❛ eternity - luhan


Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and ask what others see in you, for them to actually say you're perfect when you're really not? To them, he is a role model, an epitome of perfect, girls love him, and guys wants to be him.

But, in his eyes, he was a failure... perfection was never a definition. They love him and wants to be just like him. And in his opinion, it was absurd. Whenever he stood in front of others, he would put on a smile and show them good things. In front of his parents, his smile would disappear and those good things don't even matter anymore, because they see him as a son that would never be good enough. Never good enough to be just like his late older brother. 

"Luhan! Luhan! Xi Luhan!!" he heard a familiar voice of a friend, he turned his head to look at the door, where the sound was coming from. After a short while, his friend and teammate, Minseok came in, panting and a bit exhausted. The other male had this smile as he tried catching his breathe. It was probably good news on its way. As he managed to get back to normal, he walked towards Luhan and put his arms around the other, "Yah! The school just got a call from the national team...and guess who successfully got in?" he excitedly asked, his face invaded with joy.

Last year the both of them attended a tryout for the national soccer team, they were looking for new recruits to train and be the future players to replace the retiring ones. It was the battle of the most skilled and strongest out of over a hundred school representatives competing for only fifteen slots in the team. It was more like a 0.0001% of getting recruited. Luhan and Minseok just tried out for fun and a slight hope on getting in their favorite soccer team. "Stop with the suspense Kim Minseok and just tell me who got in!" his lips forming into a small smirk, with the look on his friend's face, it looked like either one of them got lucky and caught the 0.0001% luck. 

Minseok opened his mouth and breathe in, as if he's taking in the courage to say the words, "...I actually don't know who got in, that's why I'm making you guess who." his face suddenly turned straight, but his eyes showed the mischievous side. Luhan, on the other hand, gave him a poker face and pushed him away lightly, causing his friend's arm to fall of his shoulder. The good news turned into half bad news. They don't know whether they'll be accepted or not.

"Go away. Before I punch you." the latter said before walking out of the bathroom, he doesn't have any time for jokes, he hasn't even posted his article yet for this month and he still has to play soccer later. Sometimes, he wonders why he even bit more than he could chew. Being everything ain't easy as it looks. 

"Hey dude! Don't be so serious... You've been so stressed out lately, I figured you needed to loosen up a bit! The results of the tryouts will be announced on Monday. So don't get too excited, ne? I'm sure we'll get in! We're the school's top players, especially you!" Minseok managed to catch up to his pace, putting his arm around his friend's shoulder once again while walking beside him. He wanted to cheer up his best friend, it has been a while ever since he smiled and it became scary. It was like he had no time to even enjoy his life. Luhan just stayed quiet and allowed his friend to keep talking as they head to the field. They have classes but, were exempted because they're varsity students. 

On their way to the field, it was a normal thing for girls to scream and fangirl as they walked. Two pretty and athletic boys are kinda rare, Minseok would often wave and smile at them. His opinion is that you don't get fangirls if you're not this cool. Though unlike his friend, Luhan was the type to keep his cool to himself, he never smiles towards them nor even spare a glance. It isn't because he is a snob, it is because he just don't find the use of giving someone hopes that you'll notice them, when you're not really interested. 

There is this one girl that Luhan always looks at, it was Seo Joohyun. As they passed by her and his many fangirls, he smiled slightly and turned away. He didn't know why he did that, he just did. She isn't someone special, she's just a girl in the crowd, but there is something about her that he likes the most. Maybe it was because she was the first girl to ever amuse him. It was five years ago, he was a transferee at the academy and when he entered, there is this girl that suddenly tripped and fell in front of him. She was wearing a hello kitty dress alongside with her hello kitty shoes and that pink ribbon on her head. It was weird but, he somehow liked it. Luhan loves hello kitty ever since he was a child, though he never shows it, afraid that people might judge him. And seeing someone, who is bravely wearing such childish stuffs on the 7th grade is really fascinating. He never really had a chance to help her up, since he got pulled by his father, though he kept looking over to her direction to see if she is okay. Ever since then, he would always check up on her secretly, wondering if the wounds from the fall had healed, though he knows it did, a long time ago. He just uses it as an excuse. Only Minseok and a few friends were the ones who knew about this, and they would often help Luhan on getting to know her.




As they got in the field and prepared for a friendly game and practice, Luhan suddenly tripped on... nothing. He isn't clumsy, not at all, it was very rare for him to just trip like that, actually that was the first time. "Haha! You okay Lulu?" his teammate, Sehun asked, laughing at the male's unusual behavior. "I bet someone's thinking of you that's why you fell!" he slightly teased, referring to Seohyun. 

