag. That must be why Naeun is so affected about the whole situation. She likes Taemin. She must have been depressed after finding out Taemin, the boy who was once labeled as a loner, now hangs out with Juniel.

“T-That's not what I m-meant.” Naeun stammered, trying hard not to blush.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what you meant.”

“I said it’s not!” Naeun suddenly stood up and stomped her foot as she fumed in irritation. Her tiny face puffed up of anger and embarrassment at the same time. “He’s the only son of the Lee family, the richest family here in Seoul, for crying out loud and you’re just some country bumpkin. Doesn’t that make you feel guilty hanging out with him? He’s too good for you.”

Juniel was about to open to say something back but then she saw a familiar face coming towards them at the corner of her eye.

“There you are!” His eyes turned to crescents as Taemin’s face lit up upon seeing Juniel.

“Speaking of the devil.” Juniel mumbled under her breath, far too low for others to hear.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He looked at Juniel straightly in the eye, as if he wasn’t seeing Naeun standing beside her. Without warning, he grabbed Juniel by the hand, before adding, “Let’s go.”

“Wai---“ Juniel looked back at Naeun but she was too late for she had already stormed away in sight.

Taemin towed Juniel behind, the latter following wordlessly. They both entered a small door at the farthest corner of the hallway, where it was supposed to be hidden from sight. Juniel knew they were headed that way, to the rooftop, so she didn’t bother asking and just held back the words she wanted to say as they ran up the flight of steps. It was only when they were finally out into the concrete open space of the rooftop, that Taemin unlocked his grip on Juniel wrist.

“I’ve got something to tell you.” The two blurted out at the same time.

“Really? Then, you go ahead.” Taemin told Juniel, with a smile on his face. It was obvious that he was very happy and what he was about to say might be the reason behind it.

“Lee Taemin, you’re the son of SMEnt’s President and Mr. Lee’s grandson, aren’t you?” Juniel sighed. She figured it out the second Naeun began screaming her anger out at Juniel’s face.

“Ah, how did y---“

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She cut him off. Maybe all this time, everyone was cursing behind her back for having even the slightest courage of befriending Taemin. Everyone, not only Naeun. She had always thought his father was just some normal and rich authoritative parent who wants Taemin to be the embodiment of a perfect son so he holds his son by the neck and treats him like a puppet. She didn’t know he was actually the son of the president of SMEnt, the largest and most influential company in Seoul.

Taemin saw the look on Juniel’s face and that scared him. He felt as if he was about to lose a friend. “Because I didn’t want to.” He admitted. He turned her back on her and set his eyes on something distant, overlooking the beautiful view of the campus. “Father says people are attracted to money and that people are greedy and selfish. That’s why he doesn’t want me to have any friends because he says they’ll only take advantage of me.”

“And you think I’d---“

“No, no! You’re different, Juniel. I believed father’s words until I met you. That’s why I submitted some of my sketches into the school publication and they had just told me a while ago that they’re going to include my sketches once the paper is published. You inspired me, Juniel.”

For a moment, Juniel saw a mature Taemin. Not the innocent Taemin who asks random questions just because he wanted to or the submissive Taemin who lives by the rules. For once, a new Taemin surfaced. Juniel was very glad he was finally voicing out his opinions and going for what he really wants.

Juniel smiled lightly. “I’m happy for you. But, ah, does he know? About you having a friend? About me?”

“No. But I’d tell him about you if you want.”

Juniel waved her hands out. “No, no, no. I guess we could remain this way. Secret friends.”

Taemin shrugged. “Okay, if that’s what you want.”

Juniel nodded. She was sad and yet happy at the same time. It’s quite sad to know that the world is missing out one perfect person. A person like Taemin who’s overflowing with talents should be exposed to shine and should not be left in the corner to collect dust and eventually wither. Someone who is so attached to dogs should have dogs, someone who plays the piano so well should at least play in front of the crowd, someone who loves photography should have the freedom to take pictures and someone who loves to sketch should have his works shown for everyone to see. Someone who is as charming and talented as Taemin should have friends, not just a friend. On the other side, Juniel is very happy that she was one, or probably the only lucky one, to see Taemin’s world. And she’s very happy to have him in her world.

“Can you sing and dance?” Juniel asked suddenly.

“Huh?” Taemin looked at her blankly. “Ah, yeah, I think so. Why?”

Juniel giggled, finally coming with a verdict that Taemin really is perfect. “Nothing.”

“I am sorry, Juniel.” Taemin spoke, his face serious. “I thought I was about to lose my one and only friend. Friends aren’t supposed to keep secrets from each other and so I promised to tell you everything from now on.”

“It’s okay. I understand.”

“Oh,” Taemin snatched something out from his backpack. “Would you like to see some of my sketches?” He headed to one of the railings on the rooftop and leaned his back on it while pulling out a sketchbook. Juniel moved in beside him, leaning her back as well. “Here. I’ll show you my favorite.”

Taemin handed her his sketchbook. His favorite sketch was a man hugging a child. Their faces were all made blurry by the light of the pencil. It looked very sad like the man was leaving and he was saying goodbye to his son through a warm embrace. Juniel was probably wrong, but to her the child looked like he was shedding tears.

“I’ve never been hugged before. Not even by my mother. Or at least that’s what I remember.” Taemin confessed, looking away from his sketch as he did.

“This is so beautiful.” It was all Juniel could say.

