Paper Plane Boy



Later that night, Jongin came and waited outside the small iron gate of the rental house. The penetrating cold pierced right at his skin making him shiver even if he wore his thick coat. He wrapped his arms around him to warm himself and Monggu that snuggled underneath his coat.

“I’m sorry I let you wait.” Juniel rushed out from the house into the cold. The cold air seemed to knock her off because she let out a little gasp. “It’s so cold out here.” She rubbed her palms together and huffed air into them.

Jongin looked at her for a while and realized she only wore thin clothing, not enough to keep her warm.

“You should have worn a coat before heading out. Or at least wear gloves.” He meant it to sound sincere but it came out sternly. “Right now I am asking myself if I really should leave my dog with some stranger who can’t even take care of herself.”

“We had a deal.”

“There’s no rule saying I can’t back out from that deal.”

Juniel ignored him and the air that’s freezing her. “So, did you bring Monggu?” She searched for the dog but didn’t find him. The, she noticed the bulge that grew right under Jongin’s coat.

Jongin ped his coat, revealing Monggu snuggling in the crook of his arms and enjoying the warmth provided by the place. Jongin lifted him out of his safe haven and handed the dog to Juniel. The dog did not seem to protest as he happily sprang into her arms.

Juniel laughed as the dog’s nose came in contact with her cheek. “He really likes me.”

Jongin scoffed. But as much as he tried to hide it, Juniel was able to spot the brief smile that appeared on his face. “Tomorrow I’ll give you the dog food. Go inside now. It’s cold out here. I don’t want y---.“ He stopped. “I-I don’t want my dog to freeze to death.”

“I promise I’ll take good care of him for two weeks. But remember the deal we had, Jongin. By Monday, I shall tutor you.”

“Fine, fine.”

Juniel headed back but before stepping right behind the gate, Jongin called out. “Wait, I forgot something.”

He stepped in closer, breaking the distance between them. Closer, closer, closer . . .

Finally, he stopped, leaving only a few inches between their faces. Juniel swallowed the lump in and just for a second forgot how to breathe. She was screaming questions in her mind.

What is he doing?

Oh, my God. What should I do?!

Is he. . .?

Jongin lowered his head and then planted a kiss on the fur just above Monggu’s head.

Juniel felt stupid.

- - -


“Really? I am going to see Monggu soon?” Taemin asked. He brought out his lunch box and yet didn’t bother to open it.

Juniel nodded her head in reply. She told Taemin that he might see Monggu one of these days and eventually might touch his fur. Taemin watch Juniel as she was busy eating her ramyeon. It didn’t take a long time for the two to become lunch buddies.

Taemin watched Juniel tilt the cup up as she drank the soup. “Does it taste good?”

“Huh?” Juniel was caught off guard by his question. But then again, she was always caught off guard whenever he asks a question. “Ah, yes. Haven’t you tasted one yet?”

“No.” Taemin mumbled sadly.

“Then, I’ll buy one for you.” Juniel got up from her seat. Taemin opened his mouth to protest but Juniel had already left the table. She returned back with a cup of ramyeon in her hands, steaming with flavor.

“Here.” Juniel placed the cup of ramyeon in front of Taemin. She gave the cup a little push closer to him when he didn’t move. “Eat it. I guess that’s why you never bothered to eat your lunch because you’ve had enough of them. You need to try something new. Something unfamiliar with your taste buds.” Her eyes sparkled as she tried to compel him into eating.

Taemin picked up the chopsticks beside the cup and pulled the lid all the way down to one side, making the aroma of the ramyeon reach his nostrils. Slowly, he began eating. “Wow!” He exclaimed as he had his very first taste. “It’s really good.”


The two looked up and turned towards the voice, finding Naeun standing beside their table. “I’m surprised that you’re eating ramyeon, Taemin.” Taemin ignored her and continued pleasing his appetite. “Heol. What’s even more surprising is your eating with Juniel.” She turned to face Juniel. “When did you two become close?”

Juniel opened to say something but Naeun cut in. “Anyways, can I sit with you guys?” Juniel scooted over to the side to give Naeun some space. But Naeun chose to sit beside Taemin.

“That looks, uh, good.” Naeun commented, watching Taemin drank soup from the cup. “I wonder how you two got along, considering both of you aren’t on the same level.” She said the word as if it was distasteful in .

She had been acting a little cold towards Juniel after finding out that Juniel was just some mere scholar, totally different than the rest of the students in School of Performing Arts who’s been in living in wealth all their lives. Taemin didn’t spoke a word nor reacted with Naeun’s words. Her words were true in a way. But not having the same status in life doesn’t mean they can’t be friends.

Juniel remembered Chanyeol’s words before she got into the School of Performing Arts. For the first time, she felt she doesn’t really belong.


- - -


He was already there when she came in.

