Chapter 1

Medicine Time

You checked the cupboards and on top of the fridge. Behind the couch and under the coffee table. Under the bed and in the bathroom sink. All of the windowsills and yet you still could not find him. That sneaky little rascal.
"Tigger!" you called out sweetly and began your search again.
You were the one that insisted on getting a cat and Yongguk argued against it. Grumbling and complaining endlessly. But once you had managed to drag him down to the animal shelter, his tune changed drastically. When he saw the orange calico and promptly claimed it was the cat they were adopting. The orange, black and white cat got his name before the papers were even signed. Not that there were any actually stripes but apparently close enough. Then Yongguk carried his new friend to the car and on the drive home, listed all the things they needed buy for him.
You reached behind the entertainment stand and brought out a toy mouse. One of a dozen the spoiled cat owned. Rolling your eyes, you tossed it over your shoulder before continuing your search.
The reason you were so intent of finding him was because it had an eye infection and it was time for his medicine. You had gotten special eye drops from the vet and of course, he didn't quite like it. Which led to some unbelievable sixth sense and a vanishing act any magician would be envious of when medicine time came.
"Tigger, come on!" you whined, still having not located the small menace.
With a groan, you laid on the floor and pouted. This was getting ridiculous. With a sigh you rolled over and looked out the window as the sunlight streamed in. Then your eyes widened as you sat up and stared in shock at the sight before you.
You quickly scrambled off the floor and ran out the front door before rounding to the side of the house. You stood under the large tree and your mouth dropped open in disbelief.
"What do you think you're doing?!"
Yongguk looked down at you and then pointed further up the tree branch he was sitting on. "I'm getting Tigger."
Your eyes moved over and saw the cat clutching on to the branch while meowing. Your jaw clenched so you didn't say all the curse words you were directing toward the damn feline.
You turned your attention back to your boyfriend. "Get down. You're going to fall."
"But I have to get him."
"He's a cat."
"He's stuck."
Your hand and face connected before you grumbled. "He's a cat Yongguk. He's perfectly capable of getting down himself."
"He's scared." Yongguk insisted and scooted up the branch more.
You bit your lip and watched nervously as Yongguk laid down with his arms out. He gently picked the cat up and then sat up with a big smile. You couldn't help but smile as he loved his cat for a moment and then started scooting backwards off of the tree branch. Then Tigger started fighting to get out of Yongguk's arms.
"Hey!" Yongguk yelled as he got scratched.
Tigger sprang free as he jumped for another branch and then scurried down the tree. He hit the ground and disappeared around the side of the house.
You crossed your arms and raised your eyebrows at Yongguk.
"Don't say it." a blushing Yongguk begged.
"I. Told. You. So."
He rolled his eyes and started his own descent. You turned and headed in the direction Tigger ran off, hoping you could still catch him. Then you heard a yell and a loud thud.
You spun around real fast and saw Yongguk on the ground. "Yongguk!" you shrieked and ran over to him, grabbing his hand. "Oh god are hurt? Is your head okay? Did you break anything?"
"If I did will you nurse me back to health?"
You let go of his hand and sat back. "You're fine."
"Yeah but that hurt." he groaned as he sat up, holding his head.
You looked over as the cat sauntered over and climbed on to Yongguk's lap.
"Are you checking to make sure I'm okay?" cooed Yongguk as he picked up Tigger.
"He's the reason you got hurt in the first place." you retorted.
"He was scared. Just like I said." he told you and the scratched behind the cat's ear. "Isn't that right buddy?"
You sighed and shook your head. "It's time for 'buddy's' medicine."
"Is that why you snuck outside?" Yongguk questioned the feline as he carefully stood up. "No more going outside. You'll make mommy and daddy worry."
"Oh god." you groaned and walked away.
Once inside, Yongguk swaddled Tigger in a blanket and held him so you could put give him the eye drops. When done, Yongguk let him go and Tigger ran a little ways away before shaking his head.
" doesn't it." Yongguk teased the cat.
You grabbed the first aid box out of the cupboard. "Your turn." you said and indicated his hand.
He looked at his hands and saw the cat scratches. "They're fine."
You held up the alcohol wipes. "Cats carry numerous types of bacteria in their nails which can lead to an infection. They need to be clean."
His eyes widened a little at the wipes. "But it'll sting."
You smirked at him. "I know."
Yongguk looked at Tigger and then nodded his head. "I agree." Then he turned and ran away.
"Come here!" you yelled, chasing after him.

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha. Love Yongguk Love his cat!
Chapter 1: How cute! XD
Chapter 1: yongguk and cat...I ship
Cute story,author-nim!
moldymilk #4
Chapter 1: Why do I think of Himchan instead while reading this...
Chapter 1: afsgafsgfagsh!!
wae so cutee Bang Yonggyuk???
Chapter 1: omg that was soooooo cute!! so damn cute!!
after watching old video of tvxq and their dogs, now a fanfic about yongguk and cat...
i think i should adopt a dog and a cat LOL
Chapter 1: can i change it to a dog? i mean i think man who loves cat mostly abit sissy. haha just personal imagination. thx for good story. :)
loveatroniq #8
Chapter 1: omg that was so cute >< I love cats and Yongguk. It was like the perfect combo! <3
NJsakura #9
Chapter 1: Damn cute!!! Oh my gosh our dear leader can be so childish!!!!!
Chapter 1: LMAO