"Too young to even order a soda from the bar."

Angel named Sky Blue

A highlighter pink jacket was what stood out the most in the sea of black. The rest of them seemed to pop out from the crowd, since they were the only really really good looking guys in the whole club. Even from this distance, without binoculars, I could tell who they were. They were the famous SHINee. The always cheerful leader Onew was sipping at his cup of dark liquid as he smiled and laughed at something Bling Bling Jonghyun said. Jonghyun himself looked like a disco ball considering the lights flashing off his layers of jewelry. The Flaming Charisma Minho was there, silently following the conversation, smiling and laughing into his hand whenever a joke was told and the others burst into hysterical laughter. The Almighty Key, wearer of the highlighter pink jacket, was chatting up Taemin and a bunch of more familiar faces, that I would never admit to out loud, I recognized from my rather small kpop CD collection at home. They were members of Exo.
Key was talking animatedly, waving his hands and even his arms about in a dramatic manner that only left you questioning what in the world they were talking about. 
Before my eyes could drift to the other residents hosted at that table, my attention was taken by the pull of my shirt as I turned to look down. The one and only doey big brown eyes looked up at me. "What, Jay?" I questioned, rather too harshly, at the only underaged performer around Hell's Gate. The mixed cultural Asian little boy looked at me with what I assumed was his best "cute little boy" face. Oh no, he needed a favor, and from the way his legs are fidgeting, I'm guessing it's a rather BIG favor. I took a breath and looked back at the little boy. His raven hair was styled like it always was, his Asian features that used to hold that boy glee and happiness was now replaced with great worry. My eyes scanned over his rather unnaturally tanned-looking skin. I couldn't help but wonder, like I always did when I looked at this boy who was only half my size and still too young to even order a soda from the bar, what other race was mixed to create him. What you would first assume to be a bad mix, dark tanned skin featuring Asian features, only a madman could create, it actually suited little Jay well. He wasn't too dark, or too tanned, only what I could describe as a gold tone to his skin. Not yellow, but gold. He really was going to turn into a real hottie when he grows up. Don't think of me as a pedo now, people, I'm only stating my observations and my options, after that it isn't my fault.
"Mind doing me a favor?" he questioned in his little boy voice.
I looked away, "I don't do favors..." before I could finish, he grabbed my arm. "Please! My DJ guy ditched out on me at the very last second! I have no one! Please?! I heard you are an amazing DJ! Please?! I'll dance, I'll help you rap, I'll even sing if you want! I'll love you for the rest if my life...I'll be your slave! I just need a DJ!" 
I pulled my arm from his tiny grip.
"Please! They'll destroy me out there without my jams! Please?!" He looked like he was on the verge of tears.
"Just because I can stand you..." I mumbled before saying louder, "Stop begging, I'll help!"
His face quickly broke into a bright grin that covered almost half his face.
"Thank you! Thank you!" he repeated over and over before latching onto my torso to give me a tight hug.
As I rapped my arms around him, I noticed how he was trembling. He really was scared to death. It reminded me that he was just a little kid who couldn't even order soda at the bar. He had no where to go, no one to turn to, and I was his last hope. He was just like me.
It made me smile as I nuzzled his hair, smelling sweet strawberries and the foul smell of cigarettes. That smell brought back many memories, and I finally understood what this little boy was going through.

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I like your story! - Yuki
Chapter 2: Very great Ch lol key in the high lighter jacket. ^.^
Chapter 1: lol fart in an elevator priceless. its funny me and my sister were talking about farts not to long ago like 15 min ago and exo's reactions to them other than all the junk i just said this is a great story so far ^^ keep it up ^^