Hugs and Kisses


It had been a while since Shinwoo and Gongchan had done anything together. Shinwoo had gotten angry one day after schedule and scolded Gongchan. It obviously scared the maknae because he had been avoiding Shinwoo since, and frankly, that was killing Shinwoo slowly. He missed Gongchan pulling him out of bed to watch TV, or hugging on his arm, calling him a cuddly bear, playing with his hair...everything Gongchan used to do. He loved it. 

Shinwoo sighed, waking up well past noon on a free day. He got out of bed to peek out the bedroom, noticing Gongchan eating on the couch by himself, watching TV. Shinwoo left the bedroom, ignoring the fact that he was in his underwear and without a shirt (which he didn't understand since he went to sleep with one on). He quietly made his way into the living room and sat next to Gongchan, who scooted away. 



"Are you upset with me?"

Gongchan shook his head silently, he didn't want to say anything. Shinwoo sighed, moving closer to Gongchan.

"Hyung what are you doing?"

"Channie, I don't like you afraid of me. I miss you being all cute and cuddly with me."

"You yelled at me Hyung"

"I didn't yell. Just...scolded. And I'm sorry."

Gongchan pouted. He didn't want to admit that he missed the cuddling too, and the fact that Shinwoo was not only apologetic, but half , made Gongchan desperately want to fling himself onto his Hyung and never let go of him. Instead, Gongchan just scooted closer with a smile and hugged Shinwoo's arm, kissing his cheek.

Shinwoo smiled, grabbing Gongchan by the waist and tugging him into a hug. Gongchan wiggled his way onto his Hyung's lap, smiling.

"All is forgiven Shinwoo~"

"Yaah~ Where'd hyung go?"


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Caren91 #1
Chapter 2: Awww! Update plssss xp i love shin chan the most
Chapter 1: oww, i loved this! i think this totally needs a full story! i loved the relationship ♡ and aff needs more shinchan!
Chapter 1: Lolz. I read this some days back. , I have no account at that time :P

I like this. Because it's simple.
The interaction between Shinwoo and Gongchan is cute!

Keep writing! And fighting! :3
Chapter 1: Oh this was so cute ^-^