No boundaries

No Boundaries


"Welcome to Earth, Baby Lulu~” the young woman kissed her first baby upon given by the doctor in charge. Tear in her right eye fall down on her cheeks, her smile reaches the moon. Joy, that’s what everybody whispered as they watch the heart-warming moment of a new mother.

“I am sorry to say that your son has hydrocephalus and a tumor inside his brain.” The doctor said it straightly for he believes that saying other things make things worse.

It’s been a week that they were told that Baby Lulu can be sent home after a week of his born. The house is prepared for the arrival of their son. Upon hearing the words from the doctors, as if their dreams of having a perfect family suddenly crushes down. It’s like all the glass in the hospital break at the same time.

No words were uttered upon the doctor’s revelation. The mother starts to cry as her partner pats her in the way he knows. He too, was shocked upon the revelation. How could his one-week old son have those illnesses at once? And why in all the people in the world, it’s his son who got those diseases? Did the Lord punish them? He cried silently in his seat as he rock his wife back and forth. He wants to find the answers but he doesn’t know how.

After several weeks of meetings with the best doctors, they have decided that they’ll be conducting an operation for Luhan. All the doctors have explained to the parents of Luhan that there’s only 50-50 percent chance of having a successful operation.

“If this operation would be a success, we can’t be sure if he can live for more than five years.” One doctor said.

“We have told you before that, few people with this case, they didn’t survive in the operation. If they did, they won’t live long.”

The parents just agreed at all the terms that the doctors presented. They don’t care if their son live short, they just want to let their son see the world, explore the world, let him learn what friends, school is.

“We do agree in all the terms. We will do anything for our son.” The mother signed the papers with her husband and after few more rounds of meetings the operation is about to began.

Seven years later…

“Eomma!” Luhan ran by the stairs hurriedly clamping his shoes and socks in his side. His hair was dripping wet, his polo button in all wrong places.

“For goodness sake, Luhan!” The mother looked at her son. “I told you not to run—

“By the stairs, dry my hair with the towel, comb my hair…” Luhan enumerated all the things that her mom always reprimanded him every single morning.

Seven years had passed since Luhan’s operation; the doctors announced that they have successfully put a tube from Luhan’s skull down to his stomach. His tumor was healed and he is considered to be survivor. He is even lucky that he grow up like a normal child. The doctors praised Luhan too for he survived for more than five years but of course, they can’t put an assumption that Luhan’s really well. Nevertheless, he is the first person who survived with that kind of illness and having a normal life.

Nine Years Later…

Luhan is now sixteen years old. From a perspective view of other people, Luhan is perfectly fine. Perfectly normal like other people, but of course, his teachers always worry about him. His classmates take care of him like a fragile glass. Whenever they went to their P.E class, they would be like standing as a guard for him. He is not allowed to be tired, he is not allowed to sleep late, he is not allowed to play basketball, volleyball or any ball games for it may hit his head. He should never forget to eat especially breakfast.

Too many Do’s and Don’ts, that’s what Luhan thought. He is starting to get tired of this do’s and don’ts. He sometimes wants to violate it but…

“Luhan-ah!” A voice called him out and pushes him away.

Luhan who is flabbergasted just stare at the guy who pushes him. “You could almost be hit by that damn ball!”

“I—I’m sorry…Sehun.” He breaks the contact and look away from Sehun. His heart beat loudly as he stares at the horrified expression of Sehun. “I’ll just go sit by the benches.” He said weakly, breaking the contact from Sehun, and he starts walking away. Sehun watches him walk away, he feels guilty all of a sudden, he could have not pushed him badly and not make him nervous.

Luhan takes a sit on empty bench as he watch his classmates playing basketball. He smiled widely as he also cheers for his classmates running on the other side of the court. He never gets an opportunity to play those games except badminton. How life . He thought it once again. He can have a normal life but not really at all. Screw the guy who has a tube inside his body.

“Are you alright?”

Luhan looked at his side as he Sehun standing a few feet away. He moves to his side and motion to sit beside him. “Not at all,” He replied.

“Are you getting jealous?”

“Always,” answers Sehun. “I always thought that I can have normal life, break rules, sleep late, and go to amusement parks without having a week for asking for parent’s consent.”

“Do you want to experience a normal life that you wish?”


“Come with me after class, I’ll let you feel what a normal life is.”

“But…” he paused. “I need to be home after school.”

“Then I’ll go with you home and I’ll ask the permission to your parents.”

“But…” Luhan is about to protest but Sehun stop him. “Trust me.”

Classes are over, Luhan and Sehun make their own way to Luhan’s residence. Luhan who is walking nervously beside Sehun, is thinking too much that he feels that his head is about to break. It’s the first time that he will be walking home with a classmate and ask a permission for him to get out of the house so that the tube guy will experience a so-called normal life.

“You are biting your nails, nervous huh?” Sehun cut Luhan’s thoughts. Luhan smiled at him meekly. “Yeah, I am.” He said as he open the gates of his house.

“Mom, I’m home!” He shouted as he enters the house with Sehun tailing behind.

“Oh honey…” his mom peck a kiss in his forehead. “And who’s this?”

“Luhan’s classmate and also a friend of him,” Sehun bowed. “Can I bring him out for today?”

Ms. Lu seems to be tensed a little about hearing the word out for Luhan and immediately she covered it with her smile. “Sure, make sure you Luhan’s back before ten.”

“Thank you Mam.” Sehun smiled at the nervous Luhan. “Let’s go?”

“What kind of normal experience do you want to try out first?” Sehun asked Luhan as they are back on the streets. Luhan thought for it for a while, he doesn’t even know what is the first normal thing he wanted to try out. His mind is still stuck on the scene a moment ago. How did eomma allow me?

“Where do you want to go?” Sehun nudged Luhan’s side which made him jump. Great. Luhan, the tube guy, who doesn’t even know what to try out first, he added in his mind.

“Why don’t we try ice skating?” Sehun suggested.

“Ice skating?”

Sehun smiled widely at Luhan. “I think ice skating is the perfect first time for you.”


Both of them paid for the entrance of the ticket and get their own shoes. Sehun entered the arena leaving Luhan as the entrance. “Is this safe?” He wondered as he watch the other people sliding on the floor with their butts first. He looked around and found other random people rotating on their foot like a ballerina. He takes a gulp, how can they even turn in this slippery white place?

“Are you going to stand there for the whole hour or what?” Sehun snap him out.

“How do you walk on ice?” He asked innocently.

“You’ll never know if you haven’t let your damn foot step on ice.”


“Mr. Buts, how can you experience normal life then?” Sehun crossed his arms at him. Luhan sighed at him and was left with no choice but to take a small step on the ice. As his both feet landed on the ice, he now slipped.

“That hurts, Mr. Buts.” Sehun laughed at him and offered a hand to Luhan. “Shut up.” Luhan replied at him in annoyance as he accepted Sehun’s hand.

“Can I just stay outside?”

“And watch normal people? Then how will you experience a normal life then?” Sehun asked as his hands still holding on Luhan.

“Then what should I do?”

“Learn how to skate.” Sehun smirked. Luhan raised an eyebrow at him and Sehun just shrugged at him like it’s a normal real thing.

After half an hour passed, Luhan had learned how to ‘walk’ on ice. That’s what he told Sehun and he was left to agree with him but still he insists that ‘skate’ is the perfect term.

“Opps. An hour is over. Time to go home.” Sehun check on his watch as he pulled Luhan back to the entrance of the arena.

“It’s too fast.” Luhan pouted. “I want to skate more.”

Sehun smiled at Luhan’s cute expression. He suddenly wanted to squish Luhan’s cheeks but he just remained in his spot smiling at Luhan. “Should I remind you that we still have many days more? And we have a long list for your normal experiences?”

Months have passed; Sehun showed a lot of things that he has never tried. For Sehun, seeing Luhan being happy about simple things make him happy too. He doesn’t know why, he never knew why the reason for it. Is it because of the guilt for pushing him away during their P.E time? Or because he pity Luhan for he never experienced a normal life?

“Skating, sleeping late, take a stroll around Seoul, go to Parks and play skateboards, go home late…” Luhan enumerated all the things that they have done. “Should we now go to amusement parks or play ball games?”

 “Sehun-ah?” He taps his shoulders.