"Shut up Sehun, and just go to your position." he replied, hiding his blush away by looking down his pants and dusting off the dirt. The younger one shrugged and did as he was told. 

"If you keep acting like that, we might actually win." Kris smirked, before tapping his shoulder and ran to his assigned place. Luhan shook his head and got to his own position. The game started shortly, it was neck and neck between the two teams. The last ten seconds was rather crucial, their scores tied to two and two. The ball was on the other team, and if the other team manage to pass it through the goal, Luhan's team will face a punishment. Last time they made the losing team eat a tube of wasabi for each player, and it wasn't a good memory. Minseok ran and stole the ball from the other player. "LUHAN CATCH!" he kicked the ball towards the other and the male hit the ball from the middle of the field towards the goal, hoping for success. And it was. The whole team cheered and carried their team captain proudly, as Luhan was put down, he looked up Seohyun's classroom multiple times. Checking if she saw what happened or not. The first one, she looked like she was answering the teacher. Second one, her head was looking the other way. Third, she was looking down. And fourth, she finally looked at him. As she did, he smiled as if sending a message through his eyes. Saying that she is his inspiration, before breaking it and cheered with the team again.

Before the losers get their punishment, Luhan excused himself and went to print out his article secretly. He hated this school, the only reason he's here is because of his older brother. His parents wanted him to attend this school instead of that big academy in China, his scholarship there was transferred to, yes you guessed it right, his brother. His brother that his parents loved dearly, the brother that has been better than everything until he got in an accident and died. Since then Luhan tried filling in for his spot, the big responsibility passed to his shoulder, it wasn't easy at all. After printing out the copies of the article, the male went outside and posted it on the bulletin board, there is no way that it would pass for the school magazine. So might as well put it somewhere where students would see it. As he was pinning down the last piece of paper, one of the school teachers saw him. He tried running away but got caught, they made him take it down again and he got scolded badly for it.


Detention is in the air. Actually he didn't care, he'd rather want to be expelled hell he cares but, there is no way the school would expell such a perfect student like him. It's like loosing a precious gem that keeps the school's image high and respected. Yeah, Luhan is the reason why their school is so popular, alongside with his group of friends. 

"Miss, you have no right to say that to Luhan! Those words are just mean and---" As he was getting the talk from the teacher, a familiar girl came in between the both of them. He blinked a few times, staring at her blankly. The corner of his lips slightly curved into a small smile and his eyebrow raised, it's Seohyun. The only girl that never fails to fascinate him.

"Seo Joohyun, you have no right to interfere with this. Unless you want to get detention on a Friday, stay away!" Luhan stayed quiet, his eyes going back and forth the teacher and Seohyun. He actually didn't mind, he has nothing to say, even if he does say something it wont change anything. In the end, both of them got detention. His mood stayed netural until he got hit by the printed papers on his face, he took a deep breathe and sighed heavily. 

"A-are you... okay?" she stammered in front of him, not caring whether or not he would hurt her, he was too furious to even care, he chuckled bitterly and half glared at her. "No. Who would be okay after that?" he then walked away, leaving the girl alone in the middle of the school garden.




Luhan came first to the detention room, planning to make another article to, again, please the people around him. It was February, so he decided to make a love themed article for those who need them. He probably needs them too for the girl that's joining him in the room for 3 straight hours. Even if he was writing, he kept glancing at her secretly, he wanted to talk to her so badly, but he can't. Afraid was never a definition. Courage is something he's lacking. Somehow he can't bring himself to even say something nice to her, or even confess what he feels. Wanting her attention, he crumpled a piece of paper and intentionally threw it, aiming for her head. He tried his best not to laugh when he noticed that the other was slightly glaring at him. As he got ignored, he kept on throwing balls of scratch papers. He's done writing, so he can goof off now. Once in a while, he would act as if he was writing for Seohyun to not notice. 

 "Yah! Don't you know that there are a lot of trees being cut down just to make a pencil and pad paper?! You're smart right? You should know that and not waste the gift of nature!!" she yelled on the top of her lungs, he was surprised but again, he kept his cool and acted as if he's innocent.

"...sorry." He tried to sound as blunt as possible, waiting for her to go back to her original place. As she did, he did it again. To his luck before she even got a chance to scold him again, the teacher dismissed the both of them. He left immediately, so that he wont walk out with her, forgetting that the mess he made. 




