The Proposal



Dara sat on the sofa drinking tea as she waited for her daughter to come out of the fitting booth. She looked around smiling as she remembered she was on the same place 25 years ago fitting for her own wedding dress. Only now, it was her daughter getting married.


“Mom what do you think?” A feminine voice broke through her thoughts and she turned her head to look at a girl who looks like a carbon copy of her when she was younger.


Tears pricked her eyes as she stared at her daughter. It seems like it was just yesterday when she said her first word and now look at her, all grown up and getting married.


“Sweetheart you look beautiful!” She answered her voice breaking a bit. She cleared , stood up and proceeded to walk towards her daughter.


“But don’t you think my s look smaller in this one?” Yeonji cringed as she pointed at her chest.


“Oh please. What are you talking about? Jinhwan already knows you have small s you don’t have to worry about impressing him.” Dara waved her worries off and held her hands with a big smile on her face.


“You’re not just saying that cause you’re my mom right?” Yeonji raised a brow at her mom who just chuckled.


“Honey you’re gorgeous and Jinhwan will have a hard time taking his eyes off you when he sees you. Deflated balloons or not.”


Yeonji snorted and shook her head at her mom’s humor.


“So mom… I’ve been curious for a while now… ” Yeonji started as she guided her mom back to the sofa.


“What is it?” Dara asked lifting her tea and  taking a sip.


“How did dad propose to you?”


Dara almost spit out the tea she was drinking receiving a startled look from her daughter. It was not a good memory.


“Oh. It seems it was quite the story huh.” Yeonji teased Dara who has a small frown painted on her face at the memory of that fateful day.


“Yeah. I kicked your dad in the balls.” Dara scowled.


And it was Yeonji’s turn to have her jaw fall.


“It was not romantic. Let’s just forget it. So what flowers are you getting for-”


“Aunt Bom said she’ll handle that one because I don’t know anything about flowers anyway. Mom don’t change the subject.” Yeonji playfully narrowed her eyes to her mom which made the latter sigh in defeat.


Dara put her cup down and leaned back to the couch and made herself comfortable. She looked thoughtful for a moment before she started.


“Well it was the day when your uncle Sanghyun had a concert in Busan.”


“Jiyong let’s go! You do know that it’s quite a long drive ahead of us right?” Dara stood at the end of the stairs impatiently as she waited for her boyfriend who has been inside the room for atleast half an hour now.


“All right all right I’m coming.” Jiyong called out as he stumbled out of the room looking a bit messed up.


Dara raised a brow at his unruly hair wondering what the hell has he been doing inside the room for that long if he wasn’t making himself look perfect enough for a photoshoot.


“Are you okay?” Dara asked getting a little worried.


“Huh? Yeah I’m fine. Let’s go?” Jiyong started walking to the door when Dara called him.


“You left your keys on the counter.” She said pointing at the keys that were chilling at their kitchen counter.


“Oh right.” He mumbled.


“So already think Dad was acting strange that day because..?” Yeonji asked confused.


“Because his hair was a mess!” Dara answered.




“I just know okay?”


“Okay moving on…” Yeonji waved.


“Yeah so we were inside the car and he was being quiet the whole time which was weird again because your dad is a talkative person.”


“Ji.. are you seriously okay?” Dara asked again when she couldn’t bear the silence hanging through them anymore. It has been hours and all they talked about was if it was okay for her to go to sleep for a while which he answered with a nod, then what time the show was and if she’s hungry already.


She turned her whole body to stare at Jiyong who seems to be concentrating too much on the road or lost in his thoughts. She’ll bet for the latter.


“Yah Ji.” She poked his shoulder to gain his attention.


He glanced at her and gave her a small smile before turning back to the road.


“You worry too much. I’m okay.” He answered.


Dara just shrugged it thinking maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed so she continued watching outside the window and singing along to the songs playing on the radio. A smile broke through her face when she saw the sign that the exit to Busan was only 2 km away.


“Finally we’re almost there.” She said still staring at the window while Jiyong was still in his own little bubble and didn’t hear Dara nor see the sign.


When she saw the exit, she took out her phone to send a message to Sanghyun but almost dropped it when Jiyong continued to speed up completely missing the exit. dropped as she turned her head to look at the exit they missed double checking if it really was the exit to Busan and hoping it wasn’t. Unfortunately for her, it is.


“JIYONG!” She screamed startling her boyfriend.


“You just drove past the freaking Busan exit!” She looked at his confused face incredulously.


“What?” He actually looked lost.


“You drove past the exit! How are we gonna go back there now?! You can’t exactly make a U-Turn on expressways!” Dara raised her voice as she glared at Jiyong who looks like he was finally understanding the situation they’re in.


She. Was. Pissed.


“Okay. Let’s just go to the nearest gas station and ask what we can do.” Jiyong said trying to control the situation.