Sehun nods at him. “Let’s play basketball.” He stands up leaving Luhan alone in the grass. Sehun stretch his arms heavenly and look back at Luhan. “Are you going to say again ‘but’ for God knows how scratch that word is to you?”

“Coming.” He followed Sehun lazily to the court.

Sehun picked up the ball, and throw it to Luhan. “Shoot it over that ring.” He pointed out. Luhan catch the ball in his shock, he walk to the center spot where the players usually take place whenever they got free throw. He raised the ball upwards and throws it in the air.

“Not bad for a beginner.” Sehun said after the ball shoot in the ring after a couple of roll. He picked up the ball and he throws it in the air. Precise shot, Luhan thought.

“Try to shoot it once again while I try to block you.” Sehun throw the ball to Luhan.

Luhan dribbled the ball as he walks toward the ring. He don’t have a single clue how, he just try to picture in his mind how basketball players do it. Sehun stand closely Luhan as he tries to block Luhan. Luhan dribbled the ball as he tries to get pass to Sehun. He even tries to shoot the ball but Sehun just raised his long hands above him which make him shook his head not to shoot the ball.

Luhan moved to his side then to the other, he doesn’t know how many minutes had passed. He keeps on dribbling thinking of a single way to shoot the ball in his hands. “What are you waiting for?”

Luhan didn’t respond instead move to his right and take a step forward leaving Sehun behind, he throw the ball in the air but unlucky it bounces off. “You need a practice.”

“No, I just need to try normal things.”

“Whatever.” Sehun rolled his eyes. Luhan picked up the ball and throw it in the ring once again. “I always wondered if there would be time if the tube inside me would be removed, can I be normal like you?”

“Nobody knows except the doctor.” Sehun ran for the ball and throw it in the ring but unfortunately it bounces off the ring going to the direction of Luhan. Flexes came upon Sehun, he ran towards Luhan and pulled him away from approaching ball.

“Just imagine if the ball had hit your head, what will happen to you?” Sehun whispered on Luhan’s ear as he takes deep breathes. His heart pound so hard that he almost thought that it will jump out of his chest but thank God that it didn’t happened. He too, wondered what if he didn’t run to Luhan and he just watches the ball fall on Luhan’s head? Would he die in guilty for not saving Luhan?

He removed his hands over Luhan’s head and his other arm from the guy’s back. He looks at Luhan’s face whose face just turned pale of the sudden.

“Are you alright? Is something wrong?” Sehun asked worriedly as his hands are place on Luhan’s cheeks. Luhan didn’t respond but instead his eyes rolled heavenwards and collapsed on Sehun’s arms.

Luhan wake up in his bed, he don’t remember what happened to him. He just remembered that he is just in the court playing basketball with Sehun.

“You’re awake! Thank goodness!” Sehun jump on his seat and hug Luhan. “Are you alright?”

He let go of Luhan and lean back on his seat. “Yeah, a bit dizzy, what happened?”

“Well, uh, you collapse.” Sehun reach for his nape. “I forgot that you are not allowed to get tired.”

“It’s my fault. I should be responsible of myself.” Luhan smiled. “Let’s try to play other ball games soon?”

“I am thinking that we should stop this.”

“Why?” Luhan frowned.

“You are just tiring yourself. You have a cool life and I think I am just making it worse.” Sehun stands up. “I think I should leave. I’ll just tell your parents that you are awake.”

Sehun pick up his bag and went out of the room. Luhan was about call Sehun but he doesn’t know what to say. You are just tiring yourself. You have a cool life and I think I am just making it worse.

“Sehun’s wrong,” said Luhan turning on the other side of the bed with a sigh.

A week had passed since that incident of Luhan, Sehun didn’t talk to Luhan anymore. He is more like staying away from Luhan. Sehun think that if he stays away from Luhan, Luhan will have a normal life that he used to. No more normal life that he always dream. No more sleepless nights. No more evening strolls. No more weekends hangouts.

He is afraid that if continue helping Luhan to experience a normal life that he wished, it would risk his health and the more that he would never experienced a better life. He is afraid that maybe he only pity Luhan that’s why he is helping him to grant his wish.

He has told Luhan’s parents about it, they seem to understand him but they told him too that Sehun shouldn’t leave Luhan.

“Luhan needs a friend like you.” Mrs. Lu said as she takes a sip of his coffee.

“He needs someone who will let him feel that even for once the life of a normal teenager. No markings of hydrocephalus. No mark of brain tumor. No mark of that he had undergone more than three operations. No injections. No memory that he lives his early life in the hospital. No tube that bounds him to a normal youth like you.”

Sehun didn’t say anything back. He’s always afraid. He is too fragile beside Luhan. He is too afraid to hurt Luhan.

“Lollipop?” Luhan approach Sehun on their P.E time. Sehun is sitting on the bench and Luhan thought that it’s the right time to approach Sehun.

Sehun looked at him then he look away for a second. Luhan sighed and take a sit on the bench beside him. “Look, Sehun-ah,” He says. “I am not here to ask to help me again for the normal experience that I want. I am here because I want my friend back.”

Friend. Sehun’s heart pricks a little. He doesn’t know why his heart acted like that in such a bad way. He should be thankful that Luhan look at him as friend, what does he expect? A long lost brother?

“Can I have my Mr. Mighty back?” Luhan ask as he handed the lollipop in front of Sehun.

“Sehun just pities you because you are sick person who tried to get normal but at the end of the day, you can’t be normal at all.” He told himself in front of the mirror. It’s been a week since Sehun accepted his lollipop offering but Sehun just turned out to be as distant as ever. He thought that he had his friend back, well, he just thought. He assumed too, Sehun just pity him because he is sick.

“Because of this tube I was never normal and never will I…” He added as his hands trace the line of his tube, his hands reaches his collar his hands touch something wrong. “Is the tube broken?” he wondered as he keep on pressing on the tube. “Maybe it’s nothing.” He shrugged it off.

Luhan went back from school and he lay on the couch as if the school today is really hectic when he just sits in his chair the whole school hours. “What’s tiring with sitting in the chair for eight hours?” He asked as he closed his eyes.

He wakes up past six in the evening with a bad headache. He can’t even open his eyes as he crawled in the couch. “Luhan-ah…time to eat.” Mrs. Lu walks to the living room and found her son in a bad state.

“What’s wrong?!” Mrs. Lu ran to her son and check on him. “Are you sick? Are you having headache?”

Luhan didn’t said anything back instead he continue on holding on his head. He feels that his head is going to burst literally. He never had this massive headache before, he wonder all of a sudden.

“Luhan,” Mrs. Lu hold on his son’s neck. “Why is your shirt wet?” She asked his son. Luhan didn’t respond, he just let his mom removed his polo as he keep his eyes close as he try to think of anything to subside the pain but it’s getting worse every minute that passed.

“Oh my god…” was all Mrs. Lu had said. “What happened to your chest?”

“The tube should grow to as he gets older.” The doctor said as he checks on Luhan’s chest for one last time.

“Unfortunately, his tube didn’t grow, we found out that his end of his tube is in his chest and the water from his brain entered his lungs.”

“Is Luhan going to get an operation once again?”

“Yes Mrs. Lu. We don’t have choice but to change his tube or else it will lead him to early death.”

Luhan has been absent for almost two weeks, everybody seemed to be worried about Luhan, everybody cares for Luhan like their real brother. Most of Luhan’s classmate was his classmates since they were in pre-school and so they are really aware and they really care about Luhan.

 As their homeroom teacher entered the room, everybody notice the gloomy face on their homeroom teacher.

“As you my student notice, Luhan is absent for almost two weeks.”

“What happened to him, Teacher Kim?” One student asked.

“Our Luhan is currently confined in the hospital and he has a scheduled operation tomorrow evening.”

“Is there a tumor inside him again?” Another asked.

“No, the tube inside him broke two weeks ago. According to Mrs. Lu, the doctors need to change the tube and there is only 60-40 chance of surviving.”

“So the operation is going to successful then?”

“We can’t be sure, since the 60 percent that the doctors say the opposite way. Luhan’s getting old and it’s been more than a decade that he has undergone operation.”

Sehun stare at his homeroom teacher in horror. Luhan’s a brave a guy he uttered in his mind. How can a broken tube can end his life and never let him experience more normal things? He shrugs it off. He needs to see Luhan immediately.


