When The Princess Met The Idol


An 18 years old girl named Han Min Ah, got everything that she wanted.

A perfect family. A great dad and an outstanding mom, don't forget her caring big sister.

She has her best friends on her back, ready to catch her if she falls.

She's a one bright girl and got her future planned.

Everything seems to be like a heaven for Min Ah, 

Until, that certain letter came by to her house.



It's a bright morning here in the middle of Seoul...

Birds chirping, the sound of a busy household is heard. Moms waking up to make their sons and daughters breakfast because today is a school day. Everything seems to be fine to Mr. Han's family, until one certain letter was brought by the postman to their postbox...


"....They already chose the next princess.. And the next princess is-- you."

I was stoned for awhile, are they trying to joke around? I mean it's all over the place! If you're chosen to be a princess, you will got force into a royal marriage and cannot go outside the palace. Or else... 'they' will kill you.

"Well, what do you want?" Hm... I thought of something hard that will eventually make him pissed off a little bit more.
"I want SHINee. This instant. Private concert. In the palace" He facepalmed himself and muttered "At least you will shut up now..." 
"Mr. Cho, i need you to bring that k-pop idol group... what was it again?--" I smacked his shoulders and he smirked a bit. "--SHINee. I want them to have a private concert here. As soon as possible" He closed the phone as i went back to my room. At least i got want i want, and so does he.
(Please bear with my mistakes cause english isn't my mother language. Nonetheless, enjoy! ^^)


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Omo please update~
Chapter 1: If I was forced into an arranged marriage and I was single, I wouldn't mind, lol.. Because I'd feel like no one would wanna marry me. x)
milkycouplesaranghae #3
Chapter 1: ooooo lov the plot as well as an awesome fic...*sigh* back to patiently waiting for the next update...hwaiting^^
Snoewflake #4
Chapter 1: wahhh!! I love the random feature :3 It made me this awesome story ^^
Chapter 1: [: HAH! I love your characters and the dramatic scenes!
not bad, not bad :P jk it's really good! congrats on the random feature!! (:
mochae #7
congrats on the random feature c:
Chapter 1: update soon~ Hwaiting!
Congrats on the random feature^^ SHINee<3
Chapter 1: cant wait to follow through with this fic~
plot sounds awesome XD
btw congrats on getting featured!