“You better fix this Kwon Jiyong.” Dara said in a calm voice which usually means she’s extremely pissed and he’s in deep .


He gulped and nodded.


When they parked the car on the gas station, Dara immediately went out to cool herself down. She was really mad and she doesn’t want to be anywhere near Jiyong at the moment. She might actually bite his head off.


“Babe.” Jiyong called after her.


“Jiyong you know how much I’ve anticipated in watching that show! So you better get me there before Sanghyun performs or so help me god I am going to break up with you!” She hissed at him.


Well of course that’s bull.  She wouldn’t really break up with him but people say crazy when they’re mad.


But it seems Jiyong was really out of it that day that he actually believed her. In Dara’s shock, he suddenly got down on one knee infront of her and pulled out a ring from his pocket.


“You’re not going to break up with me ever because you are going to marry me.” He told her looking at her face in full determination.


She didn’t know what to do or feel. She was surprised, pissed, flattered, and happy. She didn’t know if she was going to cry or laugh or hug him and scream yes, that all of a sudden, a vision of her kids asking her how their dad proposed flashed into her mind and all she could see could tell them was that it was in a dirty gas station and their parents were in a big fight.




So when Jiyong stood up to take her hand, she kneed him in the nuts. HARD. Took the ring and went back to the car. Once she settled inside the car, she looked at the ring and wore it. Then a smile broke in her face.


Holy crap she was getting married!


When Jiyong got in the car, she bit her lip to keep herself from smiling. After all she was still pissed at him.


“Uhm…” Jiyong started looking warily at her.


“That’s a yes right?” He continued.


“You didn’t exactly ask me Jiyong. You told me to marry you.” Dara deadpanned but inside she really was rolling in giddiness.


“Well, what can I say? No one can say no to me.” Jiyong smirked.


“Oh really?” Dara raised a brow at him.


“Yep. I’m THE G-Dragon.” He said cockily and wiggled his eyebrows at her.


“Oh well THE G-Dragon will not get any until the honeymoon” Dara said nonchalantly.


“What?! But babe-”


“Shut up Jiyong. Go drive. We’re going to miss my brother’s concert.”


“Fine.” Jiyong sighed.


Dara giggled inwardly and then glanced at her boyfriend who started sulking. She smiled and leaned to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before whispering in his ear.


“ I love you.”


“OH MY GOD! Dad is the best!” Yeonji continued laughing hard that she’s almost tearing up.


“Well, it’s quite funny now but at that time it really wasn’t funny.” Dara pouted.


“Mom it’s very memorable though you know?” She said as she wiped the tears in her eyes.


“It’s not a good kind of memorable. Why don’t you change back to your clothes now honey? We still have to go to Bom’s house to talk about the flowers.” Dara said while looking at her phone.


“Oh right.” Yeonji said and stood up to go back to the fitting booth.


Dara’s phone beeped as she waited for her daughter.


From: Ji

Did you know Jinhwan proposed to our daughter in that fountain show that’s so popular nowadays? It’s so cheesy!


Dara snorted at the message and typed back.


To: Ji

Yes I do know. And the guy who proposed in a stinking gas station shouldn’t even have the right to say anything. >:(


Her phone beeped just a second later.


From: Ji

Shouldn’t have said anything… T^T I already told you I did prepare a romantic dinner after the concert but I freaked out and the next thing I know I already blurted it out. T^T


Dara giggled as she replied.


To: Ji

Wouldn’t want it any other way though. :* <3





Author's Note:


I don't know how the do you actually go to Busan and I don't know any other city in Korea besides Seoul, Busan and Pyongyang so excuse me if it was completely wrong that Jiyong and Dara just drove to Busan. LOL

On another note, I find Jinhwan so cute. KEHEHEHEHE


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trysusiet #1
Chapter 3: Hahahahah. Jiyong totally deserved that.
kapoyani #2
Chapter 5: i feel tabisan with daragon history too
Chapter 5: "Happily ever afters are stories that haven't ended yet."
Much deep I likey.
Congrats gf *^^*
Chapter 5: Love that last line...^^
lowhigh #5
Chapter 5: omg!!!!!!!! I love this story...:)
beautiful... thank you so much.
daljiyongs #6
Chapter 5: omg fighting to you and your man authornim!!!!!! <3
dorememe #7
Chapter 5: finally!!!! :)
thank you so much!!! hehehe...happy!!
Chapter 5: hello o-hana...its been a while >.<

I also want top and dara to get married,.. kekeke... aigooo but I also have a soft part in my heart for daragon,.. DAMN! I actually want all gorgeous men out there for dara...;lol
Chapter 3: When I read the beginning, in my head I was like "OMG ALREADY? BUT I ONLY READ LIKE TWO LINES!" XD
Poor jiyong...LOL
132901 #10
Chapter 3: love Dara! Thank you for sharing your story!