Classes are over, Sehun stormed out of the room and ride the bus that will take him to the hospital where Luhan is. Upon reaching the hospital, he ran to the nurse station and asks for Luhan’s room. “Room 112,” he bears in his mind.

He knocks on the room and saw Luhan sleeping, his parent’s smile at him as they motion him to enter the room. He went to the vacant chair and takes a sit. He doesn’t know how to start the conversation, he just stare at Luhan, he is sleeping peacefully, would he bother to wake up again?

“It takes him a lot of effort to make him sleep.” Mrs Lu breaks the silence among us. I look at her; her eyes were tired and obviously asking for a sleep. “He’s afraid that maybe if he sleeps he’ll never wake up again.”

“Why is that so?”

“I think he’s afraid to die yet.”

As Sehun stare back at Luhan, it just occurred to him that his hair was shaved and he got fatter that he didn’t expect. Is it because of the medicine or what?

“He currently has edema that’s why he’s fat but if the operation is going to be a successful, he will be going back to his old state.

“Can I have a moment with Luhan?” Sehun asked the Lu’s and not thinking twice they went out of the room.

As the door click, Sehun take a sit on the bed beside Luhan. Sehun watch Luhan’s pale face, his dark eye bags are really visible in his small face. As his eyes went down to his neck, he saw the broken tube. His hands make its way Luhan’s neck but he takes it back for he’s afraid that it will only hurt Luhan.

“Your Mr. Mighty is back. But I think I can’t be mighty at all.” Sehun stands as he hold on Luhan’s cold hand. “I stay away from you because I am afraid that maybe because of pity is the reason I stay right beside you but I was wrong.”

“Can you forgive your Mr. Mighty back?”

It’s the day of Luhan’s operation, Sehun didn’t go to school and he went to the hospital early. As he opens the door to Room 112, he saw Luhan eating grapes while watching television. Luhan look at the door and saw Sehun bringing small paper-like checks and a basket of fruits. He smiled at him as he motion Sehun to sit beside him in the bed.

“Are you not going to school?” Luhan asked him as he offered the grapes but Sehun decline, “You need it.”

Luhan didn’t said anything back, he just turn his gaze back on the television. Sehun fixed his position and look at the television too. “Watching Music Bank?” Sehun asked as he gazed down on Luhan. Luhan just nod at him as another group is now performing in the television.

“I’ve always dream to dance like Kim Jongin.” Luhan said. “But of course—“

“Are you really like that?” Sehun cut him off.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you really think you are bound to do such things? All us know that you can sing and you do have a wonderful voice.” Sehun said. “But why are you still sulking in the corner, Luhan? You can still do normal things when you know your limitations. We didn’t tell you that you don’t need to that. We didn’t tell you to stop doing normal things—“

“That’s what you guys tried to tell to me for all these years!” Luhan defended. “You forbid in a lot of things as if I am going to jump at the tallest building in Seoul! You can’t do this and that! That’s what you guys have been telling for the past years and it’s tiring! I’d rather have my operation not successful and just die maybe I can have a normal like then!”

“We are trying to protect you Luhan!” Sehun roared. “We care for you and that’s the reason why we are like that! We can’t just allow you on such things which will just cause harm to you!”

“But you never cared about my feelings!”

“We thought you like it too…”

“Thought? That’s lame Sehun! It’s because I just nod with you guys all the time doesn’t mean I am very happy about it but no! That’s a lie! I can’t argue because I know that you’ll be telling things about my head!” Luhan shouted at Sehun as if that’s the best thing that he have done for ages. “I’m tired.” He says as he lies back on his bed.

“Just go home Sehun, I don’t need a friend like you.” With all the last strength he had, he rolled on the other side of the bed and throws the covers on him. Sehun want to say something more but Luhan will surely just pretend he don’t hear it. He pulled himself out of the bed, the amusement park tickets fall on floor. He stared for it for the moment and picked it up.

Just go home Sehun, I don’t need a friend like you. He looked back at Luhan, he was hurt by what he said. He looked back at the amusement ticket and placed it in the table beside the basket of fruits. He didn’t said anything back, he walk out of the room. Just go home Sehun, I don’t need a friend like you. The lines ring inside his head for the umpteenth time as he left the hospital.

