Personal Message

Thanks to the existence of fanfic, I live my life better. = =

About Bang Yongguk to me? well He is talented and charming. I can't say he is handsome in general but in my eyes (and all bangsters'). He is funny, sometimes childish, he is cute over all but not that gayish (Banghim is excepted :P ) He is y. Yes Y! He doesn't know it because he is so shy to expose himself but willing to kill the fangirls as he is requested. I really love his family name in English. It make him more bangable *cough* He has a genius smile. it's so contagious and it make my day. So he ruins my life and save it at the same time.

If yongguk were a god, i would sing him a song! (ฅ'ω'ฅ)

Bang yongguk, bang yongguk, lets bang him all the way. Oh so fine. this is feel right. It's a one of open day . chyeah!

About Me

My name is LinLin or Cherie (xD). A beloved(?) fanfic reader and a terrible newbie writer who want to share her imaginary over oppa.

And my twitter:
