Found Her

Found Her

Youngbae sighed as he dragged himself into his apartment and locked the door behind him. It had been a long day of recording and dancing as well as a couple of radio appearances and he was definitely feeling the effects of it. All he really wanted was to have a nice hot bath and then cuddle in bed with his girlfriend – he was already smiling at the thought of it. He slowly walked through the hallway looking in each room but not finding her. He was starting to get worried but decided to check the bedroom before he came to any conclusions.

Although the room was empty his worry vanished immediately when he laid eyes upon the note that was resting on the bedside dresser. A small smile formed on his lips since he knew his girlfriend loved to plan little treasure hunts and he loved doing them since they were always fun. He completely forgot about his fatigue and rushed towards to the note, eager to start the nights’ games.

“Annyeong oppa! First of all I want to apologise for making you worried, I know you freaked out when no one was home. Now for the first part of tonight I want you to remember when we first became friends. You were the shyest man I’d ever met but I loved that about you. It took you ages to ask me out but it was really worth the wait! Our first date was one of the best days of my life so the first mission is to get the thing that until this day I still keep.

I’ll see you at the next stop!”

Youngbae laughed at the note, amazed at how well she knew him and his worrying mind. He thought back to their first date and how he had taken her on a late night picnic by the Han River away from the prying eyes of the public. They had had a fantastic time that night and sat chatting and laughing for hours. He thought long and hard before he remembered the picnic blanket he had brought that night. It had suddenly gotten a lot colder and she had used it as a shawl of sorts, wrapping it around her shoulders to ward off the cold. He had walked her home and let her keep it, loving how cute she looked all cuddled up in the black and white chequered blanket. He remembered that she still kept it in the cupboard in the hallway and that they still used it for picnics these days.

He quickly walked to the cupboard and found the folded up blanket sitting on a box in the middle of it with another note on top of it.

“That was a bit too easy, wasn’t it oppa? Well for the second mission I want you to find my most favourite things in this world – apart from you. They are soft and black, they go very well with the blanket and they are from a placed very far away.

Can you guess?”

Youngbae scratched his head, completely clueless as to what she meant but he was confident that if he thought hard enough he could figure it out. He knew his jagi. Most of her belongings were black since it was her favourite colour so he crossed out that part of the note as a possible clue. She had also said that the items were soft and from very far away. At first Youngbae thought that maybe they were some type of imported clothing but when he went into her wardrobe he found nothing from too far away he disregarded that clue too. She didn’t like to waste unnecessary amounts of money on clothes - something Youngbae often got reprimanded for by her. He decided the most telling clue would be the fact that they would go rather well with the blanket so he focused on that. Did she mean something else related to the picnic? He thought long and hard when he suddenly remembered her favourite pillows. A few months ago she had been seriously homesick so she had flown back to her home country and stayed there for a few weeks. Youngbae had missed her terribly but he understood her need to go back home. When she had come back she had with her about five or six black pillows that she had taken from her parent’s house, claiming that next time she was homesick she didn’t want to leave him for so long so instead she had brought a piece of home with her.

He went back into her wardrobe and found the pillows at the bottom, neatly stacked on top of each other. Just as he expected a folded up note was sitting atop them and with a smile Youngbae opened it.

“Now oppa, we’re already halfway through the missions! Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?

Anyway for the next mission I want you to find the thing that I love very much. I’ve only recently gotten them and they were given to me by people that I now consider my family – thanks to you. When you find these items I want you to lay them out in the living room the way we always do them.

Hurry –I can’t wait to see you soon!”

Youngbae immediately knew what she was referring to. s got along very well with his girlfriend and though she was a bit younger than them she loved to take care of them. For her birthday they had gotten her some very expensive scented candles since she said they helped her relax. He went to the bathroom cupboard and added them to the pile of items he had collected so far. When he saw all of them together he realised what she had planned – a movie night.

He moved the sofa out of the way, laid the blanket out on the floor, spread out the pillows and lighted the scented candles around the living room. When he was satisfied with his work he opened the note that he had found along with the candles.

“What’s a movie night without a movie? I want you to go to the movie rental place down the road and pick the right movie – you’ll know which one it is because I’ve already paid for it.

Hint: you’ve made me watch it too many times…”

Youngbae laughed somewhat embarrassedly, feeling bad for making her sit through his favourite action film only about a thousand times. He quickly ran down to the rental place and got the movie from the elderly clerk sitting at the cashier. The old man looked at him with a kind look and told him to hold onto his girlfriend since she seemed like a keeper. Youngbae couldn’t agree more. When he got back to their apartment he put the movie in the DVD player, ready for when they would officially start movie night. In the DVD case there was another folded up note.

"Now the last thing we need for a movie night are snacks! I’m sorry for making you run around like this but I know you had a long schedule today and I just wanted to make your day a bit more fun. You know exactly where I’ll be, don’t you?

I'll be waiting for you, my love."

Youngbae smiled in happiness, thankful that he had such a cute and thoughtful girlfriend. He grabbed his jacket and keys and quickly jumped in his car. He knew exactly where to go since they had done movie nights so many times. The drive in itself was quite short since the streets were relatively empty considering the fact that Seoul never really slept. After a few minutes he arrived at his local E Mart. He parked the car and got out, not worried about anyone seeing him. He confidently walked through the market and headed to one of the aisles at the furthest end of the food section.

He found her standing there, a basket by her feet that was filled to the brim with things like popcorn and candy. Currently, to his amusement, she was facing the dilemma she always seemed to face whenever they had a movie night. In her hands were two different jars of gherkins and she was having trouble picking between the two.

Her face was scrunched up and there was a little crease between her eyebrows as she intensely looked at one jar and then the other. At the beginning Youngbae found her habit of snacking on gherkins a tad bit weird but by now he was used to it - he even knew her favourite brand! He chuckled at her behaviour and grabbed a completely different jar of gherkins which he proceeded to put in the basket. He then took the two jars she was holding out of her hands and placed them back on the shelf.

He quickly leaned and kissed her lips but blushed immediately after which caused her to giggle. He grabbed the basket in on hand and wrapper his other around her waist. Together they went and paid for the snacks and drive back to spend the night in each other’s arms.


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Chapter 1: How could I have not read this when youngbae is my fav *~* you writing is SOOO good. From angst to fluff :3

I love it!!!! Too much cuteness for me XD
Chapter 1: Very cute one shot! I love how sweet Bae is here! ^^
GBaby06 #3
Chapter 1: Cute! I love your work!