It was Saturday. Luhan is sleeping peacefully in his bed. The doctors said that operation was successful and they need just need to wait for Luhan to wake up. Sehun was not around as the Lu’s try to figure out what happened. Yesterday, Luhan is such on a bad mood. He won’t even talk the whole day yesterday. Mrs. Lu thinks that something happened between the two. She tried to contact Sehun but his phone just told her to leave a message after the beep.

“I’m worried about the two.” Mrs. Lu said as the doctors stormed out of the room.

“What do you mean?” The latter said giving a cup of coffee to his wife.

“I think Sehun and Luhan fought yesterday.” Sipping her coffee, she looked at Luhan whose eyebrows just creased. “Sehun,” he mutters in his sleep softly. “I didn’t mean too…” Mrs. Lu didn’t understand what Luhan said but she knows that Luhan is thinking of Sehun. “I’ll just turn on the television.” Mr. Lu shrugged at his worried wife.

Sixteen year old boy was bump by a truck as he crossed the street in front of Seoul National Hospital yesterday. According to the police, the boy was in a hurry as he cross the pedestrian lane as truck approaches. “It’s the truck’s fault,” The police said. “He was driving the truck over the speed limit.”

Mrs. Lu caught the glimpse of the boy who is lying on the road with blood everywhere. Mrs. Lu cried in horror. She can’t believe what her eyes just see, what her ears have just heard. He was sent to the emergency room of the hospital and the doctors said that he have a loss a lot of blood. “We just have finished his CT scan tests and there are no internal hemorrhages…”  She stands up and ran out of the room. She went to the nearest nurse station and about any sixteen year old who have an accident yesterday. The nurses give her the room immediately and run for her life. As she reaches the room, she knocked once and opened the door.

“He’ll wake up any moment of this day.” The nurse said. “Call me when he wakes up, Maam.” The nurse went out of the room immediately as Mrs. Lu bowed at Sehun’s parents. “I’m sorry what had happened to your son.” She says as she tries not to sob. “He visited my son across this hallway yesterday. I actually don’t know what happened because I was buying food for Luhan but I am still having apologies for what had happened. I should have sent your son out of the hospital safe…”

“It’s okay,” The woman said. “It happened and let’s hold for the hope that everything will be alright.”

Luhan wake up six in the evening of the same day. As his eyes wonder around, he saw his mother who just enters the room. He groaned a little and Mrs. Lu run to him. “You’re awake my goodness!” She hugged his son as she reach for the button to call the doctors.

“What do you feel?” The doctor finished checking his chest. He had been silent the whole check-up which is just a little weird for the doctor. Luhan’s a bright child. That’s what they thought. “I’m fine.” His voice cracked.

“Doctor Kim, can I have a moment with you outside?” Mrs. Lu asked the man. He nods at her and together they went out of the room.

“What is it, Mrs. Lu?” The doctor asked as the door closed.

“I…” She stammered. “I don’t know how will I tell my son about what had happened to his friend.”

“I heard my son calling his name in his sleep and I know that he wants to see Sehun right now and say his apologies for what had happened between them.” She paused. “He asked me about Sehun’s whereabouts but I can’t tell that he is also stuck in this place…”

“Mrs. Lu…” The doctor patted the woman’s shoulder with a pinch of hurt in his tone. “I don’t think that it would be a great idea to tell Luhan about Sehun’s case...”

“What do you mean?”

“I think I am not the right person you should ask.” The doctor gave her a faint smile. “I should get going.”

Mrs. Lu went back to her son’s room and saw the hopeful face of Luhan. Mrs. Lu knows that he wanted to see Sehun but how on Earth? “Are you alright, eomma?”

The woman nodded, “I’ll just go outside to buy some food.”

Mrs. Lu knocked on Sehun’s door and went inside right away. She saw a cheerful Sehun a couple of feet away, opposite to her gloomy child. “Oh, Mrs. Lu!” Sehun greeted her. Mrs. Lu gives her best smile to him but Mrs. Oh stand up and told Sehun to watch television first. “Mrs. Lu and I will just have a cup of coffee downstairs. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

Mrs. Oh pecked a kissed on his son and together, Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Oh went out of the room and take sit at the nearest bench they found. “How’s Luhan?” Mrs. Oh asked.

