Sleeping Bear


"Hyung. Yah. Yah! Shinwoo-yah!" CNU!!"

Gongchan leaned closer and poked Shinwoo's cheek with his pencil yet again. Shinwoo shied and moved his face away, covering himself with the blanket. 

"Wake up, Shinwoo! Come on! SHINWOO-YAH!~"

"Gongchan...I'm awake, now call me Hyung."

"But, I don't want to. Get up. I want to watch TV with you."

"Go watch with Baro, I'm taking a nap."

"He talks too much, I want to watch with you, you're like a bear, so cuddly and warm. Come on!"

Shinwoo sat up and pulls his hair away from his face, fixing it into a ponytail. He looked up at the young maknae, eagerly sitting at his side and holding his hand tightly. Shinwoo couldn't bring himself to refuse any more. He pushed Gongchan aside and pointed to a pair of shorts on the ground.

"Get those for me."

"Hyung, you don't need them! Hurry up! I'm missing my show!!"

Gongchan tugged on Shinwoo's arm as hard as he could, forcing the tall man on to his feet with a groan. 

"I'm up! I'm up! Don't pull my arm off!"

Gongchan grinned and pulled Shinwoo to the living room. He pushed Jinyoung over and sat himself down, pulling Shinwoo to sit next to him. Jinyoung looked over at Shinwoo and laughed.

"Let me guess, Gongchan pulled you out here in your underwear so you could watch TV with him?"

"Of course, he always does that whenever we have free time. He doesn't let me put on pants because--"

"Because I like to see your thighs."

"Aren't you too young for that sort of feelings?"

"No, of course not! I wasn't young enough for you to feel me up that time!"

"I was drunk, Chan."

"Like that matters."

Shinwoo laughed and pulled the maknae to him, pressing their hips together. Gongchan smiled and hugged Shinwoo's arm.

"You're so warm! Like a bear!!"

"Don't call me that, I feel fat when you say that."

"We'll you don't have abs..."


Gongchan laughed and hugged Shinwoo tightly, watching the TV. Shinwoo looked over and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep again. Gongchan looked up to say something and pouted once he saw that Shinwoo was asleep again.


"H-Huh?! What happened?! Am I late for schedule?"

Gongchan laughed and tugged Shinwoo down to meet his eyes. Shinwoo looked at Gongchan tiredly and stuck his tongue out childishly.


"Aish! Shinwoo!"

Shinwoo laughed and leaned on Gongchan. He held his hand and watched the TV until he fell asleep again. Gongchan sighed and played around with Shinwoo's hair while he slept.


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Caren91 #1
Chapter 2: Awww! Update plssss xp i love shin chan the most
Chapter 1: oww, i loved this! i think this totally needs a full story! i loved the relationship ♡ and aff needs more shinchan!
Chapter 1: Lolz. I read this some days back. , I have no account at that time :P

I like this. Because it's simple.
The interaction between Shinwoo and Gongchan is cute!

Keep writing! And fighting! :3
Chapter 1: Oh this was so cute ^-^