Jongin had his elbow propped up in a table and rested his head on his hand. There were books scattered in front of him but Juniel would bet her that life he didn’t bothered to open one and read. Earphones are stuck in his ears, reminding Juniel of their very first meeting.

“You came.” She smiled widely as she approached him.

Jongin looked up and then stared at her intently, his eyes burning with contempt and mysteriousness at the same time. Juniel looked away because she suddenly remembered that night when she thought he was about to kiss her when he was actually going to kiss Monggu.

“Let’s get started.” She muttered and placed the books she had been carrying on top of the table and took a seat across from him. “Kim Jongin, Class D” she read the information given to her by Mr. Lee. “You failed on ---“

“Kai. I said call me Kai.” He interrupted.

Juniel shrugged and continued. “You failed on all subjects because you skip classes. But surprisingly, you excelled in English and History.” She glanced at him. “Would you care to explain that?”

Jongin scoffed.

“Well, then I’ll just think you love those subjects. Anyway, I’ll start by tutoring you in Mathematics since that’s the subject that you got your lowest grade.” Juniel grabbed a thick book from one of the books that she brought and began flipping the pages until she got into the desired topic.

Jongin gaped at the thick book and then bared his teeth as if he was about to growl.

“But first let’s get those earphones out of your ears.” Juniel leaned forward across the table and attempted to pull his earphones out but Jongin held her wrist tightly, completely stopping her.

“No one touches my earphones besides me.” He growled at her before dropping her hand from his grip. “You don’t need to teach me Math. It’s a piece of cake.”

“If x -7/2 is  then what is the value of x in this linear equation 2x + 7 = 0 .”

Jongin scoffed. Then, he added. “Fine, you win.”

Juniel grinned at her victory.



I wrote a oneshot Paper Plane Boy: Christmas Special

If you guys want to read it then go ahead. ^^ Don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment.

Merry Christmas everyone!


 lovelots ---Angelica


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on hiatus for a while


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Chapter 43: awww..finally there's an update..
i really missed this fic..
and i hope for another update, jongin will included too..hehehe ^^
btw, good luck with your school :)
vivivivr #2
Chapter 43: taemin is so sweet~
i hope press conference is going well, and minho's protest too
Chapter 41: awww love junkai moment here ♥ wish they will be force to have a kiss in the next part xD
Chapter 42: awww love junkai moment here ♥ wish they will be force to have a kiss in the next part xD
jj_jw_sh #5
Chapter 42: Rainstorm is even better!!! :D So glad that you updated it. And to use rainstorm as the setting of this chapter is also very clever! Nice! >.<
I know that this chapter will be filled with heavy and intimidating talks, but seeing juniel with the boys (esp with desperate jongin and possessive sehun) is really brighten up the story. She at least has good memories of having nice friends in Seoul, not just mess that change her life forever. For me, a good resolution does not only mean that our heroines can grow stronger by getting their problem fixed, but also to have the villains have the taste of their wrongdoings. Can't wait to see Juniel and her mother kick some (use your wildest improper language here :p) to the Lee's couple.
Last but not least, hopefully our taemin can also has a good resolution. After Juniel and her mother, he is probably the one that hurt the most in this mess.
Good luck author-nim! Hope you can update soon!!
gaofushuai #6
Chapter 41: Happy new year!! ^^
It's coming to end soon?
Did Minho just motivated her to continue her battle?
I'm salute her mom is willing to take it together with her
By the way ~
Hope u'll update often in this year XD
Chapter 41: NOOOOO!!!! Juniel, don't leave SOPA behind!!! T^T Forget about the fact that you'd be leaving behind your brother and love interest, but what about Sehun?!?! TT~TT Screw Kainiel and Chaniel (or Junyeol), HUNIEL forever!!! (/@o@)/
*ahem* Thank you for the wonderful update to end the year with and HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!
jj_jw_sh #8
Chapter 41: advance happy new year to you too! i guess the next chapter's tittle would be 'battle'? hehe..^^
judging from juniel's mother or even minho, i guess we can never guess how strong a person is or how far would they react to clear the injustice.
although i'm really sad that juniel has to let go her dream school, hopefully, there will be a good resolution to this mess, or as you say: battle. :)
fighting author-nim!!
gaofushuai #9
Chapter 40: You're back!!!
Welcome back!!! *hugs*
So many things happened
I'm glad Chanyeol is beside Juniel
Taemin's mom is so ughh
Will Juniel able to fish out the money just like that?
Even I'm not support her doing that but she needs it for the surgery what can she do
Hope to see your next update soon ^^
jj_jw_sh #10
Chapter 40: finallyyyyy! it's been foreveeeerrrr!!! i've been waiting for your updates!!!
many things happen in this chapter. and one thing that i am really glad about is juniel. I can see how she grew up from all this mess and stood up for herself or her mother. and i thought of all people taemin's mother would be a good person (since his father is evil, i thought taemin got his good personality from his mother, i guess it's not, hehe).
fighting on your school, author-nim!! ^^