
The Best Friend Zone



Classes ended and as promised, Jinki will be picking me up from school today so we can go to the hospital.


“Honeybee…” I heard a call and I turned to see Chen.


“yo.” I smiled and waved but he just stayed like that.


“what’s up?” I asked when he wasn’t talking.


“are you hiding something from me Honeybee?” he suddenly asked.


O_____O What??? Why is he asking this all of a sudden??


Well, I have been hiding a lot of secrets from him and I am not planning on telling him anything even if it kills me.


“what’s this all of a sudden?” I asked and pretended to laugh but when he looked at me dead in the eyes I knew he wasn’t playing.


“are you hiding something from me Honeybee?? Is there something I should know??” he asked again


“I really don’t know what you mean Jongdae.” I said and shrugged, I was not gonna let him win this.


I am that stubborn.


“why are you asking me this?” I asked and he seemed alarmed, he started to fidget.


Okay… I know he’s hiding something when he’s like that.


“are you sure it’s not you who’s hiding something?” I asked and he looked at me.


“I-----” he stopped and sighed.


“during the trip..” he started again after much silence.


Oh I see… so he really does want to apologize. It’s okay… I have forgiven you. I could never stay mad at you.


“I kind of hear----” before he could finish my phone started ringing.


It was Jinki.


Oh damn.


“hello?” I answered


“I’m outside your school where are you??” he asked, I could tell he was annoyed but refused to raise his voice.


“I’m sorry. I’ll be down in a second.” I said and hung up. I looked at Chen who looked confused.


“I need to go. But if this is about you yelling at me at the school trip then don’t worry. I forgive you.” I said with a soft smile and headed down to Jinki.






“you can’t be serious…” Jinki said as soon as the doctor gave the results.


“we couldn’t be more sure about what’s happening to Ms. Moon as of the moment, based on her recent interview, she said she’s been having headaches, suffering from nausea once in a while, her vision becomes blurry and she gets really dizzy.” The doctor said and Jinki looked at me with sad eyes.


“eottokhe??” Jinki asked the doctor.


“I suggest an operation so it will be treated immediately.” The doctor said


“then let’s do it!!” Jinki yelled


“I’m sorry Mr. Lee but our hospital doesn’t have the necessary equipment for that type of operation. “ The doctor said and this is when Jinki burst into a rage.


”THEN WHY SUGGEST IT IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU FOOL!!!” Jinki yelled and I had to calm him down.


Being a very sweet person it was rare to see Jinki mad. It was scary.


“please calm down sir, we know a hospital overseas that can provide you with the basic needs of the operation.” The doctor said and Jinki was able to breathe.


But then it was my turn to panic… overseas!?!? That means I have to leave… but I don’t want to go…


“the hospital is in Japan. The Junpei Hospital.” The doctor said


Oh.. in Japan… it won’t be a problem then.


“give me the details immediately!!!” Jinki said and the doctor and him started to exchange details.


Now how do I tell this to the others??




“what’s going on?” Luhan asked when he sat down the cafeteria table.


It’s been two days since I found out about my condition, and also where I had to go to have it cured.


“I just… wanted to talk to you guys.” I said and in an instant they knew something was up.


“what is it Hani?? what happened?? Is everything alright?” Baekhyun asked and I smiled the best smile I could give.


“I’ll be leaving at the end of exams.” I went straight to the point and their eyes were like saucers


“WHAT!??! WHY!?!?!” they (except for Sehun although he looked surprised) shouted.


I sighed and started to tell them what I had found out from the doctor a few days ago.


“Pseudo what?” Chanyeol asked again.


“Pseudotumor cerebri” I replied


“are they sure??” Luhan asked


“yeah, they said an operation can fix it.” I answered


“but do you have to leave!?!? Don’t they have it here??” Baekhyun asked a little too loudly.


“no. I understand though, Japan’s tech is something else.” I said


“but will you come back??” Chanyeol asked and that’s when I became quiet.


The truth is… I don’t know.


Jinki is graduating soon, and if he finishes he’ll transfer to Japan, I can continue studying there if I don’t want to go back according to my dad.


I don’t know.







Three days passed and Jinki and I were now packing for Japan, we leave tomorrow.


I already got my letter approved by the school, everything is settled. Luhan and the others were also okay on my departure as long as I come back.


But then again, I’m not sure if I will go back.


“Hani…” Jinki knocked on my door.




“Chen is outside.” He suddenly said which made my heart stop.


He doesn’t know about my condition, he doesn’t know about anything to be very honest and I don’t want him to know, he’ll just worry.


If I leave I won’t see him anymore, I’m sure he won’t mind. He has Yura anyway. I am not speaking out of a bitter heart. Okay maybe… but still… I’m sure he’ll be too busy with Yura and not think too much on me.


I think that’d be better, if he thinks and focuses on Yura more he’ll be happier. Than with me who has serious weird conditions.


“I’m coming.” I said and grabbed my jacket before walking out my room.


I got out of the house to see Chen leaning by his car. He looked really troubled and stressed.


“yo. What’s up?” I smiled and half waved.


“I really need to talk to you.” He said and that’s when I remembered…


These past days, he was trying to talk to me about something but we kept on getting interrupted.


“oh. Right. Well.. okay…” I said and walked over to him.






“so what do you want to talk about?” I asked calmly though I feel very nervous on the inside.


“about what I heard a few days ago.” He looked at me dead in the eye and I froze..


What he heard??? What is it?? my condition?? My leave?? Which one??


He took a deep breath before continuing…


“why didn’t you tell me about what you feel about me?”






HAZZAH!!!! THE BIG REVELATION!!! muahahahahaha!!! anyway you guys.. I will really be disappointing a lot of you.. I'm saying this now. FORGIVE ME BUT I ALREADY HAVE A PLOT IN MIND AND NO MORE CHANGES. anyway, please do enjoy this while it lasts LOL

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Chapter 18: UGHH IM STARTING TO SHIP BAEKHYUN WITH HANI NOW T_T cant hani just end up with baekhyun instead ?? ;A;
Chapter 24: Seriously i` m hating chen( gotta watch the real one to get rid of this bitter feeling) cause of this fic and he is my bias in exo along with d.o -.- and hani is so annoying ,just move on and dont let him use you cause the most precious thing is no other than yourself \>o</
haniabdrashid #4
Chapter 1: OMG! the girl's name is Hani?
my name is Hani. wahahaha :P
YunKim #5
Chapter 17: I love this story but do u know who is that girl in the poster?
darkangel715 #6
Excited to read this... I think Chen Chen is really adorable and that there are not enough fanfics about thank you for writing one.
sukasuka #7
Chapter 28: Chen is really super stupid and mean. He knew how she felt yet he asked her to be by HIS side no matter what happens?! even after she said it's difficult he still insisted on PLEASE?! Damn you Chen damn you selfish brats
sukasuka #8
Chapter 24: *killing chen* seriously Chen started to get on my nerves
sukasuka #9
Chapter 22: can Chen please pretty please stop hugging Hani??!!!
sukasuka #10
Chapter 5: no Hani my heart is crushing together with you T________T