
A Sudden Fate


You and Taemin were continuing your journey to the Photo shoot. After you’re fun detour at the village, you guys were ready again to start your way. The 2 of you walked together, holding hands, not looking at each other since both of you were blushing. His hand was warm by your touch, and you could feel his hand tighten around yours. You had put the pictures you took together in your bag, but held the plastic flower in your hand.

Taemin: For some odd reason, he stopped in his tracks, “_______?” his head was down, facing his feet

You: looking back at him “Yeah Taemin?”

Taemin: He took a couple steps closer to you, “Today was just… wonderful. One of the best day’s I had in a while.” You tilt your head, wondering where this was going, “And, I’m so glad I bumped into you! Y-You’re funny, fun, kind, caring… and beautiful…” He steps closer, his eyes gazing into yours, “I know we only met today, but I feel like I knew you my whole life. Will you, please, go out with me?” You stand there, speechless…

You: “Tae-Taemin… I-I don’t know what to say…” Out of words

Taemin: “Please say yes?” he hopes

You: Shaking your head, “Taemin, I have to think about this…” You felt sad to say this, but this was happening all too fast, and you knew you had to think it through first. He looks at you, disappointed, like a sad little child that couldn’t have what he wanted.

Taemin: Dropping his eyes from yours, “Okay,” he begins walking again

You: Feeling guilty now, “Taemin!” you run up and grab his arm, making him face you. His face was pouting, “It’s not that I don’t want too. I mean I really want to be with you, but I’m just scared of the consequences. I don’t want to be the reason why your popularity might go down, and I don’t think I’m ready to face your fans, or the publicity. Do you understand me?” You hold his hand, hoping he understands your feelings

Taemin: Feeling foolish for pouting now, “I understand. I’ll give you your time to think…” He holds your hand, and starts walking, with you following behind him. The 2 of you walk silently, as the sun goes down.

You know what you have to do now. You squeeze his hand, savoring every moment you have with him left. You knew that after today, you probably will never see him again…

Soon, you guys reached the area where the photo shoot was taking place. Walking closer and closer, Onew saw you guys.

Onew: “TAEMIN!” He shouted and pointed at your direction

Key: “Taemin?” looking where Onew pointed “TAEMIN!!” he ran towards you guys, spreading his hands for a hug. Onew, Minho, and Jonghyun running after him, not to far behind

Taemin: “HYUNGS!” He soon began sprinting towards them. You stopped walking and watch Taemin run up to everyone and hug them. His face had a big smile on it as each member took turns hugging him and messing up his hair.

You looked at him, he was so happy with them. You knew you had to leave without him noticing, so that he wouldn’t be sad. While his hyungs hugged him, you asked a worker there for a piece of paper, and wrote a message to be given to Taemin, after that, you left quietly, without him noticing.



After calming down, they started asking Taemin questions all at once

Jonghyun: “We were worried sick about you!”

Key: “Yeah! What happened to you!?” he puts his hands on his hips, demanding an explanation

Taemin: “I don’t know? I went to use the bathroom at the café and next thing I knew, You guys were gone! I tried calling but My phone doesn’t work here!”

Onew: “Well, at least your safe now”

Minho: “Yeah. Hey how’d you get here anyway?” wondering

Taemin: “Oh! I bumped into this girl, and she helped me find my way! Here, you guys should meet her!” he breaks out of the circle his hyungs had formed around him, looking left and right for you

Jonghyun: looking in the direction Taemin was looking, “Well? Where is she?”

Taemin: “I don’t know?” he sounded confused “Where did you go?” he thought in his mind “_______! ________!!” He shouts for you

Worker: “Um, Taemin?” tapping his shoulder, holding the piece of paper in front of him “She left this for you…” Taemin takes the paper, as the worker walks away. All of his hyungs start gathering around Taemin to read the paper when he opened it, shocked by what he read

Hey Taemin! Sorry I had to leave like that, but I think our journey together stops here. I’ll treasure the memory of this day forever, as long as I live. I think you should forget about me, it’s for the best. Thanks for spending the day with me; I’ll always support you and SHINee! Fighting^-^ Love, ________

Taemin: “I-I can’t believe she left…” he drops his hands to his sides. He walked to the car, and sat in the seat with the door open. His hyungs followed him, to comfort him

Key: “Don’t worry Taemin. You’ll meet other girls” trying to cheer him up

Taemin: “I don’t want to meet other girl,” He snapped at Key, “I wanted her…” he looks down at his hands, with your note still in them

The 4 members left Taemin alone the rest of the day, letting him sulk by himself as he thinks back to your smiling face, the way you laughed, and your face when you blush, imprinting it in his mind forever…



That night, you put the 2 pictures of him and you in a picture frame right next to your bed; and put the plastic flower in a vase, with no water in it. You held the frame in your hands, looking at it, replaying the whole day in your head over and over again.

“I’m sorry” You whisper to his smiling picture, thinking how he’s doing now before switching off your lights and heading to bed…

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oooooh they are sooo cuuttteee i love them such a sweet taemin <33
This was so cute! Thank you for writing such an adorable story!~
MushroomMint #3
too cute for words ^.^<br />
that scene in the stage where he was looking for her was just... GAH! ADORABLE! <3
love it too sweet
NICE story i like it ^^<br />
Keep It Up ^^
Tihlee #6
this is just too sweet.
awww cute ^_^