The Best Friend Zone




“so find a partner and let’s divide the topics for this week’s reporting.” The teacher said


I felt someone poke my back and I turned to see a smiling Chen.


We were always partners whenever we have reports like these… it has been that way since---


“ Honeybee can you let me be Yura’s partner?? Pleaseeeeeee??” he silently begged with both his hands folded and in front of his face.


Do you guys hear that?? That is the sound of my heart crashing down once more.


Chen looked so determined and he was begging me to say yes.


Say no, Hani… say no… say that you’ve always been partners… why change now?? SAY NO MOON HANI.


“sure. Why not?” I smiled and I swear I could feel my conscience strangle me.


Pabo Moon Hani… you’re the biggest pabo on earth.


“who has no partner?” the teacher asked and I raised my hand.


“are you okay with doing the report on your own?” he asked


“she can partner with us!” Chen suddenly butted in and I smiled. How thoughtful of him.


“okay then. One group gets to have three members since the class list is uneven. I will give you your topics.” He said and started to give out some hand-outs.




“we can find this in the library right?” Chen asked and I nodded


We were given the topic of Seoul’s best tourist spots. There are a lot of books in the library for this.


“we can go there right now and check them out.” I said and he nodded.


“are you okay with that Yura-shii?” I asked and she gave a small nod.




“we can find them all in these five books.” I said and laid them down.


“ah, they’re too many.” Yura said


“well, if you must know, the more visuals and information you give, the higher points you get. That’s how that teacher grades the reports.” I said


“but these are too many. Can’t we just look in one book?” she asked again


Five books is not that many, besides, it only consists of at least 100-250 pages.


“you know she’s right. These are too many.” Chen said and I couldn’t help but frown at him.


He’s seriously taking her side. Heck he can read a comic book that has 300+ pages but he can’t read this??


Kim Jongdae I can’t believe you.


“see? He agrees too.” Yura said and I sighed.


“fine. You read this. I’ll read the rest.” I said, a hint of annoyance in my voice. Yura beamed but Chen kept quiet.




“we’re done.” Yura said and I gave a nod.


“you can photocopy those you found that can help on the report at the front desk then bring it back here.” I said


“okay. Jongdae-shii can you come with me?” she asked and I kept my eyes on the book even if I know Chen was looking at me.


“okay… sure.” Chen said and when I felt their presence was long gone, I let out an exasperated sigh before dropping my head on the book.


I should’ve just told the teacher I can do the report on my own. This is way too much torture.


I mean, before when Chen likes someone, he never really did made any moves on them… Yura is the first person he worked so fast on.


“ah damn it.“ I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see a short blonde boy. He seems to be reaching for the book up top. I couldn’t reach it either since I’m not taller than him.


He scratched his head and tried to step on the bookshelf to reach the book.


“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I said and he got startled so he fell backwards.




I stood up and held my hand for him to take, he was this cute, baby faced boy, kinda like Luhan but Luhan looked more of a girl.


“the bookshelves here aren’t that sturdy so it’ll fall if you try to do what you were about to do.” I said and he puffed his cheeks in annoyance.


HOW CUTE!!!!! He’s cuter than Luhan!!! No offense though Lulu, wherever you are.


“I hate being short!” he yelled and I covered his mouth


“shhh! Do you want the librarian to kick us out??” I asked and he shook his head before I released him.


“sorry. But how am I gonna get that book?” he asked and I sighed


“here.” I handed him my chair


“why didn’t I think of that before??” he asked all dumbfounded


“AHAHAHAHA!!” I laughed while covering my mouth. He looked embarrassed but he took the chair and stood on it before grabbing the book.


“Zoology? Let me guess. Teacher Minji?” I asked


“yeah. How did you know??” he asked


“because she made us draw animals too yesterday.” I said and shrugged my shoulders.


“I see, thanks for helping me. I’m Baekhyun by the way. Byun Baekhyun. You can call me Baek.” He smiled and extended his hand.


“I’m Moon Hani. You can call me Hani.” I smiled and shook his hand in exchange


“are you alone?” he asked


“uhm. Not really, I’m with someone but they left to get something.” I said


“oh. Then can I sit with you?” he asked and I gave a small nod.


