Happy Hour


12.30 AM on Wednesday – only then can we live.







‘…some say love takes time, it really doesn’t. It’s the realization that takes time. For us, it took us a total of twelve days to become aware of our mutual feelings, but we were only given seven days to show our affections towards one another…’




A/N:   I don't own niether Kai or Baek Su Min, though I do own the story and I'd like it if I stay free from trouble of having to either be accused of stealing and/or accuse someone else of doing so. Let's keep it drama-free and enjoy the story instead. Yes, I'm aware of my not-so-accurate grammar and I can't be bothered revising chapter by chapter, so let's just let it pass. aiight? Many thanks in advance to those who support me with this story! I wish you all a lovely day.

Much  love,



credits to the rightful owners of the images used in this fic. 






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