❛ eternity


" Dear Diary,

He smiled at me today, it's been five years yet, it's the first time he did that

--SJH "




Seohyun wrote on her diary with a bright smile on her face. Earlier that day her long time crush, Luhan, smiled at her. Still she wasn't sure if it was for her but, his eyes were fixed on the brown haired girl. Giving her a conclusion that it was probably for her. 

It's has been a few hours since that incident, and yet the girl can't seem to forget his face. His smiling face that is deserving to be defined as angelic. The way his eyes turned into a crescent moon as he curled his lips into a sweet grin, passing by her and his many fangirls. Seohyun could not concentrate, she's now in class and yet all she thinks about is him. Her mind filled with him and him only.

The fact that her professor is discussing an important topic is completely being drowned by the thoughts of him. The information that is shared with the class just bounces from her head to the floor. While some are absorbing it, she was busy daydreaming about him. Typical. 

Looking out the window, as she is seated beside it, where the soccer field could be seen. She saw him again, playing. The way he ran with the ball on his feet, and his hair flowing with the wind. He was covered with sweat yet for her, he still looks as dreamy as ever. 

Luhan then kicked the ball, passing the goalkeeper --- who couldn't even keep up with the speed, to the net and score. Him being crowned as team captain isn't all joke. The team cheered, and so did Seohyun.


" Wahh!!! He's so great! " she suddenly yelled in class, her hands in air. Her voice filled the quiet room, after feeling the stares from her classmates, she then realized what she has done, returning her hands under her desk and looked down. 

" Ms. Seo Joohyun, is there anything you'd like to share with the class? " her professor asked with his eyebrow raised and arms crossed. Clearly annoyed by the fact that he had just been interrupted by one of the students.

" N-no sir, I'm sorry for disturbing your lesson. " she replied with insecurity in her voice as her head hung low. The teacher then continued on the lesson and ignored her again. It was the first time she has done that in class, though she has done it before.

"You were daydreaming, were you?" her best friend, Yoona asked in a slightly teasing tone. Knowing how her friend always daydreams about her one and only love, Xi Luhan, ever since he transferred five years ago from China. All Seohyun could respond was a shy nod, normally she would have frowned and disagree, but due to so much embarrassment, she couldn't do much actions, but to secretly looked out to check upon Luhan. 

Much to her surprise, he was looking up at her classroom window with a wide smile. Before going back to cheer again with his team, as much as she didn't want to assume anything special, she couldn't help but to go blank again. His image showing again.




It was finally lunch time, all the students went to the canteen to eat food and some junk that could be found/there. The two friends didn't want to join in with the noisy crowd. It had been their hobby and habit to go to the garden every time just to eat. As they reached the colorful place, Yoona excused herself quiet playfully to go buy some food. " Hey!! Buy me milk tea too~ " Seohyun shouted at her back, but it looked like she didn't hear and finally she disappeared from her friend's sight.

The brown haired girl walked towards her favorite tree and took a seat, it is her favorite because of a reason. And that reason is him, of course. She couldn't help but smile from the thought of him again, it was like a virus that always gets her every time.

From afar, a furious voice could be heard. Seohyun looked around, she was sure that no one would be here at the garden at this time. There after a long scan, she saw her teacher scolding the guy that she never thought would be nagged at. Luhan. The girl did not move from her spot, watching and listening to every harsh words that their teacher has to say to him.

"You're an insolent and ungrateful red cent! That's what you are..." Those words made her eyeballs fall of her sockets. Those words that doesn't fit the angelic figure she looks upon. Out of boiling anger, she went between her teacher and Luhan. Trying to protect the man that has been her inspiration for years. And that man, didn't seem to care about what their teacher said to him, he stayed quiet and observed Seohyun as she protest.

"Miss, you have no right to say that to Luhan! Those words are just mean and---" 

"Seo Joohyun, you have no right to interfere with this. Unless you want to get detention on a Friday, stay away!" That tone and voice as she said those words made Seohyun shrivel up in the inside but, her posture stayed the same. Her arm protecting Luhan like a barrier and her eyes determine to take anything as long as it's for him. Not caring if he is right or wrong, she would always be by his side.

While him, he had his eyebrow raised. Quiet amused by the fact that a girl would actually stand up to someone in higher position than both of them, moreover just for him. "I wont stay away." she said firmly, taking a deep breathe.

"Detention..." The teacher said heavily and cold, "...both of you. After class, go to the east wing." she continued, before handing the paper to Luhan harshly, "I want you to write another article...pass it to me tomorrow, stat!" with that she left the both of them. Everything that he did wrong was in that paper. An article he made himself. Wrecking that school's reputation and mocking it with its faults. 

He got caught before posting it as the bulletin board of the campus. Yet he didn't seem to care but, deep inside he's annoyed. Seohyun turned to him, her cheeks flushed, already waking up from her anger. "A-are you...okay?" she stammered, looking down at the ground.

Luhan chuckled, "No. Who would be okay after that?" he asked rather bitterly, before leaving her alone in the garden again. She could only watch his back as he disappeared through the halls. She bit her lower lip and sighed in dismay, her hope of receiving a simple 'thank you' from the other shattered.




After arriving at the east wing, where the detention room is Seohyun found that it was only her and Luhan that would be in detention. Well, who would want to get detention on a Friday? It's student's worst nightmare and apparently, that nightmare came for the both of them. Was it even a nightmare for her? 

She took a seat seven chairs away from him, he didn't pay attention to her and just wrote the thing that the teacher wanted him to do. It was awkward, the atmosphere sends a tense feeling to Seohyun. No words could come out of , she wanted to speak yet she couldn't. Shrugging off the feeling, she just stared at the white board up front and ignored Luhan. They stayed like that for an hour or so.

