
A Foxy Present




Kibum sat on the rest of the armchair in the living room and stared out of the window with sad eyes. Again Jonghyun had left to go to work, like always but the fox missed him more and more every time he went. Sure, he always came back and didn’t suddenly disappear and he knew that but still. At first it was okay that his master wasn’t always there, then he started miss him and it only grew over the time. He found himself trying to count down the hours before the human would be back but since he could read he didn’t know what time it was.

His tail didn’t move and his ears weren’t pricked up like normal. He waited and waited but no Jonghyun appeared on the path in front of the building. It started to snow and the fox couldn’t see much but he still stayed on the armchair, staring into the mess of white snowflakes that whirled in front of the window. After some time it stopped and he could see more again but still no Jonghyun.

Taemin and Minho entered the living room to play some video games and saw the sad fox staring out of the window just like he had been after Jonghyun had left in the noon. They looked at each other worried and went over to him.

“Key, don’t worry. Jonghyun will get home as soon as his shift at the cafe finishes,” Minho tried to reassure but the fox only glanced at him with big, brown eyes before he returned to his staring.

“Did you already eat today?” Taemin asked worried but got no answer. “Come on I’ll get you something.” He took the fluffy fox in his arms and went with him to the kitchen. Kibum looked over his shoulder to see the window before a wall blocked his view. He didn’t want to eat and he didn’t want to leave his spot on the armchair but he didn’t hiss at Taemin or scratched him because it wasn’t his fault that his master wasn’t there. Also the boy just wanted to help.

The maknae sat Kibum down to get some food out of the cupboard but as soon as the fox’s paws touched the ground he already ran back to the living room, afraid that he missed Jonghyun’s arrival. Taemin sighed and also went back only to find Kibum back on the rest with Minho his back with a pitting expression shown on his face.

Both of the humans knew that it would take some time before Jonghyun came back but they didn’t have the heart to tell this to the fox. They sighed once more and let him be, knowing that they couldn’t do anything.

Kibum grew more and more tired over the time and had trouble to stay awake. It was already dark outside and he forced his eyelids to stay open. It had started to snow again and the flakes seemed to hypnotize the little fox. His eyes went glassier until it looked like he was in a trance. It didn’t take much more before his eyelids finally closed. He wavered and toppled over, falling down into the seat of the armchair.

Taemin and Minho looked up startled and paused the game to look if Kibum was alright. They found him sleeping peacefully and smiled at bit. Poor Kibum was tired from all the waiting. He had fallen asleep just a few minutes before Jonghyun would be back. Right as they thought that the front door opened. Said boy came into the living room moments later and found his pet sleeping in the armchair.

“He had been sitting in front of the window the whole time,” Taemin said and Kibum’s fur a bit, smiling sadly.

Jonghyun sighed and looked down at the sleeping fox with a sad face. “I know but what should I do? I always tell him that I have to go to work and he knows that I’m coming back.”

Silence filled the room before Minho spoke up. “Can’t you take him with you?”

Jonghyun thought for some moments. That wasn’t such a bad idea. He wouldn’t have to worry about Kibum all day and the fox wouldn’t be sad. The only problem was that he didn’t know if he could bring a pet to the café. Sure Kibum always listened to what he said and didn’t bite or scratch but still, he had to ask his boss about that.

“I don’t know but I’ll ask tomorrow. I have the morning shift anyway so I should be able to catch my boss,” Jonghyun said and grinned at the thought of the fox running around the café. Why hadn’t he thought about this earlier? He missed Kibum too while he worked and this would be the perfect solution.

“Poor Key waited for me half of the day,” he said and took the sleeping fur ball in his arms which snuggled up there and purred into his chest like he knew that his master was back. Jonghyun chuckled a bit and scratched him behind his ears. He went to his room and put Kibum on his bed, leaving him there to take a shower. Once he was finished he ate something for dinner and went to bed because he had to get up early tomorrow.

He pulled Kibum closer and laid him down on his chest, a hand on his back to secure him. Jonghyun sighed and closed his eyes, feeling the fox’s heartbeat and his warm breathes on his neck. Like this the couple slept through the night peacefully.




I know it's short but it's only a part of the chapter. The other half is not finished yet but I wanted to update so here is a little chapter~

I'm working on the Christmas story and I'm proud to say that it's almost finished

I'm also working on three other stories but I really don't know what to do with them......I hate story boards

Okay that's not the point. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry that this story is not more often updated but I'll try my best in the futur. Just please don't give up on me~

Thanks to everyone who commented or subscribed or gave a vote!

Ew the window was cold.....


Anyway I hope you like the chapter although it wasn't very interesting and yeah.......that's it

Bye bye~

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21Ame-chan #1
Chapter 44: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Really enjoyed the story after that weird drunken dream chapter (that's how I'll forever refer to it lol). It's good you ended it the way you did! This story was just so fluffy~~~~ and I just loved that about it!
21Ame-chan #2
Chapter 23: Honestly, in order to continue I'm gonna pretend this and the last chapter were some weird drunken dream of Jong's
21Ame-chan #3
Chapter 22: If this chapter was written based off someone's suggestion, it would have been better to write about watching paint dry. This was not in any way a good chapter nor was it even remotely in character, drunk or not
21Ame-chan #4
Chapter 18: Loved this chapter!! I really enjoy all the chapters you think are boring lol I hope this fic stays fluffy ...
Chapter 3: Haha one sassy fox
Chapter 4: Omo it's very cute ♡♡♡
Chapter 44: Just read this today, loved it! I'm glad I got to read it in one go, the suspense between chapters would have killed me! LOL
Chapter 44: I love this story
Chapter 44: Omg!!! Super fluffy cutest sweet JongKey fic!! I can't stop giggling and sqeualing over fox Key here like omg why is this baby is soooo cute I can't!!! Key as fox is the best and the cutest!! And also this fic is really nice and sweet!! I love it soo much <3 Author nim Jiang!!
Chapter 44: congratulations!!!~