“He’s recovering and waiting for Sehun to come in his room.”

Mrs. Oh didn’t say anything back. The nurses near them handed them their own coffees and they gave a smile and a simple thank you in return. “I tried asking Sehun what’s the last thing he remembered and he said he don’t remember anything.”

Mrs. Lu looked at the woman beside her. She’s just turned teary again. “I am glad that he didn’t lose his whole memory but the doctor said this is just temporary.”

“Everything will be fine.” Mrs. Lu placed a hand on her arms. “Let’s hope.”

Mrs. Oh nodded at the woman beside her, “Why don’t we bring my son to your son’s room?”

“I’m back.” Mrs. Lu smiled at her son as she pecks a kiss on Luhan’s head. “Someone came to visit you.” She smiled once again.

Luhan’s eyes suddenly twinkled as he breaks the contact with a mother. The door creak as Sehun enters the room with a confused look in his face. Mrs. Oh is pushing her son’s wheelchair and stop when they reach Luhan’s bed. Luhan is looking at Sehun with an expression the crowd doesn’t get. Sehun is giving him a confused look too.

“What happened to you?”

“You’ve been hospitalized again?”

Both of them asked at the same time. The questioned somehow hurt Luhan. How come Sehun doesn’t know that he was stuck in the hospital for almost three weeks? “Did somebody throw a ball in your head?” Sehun asked him with now-worried look in his face.

Luhan’s heart is now beating fast. What happened to his Mr. Mighty? Did an alien kidnap him and bring him back in this condition? He takes a gulp as he looked at the two women whose gaze is not meeting his. “Can I ask first what had happened to you, Sehun?”

“Oh, this?” He pointed out the bandage in his head with is good arm. “I actually don’t remember but eomma said that I was crossing the streets two days ago and a truck bumped me and that’s it. I got this bandages around me.”

“How about you?”

“My tube broke two and half weeks ago and I got surgery two days ago too.” He takes a gulp once again. Sehun got an accident after they had talked and Sehun lost his memory of him?

“What do you remember about me?” Luhan asked him. Sehun throw a questioning look but he just shrugged it away. “I just remember that I push you away when the ball is about to approach you so you won’t be hurt. Well, that’s all I saved you because I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Hurt. Luhan thought bitterly. He is now hurt. He just want to have his friend back but he is the reason too why he lost his friend. He pushed him away the last time they talk and now his friend doesn’t remember anything. He forgot that he was the one who let him feel what a normal life is.

Normal life. He thought of it once again. That’s the root why Luhan and Sehun become friends. Now everything seemed to foreign. It seems that the friendship between Sehun and Luhan was just a good dream.

It hurt him. It is worst than having a brain tumor and a hydrocephalus.

His heart is now burning so much that he didn’t know that he is crying.

Truth hurts.

He lost his friend.

He is no more Mr. Buts of Sehun and Sehun is not his Mr. Mighty anymore.

Mrs. Lu panic and reach for the nearest bottle of water. She let Luhan drink the water with a medicine to make him calm. Sehun stare at the crying boy in front of him as his eyes caught something. He pushed his wheelchair and reach for the two paper like checks.

“These are the amusement park tickets that I was about to give you two days ago.” Sehun said.

Luhan stop crying right off the moment. It seems the world stops rotating around the sun. It seems the clock has stop for him as Sehun just stared at him with a confused look painted in his face again. “I was about to give it you because you wanted a normal life. Can we experience it together?”

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Alcastro #1
Chapter 1: Pleaseee write a sequel beshy!! Love it hahaha
92fameerae #2
Chapter 1: oh my...
I'm crying you know...
it's a great story :"""")
Chapter 1: ohmygod.
i'm literally sobbing.
sehun what the hell.
what. the. hell.
you're breaking luhan's heart here.
; n ;
write a sequel! c:
JinWoo #4
Chapter 1: So actually.... sehun still remember him or what?? Can you please write a sequel...
BubbleLightBaek #5
Chapter 1:,sehun remembered luhan in the end right?this is a good story i love it so much! >_<!!