They Took Him

A Foxy Present


Jonghyun was on his way to the café, Kibum trailing behind him and humming a song happily. He was looking around, admiring the scenery once again because he actually really liked this part of the city. It was busy, yes but just so busy that you wouldn’t drown in the amount of people who were walking around here.

Around certain hours of the day the streets were emptier and those were the perfect times to go shopping or take a stroll through town.

Early in the morning when they walked to work they often saw groups of kids or teens who went to school, wearing the same uniform and chattering about everything.

Sometimes groups of girls stopped to ask if Kibum was just costumed or if he was a shapeshifter, petting if ears excited and telling him how cute he was.

Jonghyun was then once again surprised how many people actually knew about shapeshifters. He had thought they were a secret that only the people involved knew about for a long time before Kibum had explained him a bit more.

It was true that many people only knew about shapeshifters because they or someone they were close with had one. But there were public agencies as well where you could ask for a shapeshifter which was one of the most common case since not everyone lived on the streets and was picked up one day like Kibum. That was actually rather rare.

Those agencies had a few different locations in Seoul and everyone was allowed to go there and ask for a shapeshifter.

All agencies had direct access to all the profiles of the shapeshifter that lived in South Korea and could see which of them were still without a Master.

You had to fill out a document with your preferences and what kind of shapeshifter you wanted. After that the staff searched in their data for a fitting shapeshifter and arranged a meeting which would decide whether the two of you were compatible or not.

The shapeshifter had a say in this as well. They were allowed to refuse someone if they didn’t feel attracted to them since either the spark was there or it wasn’t and if it wasn’t then it would never come.

Another way was just meeting a shapeshifter because they normally couldn’t be told apart from everyone else. They weren’t kept in cages like animals after all. Most of them were like everyone else, going to school and learning everything they had to know.

They could either go to special schools for shapeshifters or to normal schools. They could go to universities and take a job like everyone else so it happened often that Master and shapeshifter met in a bar or at school.

Every relationship was different and what Kibum had been taught by that evil woman hadn’t been right. Shapeshifters didn’t have to do everything for their Masters, it was more like that they would do everything for them because they loved them so much. The term ‘Master’ was already old and nowadays it almost didn’t exist anymore.

Most relationships were just like every other one.

That is basically how it worked.

Of course there were also a lot of illegal agencies that had kidnapped shapeshifters and sold them to everyone who wanted to have them.

Shapeshifter in such relationships soon turned into empty shells because they couldn’t bear such a treatment.

They were meant to be delicate, lovely, sensitive, caring and affectionate. Their job was it to please and love their partners, making them happy and being happy as well together with them in a lovely relationship like everyone else.

Most of them were too weak to withstand violence or abuse so they often died on the inside if they weren’t treated the right way.

Some exceptions still existed and those were often the ones who never found a partner because they were rebellious and didn’t accept what they were.

Kibum was very happy to have Jonghyun as his Master because he was really very caring. He may didn’t know a lot about shapeshifters but it didn’t matter to the blonde. He felt loved and taken care of and he was very comfortable at home with the other three boys so there was nothing more he could possibly want.


“Aigo, such a sweet young boy,” an elderly woman said who happened to be served by Kibum at the café.

Kibum smiled happily as he sat down her coffee and strawberry cake for her. “Thank you,” he said, his tail swishing happily and his ears slightly curved upwards from their relaxed position on his head.

He went on with taking orders from a young couple that sat a few tables away and went back to give Jonghyun the small piece of paper to he could take care of the order and prepare everything.

On his way he received a pat on his head from Yesung who grinned at him shortly before he brought the breakfast for three people towards the right table.

The new waiter had started working rather quickly after the interview and the rest of the workers at the café got along with him rather well. He was nice, funny and sometimes a bit random and strange but he didn’t case the customers away so it was alright.

He had told Kibum that his dad had nursed some animals he had picked up on the streets and a shapeshifter happened to be along them as well so he knew about them.

