
A Sudden Fate



Him, and the other SHINee members just landed in *Where ever you live* and was headed to a hotel. After hours of flying each were so tired that they ended up falling asleep right when they got into their rooms.


Key: “Taemin! TAEMIN!” shaking his body

Taemin: “Mmm, What???”

Key: “WAKE UP! We got to get ready for the photo shoot” He takes off the blanket covering Taemin

Taemin, finally waking up, goes to the shower while Key and Jonghyun wake up Minho and Onew. Everyone, dressed up and ready to go, start walking down

Jonghyun: “Should we get some coffee before going?” Since none of them ate breakfast, of course they agreed.

Everyone walks tiredly to the café around the corner, and orders different things. Once getting their order, they sat way in the back of the shop so that no one notices who they are. They talked, played jokes, and talked about today.

Key: “So, where’s the photo shoot again?” drinking his coffee

Onew: “It’s actually far away from here, so we’re going to have to catch a train, then a taxi there. The shoots supposed to be in an open valley somewhere.”

Minho: “Great! We get some time out of the city!” High-fiving Jonghyun

They all finished drinking their coffee and the little snacks they bought, and began gathering their things

Taemin: “I got to use the bathroom” he told his hyungs, who were in front of him. The café was starting to get busy as business people wait in line to order. Taemin runs to the bathroom, while the others continue walking outside.

Minho: “Shall we go?” outside the shop with Onew, Jonghyun, and Key.

Onew: “Let’s go!” leading the way. Nobody noticed that Taemin was still inside the shop. The 4 of them went off and ended up leaving Taemin.

Taemin, getting out of the bathroom looks around the café for his hyungs.

Taemin: “Hyungs?” he went outside to go look for them but they were nowhere in sight. He walked around the block a couple of times, looking for them. Taking out his cell phone, he tried dialing Onew’s phone.

*I’m sorry, but this phone is not in service, please check the number, and try your call again*

Each time he tried calling he got the same message, even when he tried calling the other members phone. (The phone doesn’t work because he’s not in Korea, and well, that phone can only be used in Korea)

Taemin: “Ugh! Their probably heading to the photo shoot!” still looking around “Where did Onew say it was??” Trying to solve this problem on his own, he starts walking around and ends up getting lost. He couldn’t even find his way back to the hotel!

He’s so preoccupied with trying to look at the street signs, that he didn’t watch where he was going, and ends up bumping into someone.

You: “Ouch” Not watching either, you fall back

Taemin: Noticing what happened “Oh! I’m so so sorry!” He grabs your hand and helps you up

You look at him…. Its SHINee’s Taemin?? Here?? IN FRONT OF YOU??

You: “Y-Yo-Your Shi-SHIN- SHINee’s” he covers your mouth and pulls you into a book shop.

Taemin: “Shhhh! Don’t say who I am!” looking around, making sure no one notices you guys

You: still shocked, but keeping calm “What are you doing here?? Aren’t you supposed to be at a photo shoot at the valley?”

Taemin: “I got lost. Me and the SHINee members were in café and when I went to use the bathroom, they were gone! Now I don’t where I am, or even how to get to the shoot!” worried again about his problem

You: Noticing his worried face “Well, I know where it is?” as he paces back and forth, trying to think of what to do

Taemin: Freezes and turns to you “You do!” grabbing your shoulders

You: “Yeah… I do” Shocked by Taemin’s sudden action

Taemin: “Can you take me?” He sees you hesitate “Please” He smiles :3

You: “Sure?”

Taemin: “Yes!” he jumps up and down, happy “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re a life saver ? Um, What’s your name?”

You: “I’m ________”

Taemin: “Hi _______. I’m Lee Taemin” shaking your hand “Let’s go!” He holds your hand and takes you out of the store and starts walking down the street.

You: “Umm Taemin?” You say nervously as he’s holding your hand

Taemin: Still walking down the street “Yeah _______?”

You: “The Valley is that direction…” pointing to the opposite direction he was walking in

Taemin: Feeling embarrassed, “Oh…” His face blushes a deep red. You have never seen him like this, and just couldn’t help but laugh! He joins in, and laughs too. The both of you start walking in the correct direction laughing together, side by side.

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oooooh they are sooo cuuttteee i love them such a sweet taemin <33
This was so cute! Thank you for writing such an adorable story!~
MushroomMint #3
too cute for words ^.^<br />
that scene in the stage where he was looking for her was just... GAH! ADORABLE! <3
love it too sweet
NICE story i like it ^^<br />
Keep It Up ^^
Tihlee #6
this is just too sweet.
awww cute ^_^