Luhan&OC; Knowing the Man You Love Is Foolin' Around

Exo Fan fiction - Must Reads!

Knowing the Man You Love Is Foolin' Around ― 

Characters: Luhan & OC
Author(s): misskaila16
Genre: Angst, Marriage, Drama, Romance
Status: Completed 
Chapter Count: 26 
Rating: ★★★★★
Being married to your high school sweetheart was something everyone dreamt of especially if you two were actually in love. But getting married too early also played a part in a marriage. Luhan was your first love, your everything; throughout high school you and Luhan tried your best to keep your relationship a secret and when you two were finally caught by the media your parents were thrilled to see you two so in love. To rush things and the merge of two very powerful companies they were already planning ahead to force you two to marry. Because you both were still young and in love you two had agreed without difficulty but after so many years, things had to have changed.
Why I like it?
It's completed! Surprise surprise! A well-written story that makes you feel all sorts of emotions. The author has done a good job in manipulating her grammar to make the readers empathize with the leading female character without a choice. This story has made my heart gain weight and if you're a fan of sad dramatic stories, then this is for you! The only con I can point out is that Luhan is the mayor of Jerkville in this story and needs a little bit of revising over the Grammar, but over-all it's a hooking story which needs more love. 
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