“Jonghyun,” Kibum said as he stood at the counter and had just laid down the order on the freshly cleaned surface.

“I wanna have chocolate,” he said with a pout and Jonghyun chuckled.

“You’ll get chocolate when we’re home again, alright?”

“But I want it now,” the fox said pleadingly, his eyes getting bigger.

“I don’t have any now pumpkin, so you’ll have to wait until we’re home,” the brunette said and smiled at the younger sadly who sighed in disappointment and mumbled a quiet ‘okay’ before he went away again, his ears dropped down just like his tail but Jonghyun knew it wouldn’t take long for him to be happy again so he just smiled and shook his head.

It really didn’t take long because soon Kibum’s tail was swishing in a lazy pace again and his ears were relaxed on his head, listening to a girl’s story.

Jonghyun loved how he could sense the other’s mood just by his animal parts. He had a dog when he was younger and it wasn’t difficult to know why his ears dropped or bent back at certain points so it was rather easy to read the fox although he might not know this himself.

The day went by like any other one. Many customers, Kibum got much more cookies than he should, Jonghyun wiped the counter around 10 times and it still wasn’t clean enough, Leeteuk came in a few times to see how it went and Yesung was already adjusted to his new working environment.

Later on, after the café had already closed, Jonghyun and Kibum changed their clothes in the small locker room and said goodbye to the others who were tidying up the last remains of the day.

It was already dim outside and the sun had already disappeared behind the horizon, leaving it colder than during the day and the streets now very busy. Only a few stray people were still walking around at this time since all of the cafes and shops around here had already closed a while ago. Most of them were probably at home, eating a late dinner and watching a movie which Jonghyun and Kibum would be doing soon as well.

“And I’ll get my chocolate when we’re home,” Kibum said happily and Jonghyun nodded with a smile.

“Sure, you’ll get you’re chocolate. You did a good job today,” he praised and the blonde grinned proudly and did a little victory dance inside of his head, looking forward to his treat which was waiting for him at home.

Because of his happiness he didn’t notice the two men sneaking up behind him without making a noise. Neither he nor Jonghyun knew they had been followed by these two since they had left the café a few minutes ago.

Suddenly, as they walked past a side street, one of the men lunged forward and trapped Kibum’s small body against his own, locking his arms behind his back and wrapping a hand in front of his mouth just as he wanted to scream. It came out as a muffled sound and Jonghyun turned around alarmed.

His eyes widened and he wanted to held Kibum to get away from that guy but another man stepped in front of him and pushed him against the wall of a building, making him dizzy as his head bumped against it painfully.

Kibum screamed one more time and struggled to get out of the man’s hold to help his Master but he was way too weak. His heart pounded in his chest and his tail was between his legs, not knowing what was going on here.

His eyes watered as he was dragged away, trying to break free desperately.

“YAH! Let him go,” Jonghyun hollered but was pushed away but the other man once more, standing up immediately but it was already too late.

The last things he saw was Kibum’s frightened expression as he was dragged into a big black transporter and the door was closed right behind him.

The car drove away a second later and Jonghyun ran behind it for a few moments but it was too fast for him. He stopped at a corner, panting hardly and staring behind the car which disappeared soon.

His mind couldn’t grab what just happened. Kibum just got…kidnapped. Right in front of his eyes and he didn’t do anything to stop them.

“And I’ll get my chocolate when we’re home,” Kibum’s rang through his head and his eyes started getting teary.

Where did those men take him? What would they do to him?

“Kibum…” Jonghyun whispered, the first tear rolling down his cheek and dripping onto the floor before he turned around and ran home as fast as he could, sprinting up the stairs and bursting into the living room.

“They took him!” he yelled and soon everyone was gathering around him.

“What? Who? When?” Onew asked, looking around and searching for Kibum, a strange feeling settling in his stomach as he didn’t fin him.

“Kibum…they…they t-took Kibum,” Jonghyun stuttered, still not believing what just happened.

“Who are ‘they’?” Minho asked but the older just shook his head.