Right then, a piece of crumpled paper flew and hit her head, she looked at where it came from and found him. Who would throw it but him? He's the only one in the room with her. And he's the only one with a paper. Seohyun ignored him again, but more papers hit her causing her to flip. "Yah! Don't you know that there are a lot of trees being cut down just to make a pencil and pad paper?! You're smart right? You should know that and not waste the gift of nature!!" she yelled, irritated, no not because he's wasting the 'gift of nature' but because of the papers that hit her head continuously.

"...sorry." He said bluntly, that was the only thing that he said to her, not even sparing a glance at her and continued writing. Sitting down again, Seohyun crossed her arms, she is starting to think as to why she even like a emotionless freak like Luhan.

Then came another piece of paper, she was about to stand up again and scold him but, the witch that they call a teacher came in and told them to go home. Luhan took all his things and got out of the room, leaving Seohyun with his own mess. She had no choice but to pick it all up and throw it though, as she was about to throw it, she opened one and saw that the articles were all about love. It was love month, February. 

Deciding not to throw them, she compiled the papers and read them on the way home. Entering their humble manor, she found her parents watching news about the earthquake that happened at Gangwon-do. Many houses and buildings were destroyed mercilessly by Mother Nature. She could only shake her head and feel sympathy for the people who lived there.




It was Monday again, and Seohyun is still sitting in class. Listening to the same old boring lecture that their professor has to say. A few minutes passed and the table started to move together with everything that's in the room. The students panicked and went under their desks, protecting theirselves from whatever may fall upon them. She did the same, using her hand to protect her head and the other holding on to her desk.

A quick earthquake drill was down a few moments after and they were sent home for the school had a crack on some parts of it. As Seohyun reached home, it didn't take long before another earthquake, much worse than the one in school earlier. Her family's scream of help made her panic more. Tears started to form in her eyes as she ran to her room and hid under her wooden study table. Then her diary fell, it opened in the middle page, revealing something that wake her up from reality. 


" One day... I would say everything to him before it's too late. "


Her teary eyes were fix on those words, maybe it's time. It's time to say it, she took her phone and diary and went out despite the disaster happening around her. Seohyun ran fast, everything was falling apart. The screams of other people did not scare her, it made her stronger. It gave her more determination to go to the love of her life. 

Seohyun went to the soccer field of her school, she knew Luhan would be there. It was because he always stay after, she knew he didn't go home. Every soccer team member were running for their lives, one of them is him. The two of them bumped into each other, and their eyes met. She wanted to hug him close, yet she stayed frozen. The stadium was about to give up.Out of instinct, Luhan took her hand and ran with her. They ran, but she could only look at him and his back.

He stopped until they reached the park, and stared back at her. "Are you out of your mind?! Why did you go to the school?!! Huh?! Tell me! What if I wasn't there to get you out? What if you got squashed there like a tomato?! Do you want to die there?!" he screamed at her, angered by how she was too dumb to care about her own safety. Truthfully, he cared.

Seohyun didn't speak, shaking in fear and sadness. Taking in everything that he just said to her. "Yah! Seo Joohyun, I'm talking to you!" he clenched his fist, looking at her. As they spoke, everything around them was a mess. Building toppling over and people running. The ground is cracking and it screamed, 'the end.'

"I....I have a crush on you, Xi Luhan! Ever since we were freshmen, I admired you from a far and... and... I feel happy everytime you're there. I'm... I'm sorry for being stupid whenever you're around, I don't even think before I do anything. I try so hard just to get your attention but, it seems like you don't care about me. I... I try to be better at everything, I even joined things that I don't usually join just for you and... and..." Seohyun couldn't finish her sentence, chocking up as she try to say every word that she said. Her tears streaming down her face, staining her pinkish cheeks as her breathing hitched up. 


"...I love you, you emotionless freak!" she screamed on the top of her lungs, her eyes shut.

As she said those words, she turned away and ran fast...


...but, he grabbed her and hugged her as tight as he could. Not caring of their surroundings that is already falling apart.


"You know, I've been waiting so long for you to say that..." he whispered, she could only stay still, in shock. Not expecting to hear that kind of response from the other. Luhan hugged her tighter and said in a sweet voice...



"I love you too Seo Joohyun..."


Tears flowed again from her eyes, hugging back before everything completely crashed.


The red bricked building fell upon them as they hugged and cherish the last moment of their lives....together.

And forever they will remember what they shared at that last moment.

The love that will always last....for eternity.




author's note: sorry it took so long, I had been busy and btw, thanks for reading! :)))

I hope you enjoyed my first love story in a long time! lol

muah :*



p.s/ look it's SeoHan!! <33

lol i dont really ship them, but they're cute :)))

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Chapter 3: One word sad YET I LOVED IT^^
Chapter 3: this is too cute huhu.. ;-; There should be like.., an after life sequal.., or a reincarnation of both of them. X'D Youre a great author by the way!
Chapter 1: Great story but so sad
SoshiLuver327 #4
Chapter 3: Dang....... 0.0
Thank you for Luhans' POV ^^
Thank you for your time to write this story :D
Chapter 2: ;-; waiting for the Luhan version, this is cute.
SoshiLuver327 #6
Chapter 2: omg.... :'(
This story is so GOOD but so SAD!!!
Author-nim I'll be waiting for Luhan's POV ^^
Chapter 1: this story is so good..it makes me cry..their love is eternal..
so sad that they have to die because of the earthquake..but glad they manage to confess before it's too late..It's jjang!! hope u can make more story of seohan ^_^
ambai90 #8
Chapter 1: sob sob..their love is sternal cause till death do them apart. .. but couldn't believe they died !! too short for their happy ending ..glad both of them feel the same for each other
ILoveKai4Ever #9
Chapter 1: Waah update soon! im looking forward to this! :D
Update soon!