“I’ll just tell my friend to meet me here.” He said before putting out his phone.




It’s been 10 minutes. How long does it have to take to photocopy a few pages of a book?


“you’re reading so many books. What’s it for?” Baek asked


“a report on the best tourist spots in Seoul.” I replied


“really? Are you making the report alone?” he asked and I shook my head.


“they went to get one book photocopied and it’s been 10 minutes.” I said and looked at my watch.


I found out Baekhyun belongs in section 3, I know Luhan and Sehun belong in section 3 but that’s the extent of my knowledge about that section.


Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out to see a message from Chen.


From: ChenChen

Hey Hani, sorry to leave you there but Yura wanted to eat lunch already. I’m sure you can photocopy the other books on your own. I’ll give you our copy later. Sorry again. You can come and eat here with us if you’re done ^^


The sadness turned to anger. How dare him!! He leaves me here just because his precious Yura said so!?! They’re not even…. UGH!!! FINE!!


“you okay Hani?” Baekhyun asked


I took a few seconds to compose myself before shutting my phone and tossing it back in my bag.


“yeah. They just ditched me to eat lunch.” I said and rolled my eyes.


“wow. Harsh.” He said


“tell me about it.” I replied


“wanna eat lunch with us instead?” he asked and I gave him a look


“us?” I asked


“yo. Sorry I took so long… Luhan and Sehun kept on looking for some…. Oh hello..” a tall guy walked and talked at the same time towards us, he had short black hair and really pointy ears.


“there you are Chanyeol.” Baek said


“sorry I took so long.” The tall guy named Chanyeol replied


“Chanyeol this is Hani. Hani this is Chanyeol… and yes his ears are that pointy.” Baek grinned and Chanyeol covered his ears.


“it’s okay I think it’s cute.” I smiled and Chanyeol turned pink before removing his hands on his ears.


“Luhan and Sehun said they’d meet us at the cafeteria, they’re flustered about something… or more like Luhan is…” he said and I arched an eyebrow


What could be Luhan’s problem?




“THERE YOU ARE HANI!!!” Luhan yelled as soon as he saw me


“YOU KNOW EACH OTHER!?!” ChanBaek yelled as I sat down.


“wait… you know each other too??” Luhan asked dumbfounded.


“we met at the library.” I replied


“why didn’t you tell us you knew HunHan?” Chanyeol asked and I laughed at the term… HunHan…. I never thought about that though I was able to think about ChanBaek.


“well you didn’t ask…” I deadpanned and Baek laughed


“touché” he said


“enough of the dilly dally, Hani are you okay????” Luhan suddenly asked making me confused as hell.


What does he mean??





wow!! i didn't think you guys would actually like this haha!! thank you for subscribing and leaving comments!! keep it coming :D

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Chapter 18: UGHH IM STARTING TO SHIP BAEKHYUN WITH HANI NOW T_T cant hani just end up with baekhyun instead ?? ;A;
Chapter 24: Seriously i` m hating chen( gotta watch the real one to get rid of this bitter feeling) cause of this fic and he is my bias in exo along with d.o -.- and hani is so annoying ,just move on and dont let him use you cause the most precious thing is no other than yourself \>o</
haniabdrashid #4
Chapter 1: OMG! the girl's name is Hani?
my name is Hani. wahahaha :P
YunKim #5
Chapter 17: I love this story but do u know who is that girl in the poster?
darkangel715 #6
Excited to read this... I think Chen Chen is really adorable and that there are not enough fanfics about thank you for writing one.
sukasuka #7
Chapter 28: Chen is really super stupid and mean. He knew how she felt yet he asked her to be by HIS side no matter what happens?! even after she said it's difficult he still insisted on PLEASE?! Damn you Chen damn you selfish brats
sukasuka #8
Chapter 24: *killing chen* seriously Chen started to get on my nerves
sukasuka #9
Chapter 22: can Chen please pretty please stop hugging Hani??!!!
sukasuka #10
Chapter 5: no Hani my heart is crushing together with you T________T