Taemin smiled brightly at her words. “Anyway, why don’t we go to that coffee shop nearby to celebrate after class? I told my chauffeur and the guards that I’ll be home late than the usual. ”

“I can’t.” Juniel gave Taemin back his sketchbook. “I have to tutor someone after class.”

Taemin pouted, his childish side resurfacing once more. “Who are you going to tutor anyway?”

“Someone from Class D.”                            

Taemin gave a slight nod and sighed. Then, he turned to look at Juniel. “Juniel . . .”

“What is it?”

He looked hesitant, like he didn’t want to say it. But he then he spoke, “I wanted to know how it felt.”

“What do you me---“

Juniel wasn’t able to finish her sentence for Taemin had wrapped her in an embrace. It was so sudden, she was out of breath the second she felt his arms around her. It reminded her of how they first met in that alley.

“So this is how it felt, Juniel.” She could hear Taemin’s voice speaking at her right ear. “It feels nice and warm. I feel like I am so safe that nothing can harm me.” His chin nested on her shoulder just as hers nuzzled on his. He was right. It did feel very nice to be hugged. This was very different than their first meeting.

“Your hair smells nice. A scent of vanilla.”

Juniel could feel Taemin’s heart throbbing. Or was it hers? She wasn’t so sure.

Taemin released Juniel and smiled. He looked at her and realized that her face turned red. “What happened to your face?”

“What?” Juniel immediately turned away, blushing. Now I know what Naeun felt a while ago … God, why am I blushing?

“Do people’s faces turn red after hugging?” Taemin placed his palms on either side of his cheeks. “Is mine red, too?”

“Ah, no.” Juniel replied, still looking away. As much as possible she didn’t want to look Taemin right in the eye. “I-I was just about to, ah . . . sneeze. Yeah, I was about to sneeze but you, ah . . . hugged me. So I held it in, I guess that’s why my face turned red.” She wanted to smack her head on a wall for that stupid excuse.

“Oh, you can sneeze now.” Taemin told her, completely falling for the most ridiculous excuse.

Juniel chuckled nervously and then faked a so-called sneeze. “Done.”

“Thank you, Juniel.” His words were full of sincerity that Juniel couldn’t help but look Taemin directly in his eyes, setting aside her embarrassment. “You’re the first person I’ve ever hugged.”

Juniel wanted to say that the same thing. But she held the words back just as how she was trying to figure out the strange feelings she had at that moment.


Thanks to KoreanLover300 for telling me how ^^

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on hiatus for a while


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Chapter 43: awww..finally there's an update..
i really missed this fic..
and i hope for another update, jongin will included too..hehehe ^^
btw, good luck with your school :)
vivivivr #2
Chapter 43: taemin is so sweet~
i hope press conference is going well, and minho's protest too
Chapter 41: awww love junkai moment here ♥ wish they will be force to have a kiss in the next part xD
Chapter 42: awww love junkai moment here ♥ wish they will be force to have a kiss in the next part xD
jj_jw_sh #5
Chapter 42: Rainstorm is even better!!! :D So glad that you updated it. And to use rainstorm as the setting of this chapter is also very clever! Nice! >.<
I know that this chapter will be filled with heavy and intimidating talks, but seeing juniel with the boys (esp with desperate jongin and possessive sehun) is really brighten up the story. She at least has good memories of having nice friends in Seoul, not just mess that change her life forever. For me, a good resolution does not only mean that our heroines can grow stronger by getting their problem fixed, but also to have the villains have the taste of their wrongdoings. Can't wait to see Juniel and her mother kick some (use your wildest improper language here :p) to the Lee's couple.
Last but not least, hopefully our taemin can also has a good resolution. After Juniel and her mother, he is probably the one that hurt the most in this mess.
Good luck author-nim! Hope you can update soon!!
gaofushuai #6
Chapter 41: Happy new year!! ^^
It's coming to end soon?
Did Minho just motivated her to continue her battle?
I'm salute her mom is willing to take it together with her
By the way ~
Hope u'll update often in this year XD
Chapter 41: NOOOOO!!!! Juniel, don't leave SOPA behind!!! T^T Forget about the fact that you'd be leaving behind your brother and love interest, but what about Sehun?!?! TT~TT Screw Kainiel and Chaniel (or Junyeol), HUNIEL forever!!! (/@o@)/
*ahem* Thank you for the wonderful update to end the year with and HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!
jj_jw_sh #8
Chapter 41: advance happy new year to you too! i guess the next chapter's tittle would be 'battle'? hehe..^^
judging from juniel's mother or even minho, i guess we can never guess how strong a person is or how far would they react to clear the injustice.
although i'm really sad that juniel has to let go her dream school, hopefully, there will be a good resolution to this mess, or as you say: battle. :)
fighting author-nim!!
gaofushuai #9
Chapter 40: You're back!!!
Welcome back!!! *hugs*
So many things happened
I'm glad Chanyeol is beside Juniel
Taemin's mom is so ughh
Will Juniel able to fish out the money just like that?
Even I'm not support her doing that but she needs it for the surgery what can she do
Hope to see your next update soon ^^
jj_jw_sh #10
Chapter 40: finallyyyyy! it's been foreveeeerrrr!!! i've been waiting for your updates!!!
many things happen in this chapter. and one thing that i am really glad about is juniel. I can see how she grew up from all this mess and stood up for herself or her mother. and i thought of all people taemin's mother would be a good person (since his father is evil, i thought taemin got his good personality from his mother, i guess it's not, hehe).
fighting on your school, author-nim!! ^^