Days flew by like the wind, weekends felt like hell. He was stuck at home, it was as if he lived alone, for his parents doesn't even spare a glance at him. Unless he did something wrong or they need him to do something for them. Monday came in a jiffy, he's actually excited since it's the day where they'll announce those who got in the national soccer team. It was in the middle of class when suddenly, an earthquake emerged. Everyone panicked but still managed to do the earthquake drill. They all got dismissed after the three minute shaking. But the soccer team was called to the field, they can't delay the announcement, the national team would be moving to another country to train, with the new recruits too. 

Each one of them lined up in front of their coach with the national team's coach and players. Minseok and him were shaking slightly, anxious and nervous of what the announcement is. They don't know who'll get in, there are lots of great players in their team, that's not something to joke about.

"There's only three players that got in the national team in your school,  and these players are..." the national team's coach started, as he checked his notebook, "...Oh Sehun, Kim Minseok and Xi Luhan." he looked back at them and smiled. "Congratulations." 

The rush of joy and excitement went inside his body and for sure Minseok and Sehun felt it too. They cheered together and even if the other players of their team didn't get in, they were still happy for the three. They went and planned to have dinner altogether but their little joy ended as they felt a much higher intensity of earthquake, the coach made them evacuate immmediately. As Luhan ran for his life, he then bumped into someone he didn't expect to bump into. It's her.

Without any words, he took her hand and dragged her to the safest place, the park. He can't help but feel anger towards her. Why would she risk her life to go back to school? Is she that stupid? Especially in the middle of a calamity.  "Are you out of your mind?! Why did you go to the school?!! Huh?! Tell me! What if I wasn't there to get you out? What if you got squashed there like a tomato?! Do you want to die there?!" he screamed at her, angered by how she was too dumb to care about her own safety. Truthfully, he cared. What if something really did happen? What if she got in an accident while trying to go there? If she disappeared, who would be the one to make Luhan's heart flutter like no other person did before? "Yah! Seo Joohyun, I'm talking to you!" he clenched his fist, looking at her. He was only staring at her, not caring whether the place is falling apart.

"I....I have a crush on you, Xi Luhan! Ever since we were freshmen, I admired you from a far and... and... I feel happy everytime you're there. I'm... I'm sorry for being stupid whenever you're around, I don't even think before I do anything. I try so hard just to get your attention but, it seems like you don't care about me. I... I try to be better at everything, I even joined things that I don't usually join just for you and... and..." Seohyun couldn't finish her sentence, chocking up as she try to say every word that she said. Luhan didn't know how to respond, he felt everything stopped for a moment, he could only see her face. He can't believe she beat him to it. To confessing his feelings. "...I love you, you emotionless freak!" she screamed on the top of her lungs, her eyes shut. 

He wanted to kiss her, as she turned around to run away, he took her and hugged her tight. Burying her face on his chest, he felt so happy. As if he was a riding a rollercoaster, and this is where everyone gets off, that relief kind of feeling. "You know, I've been waiting so long for you to say that..." he whispered in her ear, hugging her tighter than before, not wanting to ever let go. "I love you too Seo Joohyun..." he felt her tears on his shirt, making him tear up a bit.

He saw how the brick building slowly crushing them, he hugged her tighter, his tears finally falling. 'I'm glad that we get to share this last moment together...'


Everything ended... but definitely not their love.










authors note: sorry it took so long!! :( i'm busy preparing for college entrance exams.

but here you go! ^^ thank you for supporting Eternity.

If you have any questions, just ask me lol i dont bite at all~

with love,



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Chapter 3: One word sad YET I LOVED IT^^
Chapter 3: this is too cute huhu.. ;-; There should be like.., an after life sequal.., or a reincarnation of both of them. X'D Youre a great author by the way!
Chapter 1: Great story but so sad
SoshiLuver327 #4
Chapter 3: Dang....... 0.0
Thank you for Luhans' POV ^^
Thank you for your time to write this story :D
Chapter 2: ;-; waiting for the Luhan version, this is cute.
SoshiLuver327 #6
Chapter 2: omg.... :'(
This story is so GOOD but so SAD!!!
Author-nim I'll be waiting for Luhan's POV ^^
Chapter 1: this story is so good..it makes me cry..their love is eternal..
so sad that they have to die because of the earthquake..but glad they manage to confess before it's too late..It's jjang!! hope u can make more story of seohan ^_^
ambai90 #8
Chapter 1: sob sob..their love is sternal cause till death do them apart. .. but couldn't believe they died !! too short for their happy ending ..glad both of them feel the same for each other
ILoveKai4Ever #9
Chapter 1: Waah update soon! im looking forward to this! :D
Update soon!