“I don’t know. Everything happened so fast and these men just grabbed him and…” his voice got stuck in his throat, remembering the scene one more time.

“I-I don’t know where they took him…W-what I they h-hurt him?” Jonghyun asked and looked up at Onew with teary eyes, hoping to get an answer but the oldest looked just as helpless as himself.











I don't know what the heck happened but I just...writer's block isn't even an excuse for this. Almost one month!

God, I'm so sorry, really I don't know what came over me. I knew what I wanted to write but I just couldn't so I went through your comments again and I also looked at the review I requested again and I got an idea....or more like two:

1) I never really explained much about Shapeshifters so I hope you know a bit more now

2) Most of you said this story needed a bit more action and someone already suggested this and I actually kind of liked the idea so here it is!

But there is one more thing I want to say:

I really love this story and I have so many Skys that this really breaks my heart but I think it's getting time to finish this story. Before all of you freak out, I won't finish it like this, of course not. There'll be a few more chapters so if you want to have something particular before this ends write it in the comments or send me a message, I'll look whether I'll include it or not.

You're probably asking yourself why I want to end this story. The thing is school started again and I also have many other story ideas and more than two stories at the same time is almost impossible. I always have this 'I have to update AFP' at the back of my head so I sometimes don't write on other stories because of this.

Nevertheless I still have a suggestion for you:

What about I finish this story after a few more chapters and then I'll mark it as completed but I can still update. I often have small ideas and they fit this little (and a bit random) story the most so I'd write some small chapters even after this is finished or I'd take requests from you.

But I would take more time to write the chapters. They will be simple (or many not, depends) and they won't be regular. Maybe one month you'll get two and then you won't get anything for three month in a row.

Like already said I'd like to concentrate on other projects as well.

What do you think about this idea?

I'll let you decide and then I'll think about the outcome.

Moreover: Sorry if the chapters come later than they should be but I have so much going on right now and I'm trying to keep up with my other stories since they are a tad more important at the moment (sorry guys).

Gee, this is a long AN but it I think you have the right to know what was/is going on. If you want you can check out the story I started recently (only one chapter left) Growing Up With Two Dads

Okay, I think that was eveything I wanted to say...

Oh yeah, before I forget: Jonghyun has a YouTube account! Same as his Twitter name realjonghyun90

Ice Bucket Challenge! Yay~ (I want Key to do it but I think he won't T.T)

Okay, now I really said everything. Sorry once again and I hope you'll tell me your thoughts about my idea. Tell me honestly, I don't bite. I care for my Skys and this really breaks my heart but know? I wish I had other stories with this many (active) subbies....

I love you~ See ya~






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21Ame-chan #1
Chapter 44: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Really enjoyed the story after that weird drunken dream chapter (that's how I'll forever refer to it lol). It's good you ended it the way you did! This story was just so fluffy~~~~ and I just loved that about it!
21Ame-chan #2
Chapter 23: Honestly, in order to continue I'm gonna pretend this and the last chapter were some weird drunken dream of Jong's
21Ame-chan #3
Chapter 22: If this chapter was written based off someone's suggestion, it would have been better to write about watching paint dry. This was not in any way a good chapter nor was it even remotely in character, drunk or not
21Ame-chan #4
Chapter 18: Loved this chapter!! I really enjoy all the chapters you think are boring lol I hope this fic stays fluffy ...
Chapter 3: Haha one sassy fox
Chapter 4: Omo it's very cute ♡♡♡
Chapter 44: Just read this today, loved it! I'm glad I got to read it in one go, the suspense between chapters would have killed me! LOL
Chapter 44: I love this story
Chapter 44: Omg!!! Super fluffy cutest sweet JongKey fic!! I can't stop giggling and sqeualing over fox Key here like omg why is this baby is soooo cute I can't!!! Key as fox is the best and the cutest!! And also this fic is really nice and sweet!! I love it soo much <3 Author nim Jiang!!
Chapter 44: congratulations!!!~